Millennium director

Chapter 442 The era of light and shadow where great things are to be done

As soon as the plan for the four films was announced, it immediately aroused the eager eyes of all the artists of the Light and Shadow Era present.

Don’t think that four movies is a small number.

Although the mainland film industry is now on the rise and can produce hundreds of films a year, a single film company does not have many shooting plans for a year.

This is not an era where a few Internet companies later monopolized the industry.

There are at least over 100 film production companies in China, of which 20 or 30 are well-capitalized.

Even so, film companies such as Huayi, Chengtian, Bona, and Enlight only control and shoot about four or five films a year. Including those who participate in investments, the maximum number is no more than eight.

Among them, those that can be considered blockbusters usually only have one or two.

Like the Light and Shadow Era, there are very few mainland film companies that can produce two blockbusters, Along with the Gods and Painted Skin 2 in one year.

And now, Li Xiaoping has announced that the company will develop four blockbusters!

What is a blockbuster?

Only when the investment is at least 100 million, and generally between 150 million and 200 million, can it be called a blockbuster!

The mainland only makes about ten movies of this kind a year!

If you want to star in such a blockbuster movie, you will have to compete with more than a dozen actors of the same level for each role, and even with actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

At least few of the actors under the Light and Shadow Era banner who are sitting here will actually have the opportunity to star in blockbusters.

Many times, even if it is a blockbuster produced by one's own company, the leading role has to be played by outsiders, such as Chen Kun and Zhou Xun of Painted Skin, and Huang Bo and Yan Yikuan of Along with the Gods.

This time, the company notified its artists of the news in advance, which means that these four blockbusters are a good deal for its own artists in the light and shadow era!

Compared with competing with actors in the entire industry, competing within a company is much less difficult.

I know, you definitely want to know the details. Li Xiaoping greeted everyone to sit down and said with a smile: Then I won't talk nonsense.

The four blockbusters approved this time are the first phase of the company's film universe plan.

The first of them is the big movie Soul Ferry, but because the story it tells is what the male protagonist Zhao Li experienced a thousand years ago, there are no starring roles in other TV series except Yu Yi.

As soon as Li Xiaoping said this, Yu Yi, Liu Zhiyang, Jiang Suming and others sitting in the corner of the conference room had complicated expressions.

Yu Yi looked excited, as if a pie from the sky had fallen on him.

In comparison, Liu Zhiyang and Jiang Shuying looked disappointed and uncomfortable. It was obvious that Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya would not have existed a thousand years ago, and they had no chance of participating in this blockbuster.

This movie needs two heroines. One is older, preferably around 30 years old, with a sexy image.

Li Xiaoping didn't have time to pay attention to the disappointed Liu Zhiyang and Jiang Shuying, and continued to introduce: The other heroine should be younger, about 18-25 years old, no more than 25 years old.

The two heroines play a role in the story as a mother and daughter.

In addition, there is also an important male lead. We need a young, soft-looking actor with a bookish and boyish look.

Yes, the movie Li Xiaoping is talking about is Soul Ferry: Huangquan.

However, unlike the original version of Soul Ferry: Huangquan, at Wu Yuan's request, the company's screenwriting department broadened the background of this film.

Originally, the story of this movie was limited to Po Meng's Huangquan Inn. Considering that this is just a big online movie, the layout is enough.

But as a theatrical blockbuster, the format is definitely not enough, and it cannot meet the requirements of broadening the film universe in the era of light and shadow.

Therefore, under the pen of the company's screenwriting department, the story has been broadened. The sect behind the male protagonist Changsheng and his master are no longer a background board.

Changsheng's master is a sword-wielding elder from Shushan in the human world. Because he was about to expire and was unwilling to return to heaven and earth, Changsheng ordered Changsheng to come to Meng Po's Huangquan Inn, intending to steal the Book of Life and Death in an attempt to cross out life and death. Write your name on the book, hoping for eternal life.

