Millennium director

Chapter 447 The holiday is over and the pre-heating of Interstellar begins

Hey, Leslie's casting is really interesting.

I didn't expect that he would actually fall in love with Wang Likun.

Looking at the casting list in his hand, Wu Yuan chatted with Liu Yifei with great interest.

Although he originally asked the company to sign Wang Likun, Jiang Xin and others, he really thought that they were potential talents among post-80s actresses who could be cultivated and cultivated, and they might be able to be cultivated into the company's own 85-year-old actresses.

However, without any hint from him, Zhang Guorong chose Wang Likun instead of Yang Mi, which still surprised him.

Wang Likun really doesn't have much presence in the company, and this is Wu Yuan's own fault.

He was too busy. After signing people in, he didn't care much about it and was completely free.

It's not a power? Liu Yifei was also surprised when she heard about this.

She thought this role must belong to Yang Mi.

After all, apart from her, Yang Mi is the most popular in the company. After being led to film Goblin, she became a well-known Asian actor who is quite famous in China and South Korea.

Well, Leslie is a relatively traditional director. He never cares about whether you are famous or not when selecting roles. He only cares about whether you fit the role and whether your acting skills are good.

I wonder what Yang Mi will think after knowing that she lost the election.

Wu Yuan shrugged his shoulders and thought a little funny. With Yang Mi's character, she would definitely not be happy if her role was snatched by someone much less popular than herself.

She won't change jobs in a fit of anger, right?

Wu Yuan maliciously speculated, but after thinking about it, he felt that this possibility was unlikely.

Yang Mi's contract penalty is not cheap. Even if a company is willing to pay her the penalty, she will be treated like a cow. With her intelligence, it is impossible to do such a thing.

But it doesn't matter if he changes jobs, Wu Yuan really doesn't care much about Yang Mi.

Artist management has never been the company's profit focus. The departure or retention of the company's artists is an innocuous matter to the company, unlike Huayi's situation.

If someone really doesn't want to stay in the company, it's their own interests that will be lost, and the company doesn't care.

Since I have delegated power to the company's cinematic universe project, I will no longer interfere.

Wu Yuan said nonchalantly: This is not something we should worry about.

Have you bought the movie tickets?

Liu Yifei raised her hand, shook the two movie tickets in her hand, and said with a smile: I've bought it, Iron Man 2 will open in the afternoon.

Yes, during the pleasant trip, the two of them did not forget to enjoy the charm of the movie.

Marvel Studios' third film Iron Man 2 premiered in Los Angeles on April 26, and an invitation letter was sent to Wu Yuan at that time.

But he was having so much fun in Central America that he had no interest in attending the premiere.

But his presence or absence will not affect the success of Iron Man 2 in North America.

The first movie has already gained considerable popularity and influence in North America and even around the world. The gorgeous special effects and handsome Iron Man have also triggered carnivals among fans around the world.

Now that the second part is released, the box office results are even more gratifying.

Although it did not reach the opening weekend box office of 2008's The Dark Knight of $158 million, it was even a little less than the opening weekend box office of 2007's Pirates of the Caribbean 2.

But the opening weekend box office performance of US$133 million is already very good.

Although this number did not set any records, the performance in North America can only be considered acceptable.

But the main battlefield of Iron Man or Marvel movies has never been just North America.

The film’s overseas box office is very good!

Only one week after its release, Iron Man 2 has already grossed US$194 million at the overseas box office, and its global box office reached US$327 million in its first week.

Recovering the $200 million in production costs is no longer a problem.

When Wu Yuan arrived in Brazil, the movie was also released in Brazil.

Liu Yifei, who has read a lot of related news recently, is very interested in this movie. After all, the movie universe strategy that Light and Shadow Era has been tinkering with recently was learned from Marvel.

She really wants to see what kind of movie universe the right owner creates.

So the two of them bought movie tickets and planned to go to the cinema to watch the movie.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, in the lazy afternoon, Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei entered the cinema hand in hand.

Wu Yuan can recite the movie content of Iron Man 2 by heart.

In his dream memory, he had watched this movie at least ten times.

After all, in his dream, he mainly specializes in film special effects shooting. Although he mostly shoots big online movies, he is very ambitious and always takes Marvel's special effects films as a benchmark.

Wu Yuan remembers the plot of Iron Man 2 very clearly, as well as every subtle expression of the actors.

Let him watch the movie again. To be honest, there is no fluctuation in his heart.

But Liu Yifei is different.

Now in 2010, a movie like Iron Man 2 that is full of special effects seems to be really visually impressive.

Robert Downey Jr. is really handsome, and he brought out the essence of Iron Man's performance.

His battle with the light whip driven by Ivan in the racing track was even more tense and exciting.

When Tony Stark put down the briefcase-sized portable steel suit on the ground, pulled it up and put it on, Liu Yifei, like most of the audience at the scene, couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

Who says girls don’t like mechas and machines?

She watched it with gusto.

Later, the battle between Justin Hammer's fake Iron Legion and Tony Stark's genuine Iron Legion made her scream in surprise again and again.

If you want to say how complex and deep the story of Iron Man 2 is, it is indeed nonsense.

But there is no doubt that in the field of popcorn movies and commercial movies, the script structure and rhythm control of this movie are perfect.

The special effects battle without any irritation throughout the whole process made the audience completely immersed in this sci-fi superhero world, and became addicted to Tony Stark's thrilling battles.

When the movie came to the end, the movie's easter egg appeared. Iron Man and Captain America appeared together in the New Mexico desert. There was a huge impact crater on the ground, and Thor's sledgehammer lay in the crater. It left the audience with infinite excitement. daydream.

We have just finished watching Iron Man 2 and everyone is already looking forward to Captain America and the owner of this mysterious hammer.

It's a very cool movie. Liu Yifei, who had slightly red cheeks and was still a little overwhelmed with excitement, grabbed Wu Yuan's arm after the show and talked to him about her feelings after watching it.

Wu Yuan's thoughts were no longer on this movie.

He was meditating and sighing.

“This year’s sci-fi movie craze is about to begin.”

Starting from Iron Man 2, followed by Inception and Interstellar, from the end of April to the beginning of August, the global movie market will be dominated by science fiction movies.

This is the resurgence of science fiction movies after nearly a decade of decline!

And all of this is due to the maturity of IMAX technology and film special effects technology.

Watching sci-fi special effects movies on the IMAX giant screen is really exciting! (End of chapter)

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