Millennium director

Chapter 459 The premiere review is out!

August 12, 00:00 in the morning.

The halls of major movie theaters across the United States are all packed.

Moviegoers, who came with friends, girlfriends, or alone, crowded at the ticket gate, waved their movie tickets, handed in their deposits, got 3D glasses from the cinema attendants, and walked away excitedly. Enter the cinema.

In these years when 3D movies have just begun to become popular, you need to pay a deposit to get glasses when you go to the cinema to watch 3D movies.

Many viewers even jumped on the trend and bought matching 3D glasses to watch movies.

The movie that can arouse such great enthusiasm for movie watching is naturally the new film Interstellar which has become popular all over the United States in the past few days and has become the center of conversation in North America.

The midnight stall, which is not very influential in mainland China, is already a very popular prime time slot in North America.

The earliest time was during Christmas and Valentine's Day. Movies at 0 o'clock were prime time. Young couples mainly took advantage of this time to date. After watching the movie, it was already two or three o'clock, so it was natural to stop going home and rent a room to have fun.

Later, gradually, not only during Valentine's Day and Christmas, which are suitable for young people to date, but also during the off-peak season almost throughout the year, the 12 o'clock early morning time slot has a good cinema attendance rate, second only to the evening prime time slot from 19 o'clock to 22 o'clock.

Especially when a popular movie is released, the early morning premiere is the time when attendance is highest!

Interstellar was released on a large scale at 00:00 on August 12, 2010, North American time. In the early morning of that day, a total of 4,283 North American cinemas premiered the film simultaneously, covering Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

At 0 o'clock alone, North America contributed US$3.64 million in box office results, which blinded countless industry insiders who were paying attention to the movie's box office.

This movie is so Daniel! It has a space adventure and an ordinary emotional drama at the same time. No matter how hard science fiction looks on the surface: wormholes, black holes, space adventures, multi-dimensional space... the core is still family and love. Daniel uses The shell of science fiction wraps up a tear-jerking bomb of family love!”

I basically held my breath throughout the whole movie and was dumbfounded. This is a movie that is hard-core yet full of humanity, tender but also contains a dark side, making people shed tears!

It is estimated that few people know that Daniel Wu is a director who started his career in brain-burning movies. His directorial debut was a science fiction brain-burning movie with a cost of less than 100,000 US dollars. After ten years, Daniel once again directed Here comes a brain-burning science fiction movie, but the difference is that this time he has enough money to restore the truly shocking scenes in his heart!

The farthest distance in the world is not the end of the world, nor the separation of life and death, but the fact that I stand behind your bookshelf and watch you grow old, but I can only play with the sand and Morse code alone.

The structure of the play is full of parallel montage acceleration, and the final reversal can be regarded as a classic looping ending. It is a very traditional Hollywood masterpiece. The use of details and foreshadowing is definitely textbook level. Daniel has never let people down. Disappointed!

Extremely pure feelings - concern for the fate of mankind, the loneliness of wandering in the stars, hope for the future, and powerful but unrevealing love that is precipitated in quality. This is how human beings should live when they are noble, instead of living like they are trapped in a quagmire. I murmured and cried about my own righteousness and sin, joy and pain. A majestic epic, even God's epic. After watching the movie, I couldn't even pray, because my piety was exhausted while watching the movie, and all I could give was Full round of applause.”

Science fiction film directors all over the world are playing with time, and Daniel is the same, but compared to the immature shooting techniques of his debut film The Night the Comet Came, and simply burning the brain for the sake of burning the brain. story, this time Daniel is undoubtedly mature and even surpasses his predecessors, delivering a perfect answer that combines science fiction and love!

It's past three o'clock in the morning in North America, when most people are already asleep, but the two video websites on the North American Internet, IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, are bustling with activity.

A large number of viewers who had just watched the premiere of Interstellar couldn't contain their excitement and expressed their intuitive opinions on the movie on the Internet.

What surprised Wu Yuan, who had been paying attention to the reactions of movie fans, was that he originally thought that the IMAX 3D visual effects of Interstellar would become the most heated topic among the first batch of movie fans.

After all, the only real IMAX 3D movie now is Avatar. This is still a very new technology and should become the focus.

But in fact, although the performance of IMAX 3D is indeed amazing, fans who watched the premiere discussed the plot of the movie more on the Internet, and the kind of fatherly love expressed in the story. An emotion that transcends time and space.

It can only be said that the plot of Avatar is indeed too simple. It can be summarized in one sentence. It really cannot make the audience have a heated discussion about the plot of the movie, which is why most fans are talking about it. When making movies, novel and advanced shooting techniques and techniques are always the focus.

This gave Wu Yuan the illusion that IMAX 3D was the most trendy topic at this year's film festival.

But the response from fans this time has touched Wu Yuan's heart, which is a bit fanatical and paranoid about IMAX 3D technology.

No matter how powerful or novel the technology is, it will ultimately serve the story of the movie.

The quality of a movie is ultimately determined by its own story, rather than how many novel and advanced technologies it uses.

Technology can only be used as the icing on the cake, and cannot provide help in times of need. If you blindly pursue technology, you will be picking sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

The use of IMAX 3D technology in the movie Interstellar certainly gave it a refreshing experience, but for the audiences who have watched the movie, this movie left the deepest impression on them. , not the cool and realistic black hole model, nor the spaceship in the brilliant starry sky.

Instead, they were moved and remembered by the emotions conveyed by the story itself.

Even after the movie screening ended, the hero's time-traveling love for his daughter still remained in their hearts, and they couldn't calm down for a long time, so much so that they needed to express this emotion on the Internet.

Nolan is still a dick. Wu Yuan, who stayed up late looking at netizens' comments, smacked his lips and thought to himself with some emotion.

Although the movies shot by Nolan usually have a hard commercial shell, most of them are filled with soft emotions inside.

Most of the time of Interstellar is a slow literary film. The science fiction theories involved in the movie are difficult to understand and are not the focus of the story. The focus of the story is always human emotions.

What can be explained with knowledge is called science, and what cannot be described in words is called love.

Invisibly, this movie perfectly matches Wu Yuan's movie style that he has always shown to the outside world!

This time, he may really become a god in North America! (End of chapter)

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