Moreover, he was also the former lover of the previous generation Meng Po Meng Qi, and the father of the heroine Sanqi.

In the light and shadow era version of the script Soul Ferry: Huangquan, the story will be narrated in two lines: Huangquan and Shushan in the human world.

The line of underworld begins with Wuming stepping into the underworld alone as a living person with a personal Aegean snatched away by Hades and arriving at the underworld inn.

As an accomplished monk, he did not choose to use force to force Po Meng how to find Hades. Instead, he tried to reason with him, but Po Meng did not give him any directions.

While he was pestering the mother and daughter Meng Po Sanqi, Changsheng came to Huangquan Inn and began his mission of stealing the book of life and death.

The core of the story mainly revolves around stealing the Book of Life and Death, or the story of Changsheng and Sanqi, a pair of ill-fated boys and girls who cannot love each other.

It just introduced a larger world view and added a few huge fight scenes.

The climax of the movie ends with the battle between Meng Po leading the underworld ghost army and the Shushan sword cultivator led by Master Changsheng in the sea of ​​sand in the underworld.

The ending is different from the original version. Meng Qi still died, but by the sword of his former lover.

Sanqi's lover Changsheng finally gave up stealing the book of life and death for the master, but lived for love, and was willingly swallowed by Sanqi, making Sanqi's soul perfect and becoming the new Po Meng.

The Shushan sword-holding elder also failed to achieve his goal. It turned out that Meng Qi was no longer Po Meng. From the time she gave birth to San Qi, the real Po Meng was already San Qi.

After seeing his mother die in front of him, and his lover turning into a soul and merging into his body, these two heartbreaking things happened, Sanqi, who had completely perfected his soul, launched his ultimate move.

After knowing what love is and experiencing the seven emotions and six desires, Sanqi Yiban, who returned to the position of Meng Po, killed the sword cultivators from Shushan who invaded the underworld, and personally killed his nominal father to avenge his mother. .

At the end of the story, because Wuming sided with Po Meng in this chaos and helped Sanqi, after everything was over, Sanqi told Wuming how to go to Hades to see Hades, but advised him not to do so.

Wuming just smiled, did not listen to the advice, and walked firmly to the depths of the other shore.

A few years later, when he returned to Huangquan Inn, he had lost all his memories and had the same character as Zhao Li in the TV series Soul Ferry.

This can be regarded as leaving a suspense, and we can continue to make Soul Ferry Movie 2 in the future, telling the story of Wuming entering the depths of the underworld after leaving the Huangquan Inn, and how he finally became like this.

In this Soul Ferry: Huangquan, it can be said that there are no winners in the whole story, only losers.

Meng Qi and the sword-holding elder from Shushan both died, as did the immortal who gave up his soul to fulfill Sanqi.

Wuming also paid the price of losing all his cultivation and forgetting his self. His soul and body were separated, his soul entered reincarnation, and his body transformed into an underworld official.

Knowing how the last seasoning of Meng Po Soup Meng Po Tears was born, the new Meng Po Sanqi, although she lived to the end, became Meng Po.

But the price she paid was the loss of her relatives and lover, and she was left alone for eight hundred miles in hell.

The first half of the whole story is so warm and sweet, but the second half is so tragic.

But this is precisely one of the best tricks in commercial movies, which can play with the audience's emotions in applause.

In this movie, Meng Qi, Sanqi, Changsheng, as well as Princess Sun, who is responsible for the comedy, and the behind-the-scenes boss Shushan Sword-bearing Elder, all of these characters are full of character charm. As long as they are played well, they will be very brilliant!

In addition to the fact that The Sword Holder requires a middle-aged and elderly actor, the contracted artists of the Light and Shadow Era cannot compete.

Every one of the remaining characters is delicious!

After listening to the general plot of the story told by the company's screenwriting department and reading the biographies of the characters distributed, all the actors in the conference room looked eagerly at the colleagues beside them.

From now on, they are competitors! (End of chapter)

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