Millennium director

Chapter 433 The soft golden chicken

Thank you, thank you to the academy, thank you to the Light Era.

Pepper Gwyneth Paltrow was holding the trophy in her hands, with tears in her eyes, and she was extremely emotional.

This is not the first time she has won the Academy Award for Best Actress.

In 1998, she won the Golden Globe Award and the Academy Award for Best Actress at the same time for Shawwain.

But that was ten years ago.

After 12 years, Gwyneth Paltrow once again stood on the Oscars podium, feeling a long-lost emotion.

From Fake Marriage to Weakness, I am very grateful to Light Times for inviting me, a postpartum woman, to continue to be the heroine.

As you know, in Hollywood, the situation of actors who have given birth to children is completely different from those of actors who have not given birth to children.

I was completely mentally prepared to take a few years off and return to my family, but I didn't expect that just after I gave birth to my child, John, the producer of Light Times, approached me and invited me to join his team.

I'm really grateful that he gave me this opportunity. Without him, I wouldn't be standing here right now.

Half of this Best Actress trophy belongs to John.

Gwyneth Paltrow gave an emotional acceptance speech on stage.

Wu Yuan smiled and applauded, but she had some doubts in her heart. Her speech could not have been ordered by John in advance. Most of her remarks were actually thanking John and thanking the light era.

But if you think about it carefully, John is not the person to do such a thing. It is estimated that this is indeed the sincerity of Gwyneth Paltrow.

Despite the fact that North American celebrities seem to be relatively indifferent to their private lives, audiences and movie fans don't pay much attention to the private lives of celebrities either.

Cheating, cheating, constant love affairs, and changing women/boyfriends is like changing clothes. These moral red lines that are like poisonous scorpions in the Asian entertainment industry and are not dare to be touched are not a problem at all in North America.

Even now, when conservatives are in power, North American movie fans are very tolerant of celebrities.

However, there is one thing that both East and West have in common.

That is, whether you fall in love or get married, it doesn't matter, but once you give birth to a child, the golden period of an actress is over.

How an actress can make a successful comeback after giving birth is a question that troubles all actresses, whether in the East or the West.

Many top actresses disappear quickly after becoming pregnant. It's not that their acting skills are no longer good, but that with the speed of replacement of North American stars, once you disappear from the public for a year and a half, what will happen again? It’s not that easy to get back to this peak.

Before Gwyneth Paltrow gave birth to her children, she was constantly filming, but once she announced her pregnancy and had two babies in three years, her acting career quickly regressed.

According to the original situation, after giving birth to her child, she stopped taking any more roles due to postpartum depression. She was idle for three years. By the time she came back, she could no longer take any roles and could only go to the crew of Iron Man Played as Little Pepper.

From the perspective of later generations, the role of Pepper is indeed good.

But at this point in 2008, Marvel was a little broken ship that was about to go bankrupt, and no one really wanted to board it.

It's even crazier that Robert Downey Jr., the leading actor in Iron Man, is a drug addict.

For an Oscar-winning actress like Gwyneth Paltrow to be reduced to this kind of role, it shows how seriously her resources have been degraded after giving birth.

That is to say, in this life, Youguang Era extended a helping hand. Not only did they invite her to star in Fake Marriage when she gave birth to her first child, but after she finished playing Iron Man, they immediately approached her to star in Weakness. 》.

Now, Weakness has also won the Oscar for Best Actress. This is definitely a perfect comeback for Gwyneth Paltrow, and it even started the second spring of her career!

It’s only natural for Gwyneth Paltrow to be grateful.

However, Wu Yuan glanced at the crew of The Weakness and saw that John was secretly wiping tears while listening to Gwyneth Paltrow's acceptance speech.

OMG! After working with John for so many years, Wu Yuan didn't realize that he was such a sentimental person? !

[The Hurt Locker is the biggest winner at this year's Oscars, winning 6 out of 9 nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director! 】

[Kathryn Bigelow becomes the first female Best Director in Oscar history! 】

[Avatar's box office record failed to impress the Academy, and it only won a few technical awards. 】

[The first female Best Director in Oscar history is announced, and female power is rising in Hollywood! 】

[The movie Gravity from China won the Best Foreign Language Film Award this year. Daniel Wu truly deserves it! 】

[Jeff Bridges and Gwyneth Paltrow were crowned Best Actor and Best Actress at this year’s Academy Awards! 】

The annual Oscar awards season is a grand event for North American entertainment media.

Reporting is almost real-time. Whenever an award is awarded at the award ceremony, the award-winning photos and news will quickly spread on the Internet in less than two minutes.

The 82nd Academy Awards is undoubtedly dominated by The Hurt Locker.

Even Avatar, which took the world by storm, couldn't make the old white men in the academy look at it differently. Almost all the awards were won by The Hurt Locker.

All over North America, people are cheering and discussing the movie.

Awards ceremonies are bound to fail to satisfy everyone.

No matter who the award is given to, there will always be people who feel they are unworthy and have better choices.

North American netizens have long been watching the live TV broadcast and arguing intensively online, cheering for their favorite movies.

In contrast, fans in Asia who pay attention to the Academy Awards have a more unified mood.

Regardless of whether it is South Korea, Japan, or a small country in Southeast Asia, anyone who pays attention to the Oscars, after seeing Wu Yuan win the Oscar for Foreign Language Film, was very excited and congratulated him on the Internet in various countries.

Without him, on the Oscar stage, which is full of white faces, having a crew from Asia step on the stage to accept the award is enough to cheer the countries in East Asia.

As long as internal competition is not involved, the people of East Asia are quite united.

Wu Yuan is probably the most powerful director in Asia.

Wu Yuan has won awards constantly from Europe to North America. Even Kitano Takeshi is not as good as him.

Not only does he win awards, his movies are also very successful at the international box office. Takeshi Kitano's movies are not successful at the box office abroad.

It would be great if Kurosawa was still here. Kurosawa is the representative of our Asian cinema.

Tch, I still prefer Wu Yuan to Kurosawa. He doesn't win as many awards as Kurosawa, but his movie box office is much higher than Kurosawa's!

Very good, I take back what I just said.

On Twitter, fans in Japan and South Korea who were following this year's Oscars got into a fight again within five minutes of uniting.

When it comes to looking down on each other, Japanese and Korean netizens are definitely the most combative.

They would rather praise Wu Yuan, a Chinese director, than praise each other's well-known director.

China domestically.


Golden Rooster Award Organizing Committee Office.

A group of old men with white hair or a large bald patch gathered together.

After staring at each other in silence for a long time, an old man in the middle coughed dryly.

It's not the same thing if we continue to be frozen like this.

We can't suppress him anymore. If we continue to be stubborn, we will only be embarrassed.

It's better to submit! (End of chapter)

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