Wu Yuan's meeting back home lasted for a long time, lasting for an entire afternoon.

It wasn't until after five o'clock in the afternoon that the meeting finally ended.

He talked a lot with company executives during this meeting.

Mostly he was talking and the executives were taking notes.

It is related to the company's corporate strategy for the next five or ten years, and it is inevitable that everyone should not pay attention to it.

Fortunately, the only thing Wu Yuan is happy about is that this is just the company's strategy, not his personal future plan.

Yes, the layout of the film universe in the era of light and shadow has nothing to do with him.

He has no interest in spending the next five or ten years on this commercial movie universe project.

The company's strategy has nothing to do with his personal career plan.

Maybe he will use his fame to carry the banner and make a film when this commercial film universe is just starting out, but at most he will help make one film at the beginning.

His main focus is still on Hollywood, the European and American markets, maintaining his international influence, and grabbing both awards and box office.

To put it bluntly, the domestic market really cannot accommodate the giant dragon Wu Yuan.

At least in the next five years, it is still impossible to achieve a box office of 3 billion or 4 billion for a single film.

If Wu Yuan wants to maximize his profits, he still has to maintain the rhythm of one Chinese-language commercial film every two years.

Moreover, this kind of movie universe cannot be created by just one director. It requires multiple directors to work together.

Fortunately, the Light and Shadow Era has developed over the past few years, and the number of directors under its umbrella has also increased.

At the end of the meeting, Wu Yuan also mentioned that the company should continue to hold a second phase of support for new directors and support a group of new directors.

Among the first batch of new directors supported by the company, there are three good prospects, and we must continue to vigorously explore them.

Of course, the company's shooting plan for this year was also decided during the meeting.

Zhang Guorong will be transferred to the company's film universe plan and serve as the director of the first film Shu Mountain in the first phase.

Shushan is an IP that people in Hong Kong are most familiar with. After all, Hong Kong is the first place to play this IP. Xu Ke's Shushan is also considered a classic in the hearts of a generation.

At the same time, Liu Meichuan, who is responsible for the filming of the Soul Ferry series of TV series, will also be brought up to prepare the Soul Ferry movie.

This movie can also be regarded as a derivative part of the film universe of the Age of Light and Shadow, and will tell the story of the underworld during the Tang Dynasty.

Zhao Li's previous life was an eminent monk named Wuming from the Tang Dynasty. He saved many ghosts in troubled times.

However, he has a special female ghost that he cannot escape no matter what.

In desperation, he temporarily stored her in the guqin he carried with him.

With the passage of time, Guqin gradually became spiritual and integrated with the female ghost due to the influence of Buddhist scriptures.

In order to recover his Aegean, Wuming cultivated to the state of becoming a god, and confronted Pluto in the underworld.

In the end, at the cost of being split in two, his body became a Zhao official, and his soul became White Peony, continuing his journey of reincarnation.

And Wuming's identity in his previous life, that is, Zhao Li's previous life, was Wuming.

This big movie can be regarded as explaining Zhao Li's past, and by the way, it raises the upper limit of the background of Soul Ferry.

Originally, this TV series could only be regarded as a daily urban drama. Although there were ghosts, monsters and the like, the fighting power was not strong. Rather than fighting, it was more about social issues and human nature.

But through this movie, Soul Ferry has been introduced into a larger world view, and it is no longer just a side story about how grand the human world was in the past.

Zhao Li's previous life was unknown. Not only was he a monk with profound Buddhist teachings, but he was also good friends with a certain swordsman in Shu Mountain. He had also visited Mingchuan Mountain and even met a real immortal.

It was also under the guidance of the immortal that he learned about the underworld and came to meet Pluto.

Similarly, in the movie script, Pluto Chacha also involves the struggle between the ancient human race and the fairy race, and pulls out Kunlun, the birthplace of the fairy race.

As a first-stage movie, it is undoubtedly appropriate to start with the movie Soul Ferry to delve into the background.

It just so happens that in the setting of the screenwriting department of the Light and Shadow Era, the Tang Dynasty in the movie universe is considered to be the end of the mythical age. After the Tang Dynasty, immortals, gods, demons, demons, and monsters gradually stopped appearing in front of people.

This involves another major event that will be filmed later, the story about the division of heaven and earth in the last years of the Tang Dynasty.

It was only after this major event that the earth became the earth that is now cut off from miracles. It was not until modern society that the demon world was broken and immortals and gods were born again.

The big movie Soul Ferry tells the story of the Tang Dynasty, an era when immortals were not yet extinct.

Coupled with the movie Shu Mountain and the 2-3 movies that will follow, the extraordinary world from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty will be constructed.

In the end, the people who appeared in these movies gathered in modern times and started the first major event-The Breaking of the Modern Demonic World.

Then movies 6-10 continue to tell the history of the past, leading to the second major event-The Division of Heaven and Earth at the End of the Tang Dynasty.

At least for the next ten years, the Light and Shadow Era will be busy trying to tell the story of this movie universe.

Among them, it is estimated that only the first major movie in the movie universe, which tells the story of the modern era, the sealed demon world is broken, the gods and the hidden immortal cultivating organizations and sects return to the world and fight against the demons, may make Wu Yuan Take the photo in person.

After all, this kind of big event, similar to Avengers 1, is still very important. Only by having Wu Yuanlai direct it himself can we ensure that it attracts enough audiences to watch it in the cinema and lay the foundation for the film universe in the era of light and shadow.

For other branch films, just let the company's directors make them.

If all goes well, it will probably be around 2014 before Wu Yuan can film this movie, so there's no rush.

In the evening, at 6:30 pm, Wu Yuan, who was holding on to his energy, finally returned home.

Why did the meeting take so long? Liu Yifei, who had arrived home early and had some sleep, said with some distress.

She quickly took off Wu Yuan's suit jacket, pulled him towards the bedroom, and said, I didn't get a good rest on the plane. Now let's take a shower and get some sleep first.

There shouldn't be anything to do next, right?

Isn't Interstellar scheduled to be released in August? There are still four or five months left. You should be able to rest during these four or five months.

Over the past year or so, Wu Yuandu has been busy working on Interstellar and has lost ten pounds.

Although she never said it, Liu Yifei still felt sorry for her boyfriend.

This kind of IMAX 3D movie, which has never been made before, is not easy to make. Although Wu Yuan has experience and will not be able to make it for ten years like Cameron, this time making Interstellar can be regarded as his hardest time. The movie was directed.

It should be okay. Wu Yuan lowered his head and put his head on Liu Yifei's shoulder, and said in a coquettish tone that he had never thought of: I will accompany you well from now on~ (End of Chapter)

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