Millennium director

Chapter 424 The much-anticipated release!

Did you hear that?


Daniel Wu's new movie has been produced!

A buddy of mine is a staff member of Universal Pictures. I heard from him that Universal organized a large-scale internal movie viewing party a few days ago to watch Daniel Wu's new movie!

According to him, Universal's executives were very impressed after watching the movie and said it was a movie that was not inferior to Avatar!

Everyone is yelling that they have never seen such a cool science fiction movie!


James was a little unconvinced and replied to his friends on social software: Daniel is indeed good at making movies, but what he is good at is not science fiction movies, right?

Can he make a good science fiction film?

Hey, buddy, you're behind the times. His online friend replied sternly: Don't you know, Daniel made a science fiction film in China, and it was also released in North America, called Gravity , a cool movie!”

“It was also nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film!”

James frowned. He seemed to have some impression. When the Oscars announced the shortlist a few days ago, he did see a movie called Gravity nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film Award.

However, as an American, he has never paid much attention to the Best Foreign Language Film Award.

Are you kidding me?

Most Americans never care about things outside the United States, and they don’t even know how many countries there are in the world!

So he didn't notice that the director's name of this movie was Daniel Wu.

As for the release of Gravity in North America?

Although Wu Yuan's cooperation with the Big Six of Hollywood is very good, it does not mean that his Chinese-language films will be treated favorably in North America.

Although it is not as miserable as The Wandering Earth and was only symbolically released in thirty or forty theaters, Gravity was released in less than 800 theaters in North America at its highest, and at the beginning it was only Two to three hundred families.

At this scale, compared with North American blockbusters that are released simultaneously in at least 2,000 theaters, and even more in 3,000 or 4,000 theaters, the influence and exposure are much lower.

In addition, Hollywood deliberately did not promote this movie very much.

So much so that although Gravity made more than 50 million US dollars at the box office in North America, its popularity is really average.

Just like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Heroes, not many North Americans have actually watched these two movies.

That is to say, after it was released, North America no longer cared about this movie, and the Oscars also gave it a nomination for the Best Foreign Language Film Award.

To be honest, I'm already looking forward to Daniel Wu's new movie. James' online friends were still chatting on social software.

You know, I like science fiction movies very much. I also watched Daniel Wu's Gravity. It was great. It is a real hard science fiction movie!

This time his new movie Interstellar is not only a hard science fiction movie, but also an IMAX 3D version, just like Avatar!

Even if Daniel Wu is not as good as Cameron, he will not be much worse. They are both directors in the billion-dollar box office club!

Oh, by the way, there's also Nolan. His new movie will be released soon. It's also a science fiction movie, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

Oh my gosh, this is a great year for science fiction movies!

Having no time to pay attention to his friends' chattering, James skillfully opened Google search and curiously searched for news about Wu Yuan's new movie.

After searching, he discovered that the North American Internet was already full of reports about Interstellar.

From the earliest launch conference, to the Reuters photos taken later, the follow-up reports of the finalization, and the latest news that post-production has been completed, and internal viewing parties were held, are widely spread on the Internet.

Various insiders claiming to be from Paramount or Universal are breaking news about the movie.

It is said that Anne Hathaway contributed a very wonderful performance in the movie.

It is also said that although the leading actor is unknown, his acting skills are really good and he is the next Depp.

What's more, it was even reported that this movie predicts the true appearance of black holes and will reveal to the audience what the famous black hole horizon looks like!

It's clear that Universal and Paramount's publicity departments are already working hard.

It is February 16, 2010, North American time. According to Universal's plan, Interstellar should be scheduled for August.

As a Hollywood blockbuster, it is normal to start pre-promotion half a year in advance.

It's just right to do some publicity first by using so-called insiders to break the news.

Of course James wouldn't think so much. After reading all the relevant reports about Interstellar in detail, he couldn't help but look forward to the movie.

Wu Yuan's reputation in Hollywood is still very good.

Although his reputation is not as high as Cameron's, he has never made a bad movie in Hollywood so far. The public has a very good impression of him and basically looks forward to his new movies.

The reputation accumulated in the past few years has allowed many movie fans to blindly trust him and not worry that he will bring a super bad movie.

So does James.

Although he is curious about Wu Yuan making science fiction films, he doesn't think he will make bad films.

Especially after he found the online resources for Gravity and watched it, he believed that Wu Yuan would definitely make a good movie.

“Oh my God, I just went to see Gravity and it was such a cool movie!”

James excitedly shared with his friends: I never knew Daniel Wu was so good at making science fiction films!

I almost missed such a great movie!

This movie should win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film!

His friend Dills, who is also a fan of science fiction movies, immediately replied: Yeah, I think so too!

It's not just them.

As the news related to Interstellar spread in North America, many movie fans and netizens were paying attention to the news about this movie, and then followed the Internet and dug up Wu Yuan's Chinese science fiction film Gravity.

Facts have proved that this movie, as a science fiction film that can conquer the Oscars and win the Oscar for Best Picture, is indeed very valuable.

After watching it, eight of ten North American netizens praised the film, which even raised their expectations for Interstellar!

Wu Yuan was able to make such a good-looking science fiction film in China, a place that requires technology but no technology, and no market, so how good will the science fiction film he made in Hollywood be?

I don’t even dare to think about it!

Universal is really good at publicity. Wu Yuan said with a smile after seeing these comments on the Internet.

Brother, many people on the Internet are now saying that this Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film must be yours. Beside him, Liu Yifei, who came to the United States from China to spend the Spring Festival with him, said with a smile.

In half a month, this year's Academy Awards will be held.

Originally, Wu Yuan did not receive much attention at this Academy Awards. After all, he was not shortlisted for any major awards.

But the hype from Universal and Paramount not only made Interstellar popular, but also made Gravity popular again in North America.

Suddenly, this Oscar-nominated film attracted much attention.

Best Foreign Language Film Award? Wu Yuan shook his head and said calmly: I have already won this award. It just depends on whether I win it this time. (End of Chapter)

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