Millennium director

Chapter 461: Ranking second in the annual box office!


That's crazy!

John spoke with a strange accent mixed with alto, and danced and cheered: Daniel, you have created another miracle, Again!

Although I had already guessed the result, seeing the box office explosion of Interstellar still feels like a dream!

It was US$58.26 million in the first weekend and US$120 million in the second week. This is simply crazy!

Among them, the IMAX 3D theater contributed 35% of the box office, which is higher than the 20% of Avatar!

Wu Yuan hilariously stretched out his hand to stop John from dancing, shook his head and said with a smile: John, calm down, that's because there are half as many IMAX 3D theaters now as there were when Avatar was released!

Although less than half a year has passed, the past half year has been the fastest half year in the construction of IMAX 3D theaters in North America. The number of IMAX 3D theaters in North America has almost doubled in half a year!

Most of the box office growth of Interstellar relies on these newly built IMAX 3D theaters.

After all, one IMAX 3D movie ticket is worth three regular tickets.

Without expanding the movie-watching base, Interstellar can create such brilliant box office results, of course, all thanks to the high ticket prices of IMAX 3D.

But Interstellar is indeed a hit, and it has become very popular in North America.

Nowadays, when anyone meets and chats, they have to talk about the movie Interstellar.

If you haven't seen this movie?

Sorry, you can't fit into everyone's chat topics anymore, you will be isolated.

From the black hole model in the movie to the male protagonist's fatherly love, the beautiful Liu Yifei and Anne Hathaway, as well as the mysterious and profound universe, they are all hotly discussed topics.

The men chatted about the obscure physics formulas, science fiction conjectures, and wormhole jumping technology in the movie...

The girls were moved by the father's love revealed in the movie and resonated with the emotion that traveled through time and space.

Although it is not able to attract audiences of all ages, and the fan base is not as large as Avatar, Interstellar still conquered the entire North American film market.

Daniel, all the major prediction media now predict that the North American box office of Interstellar may exceed 500 million U.S. dollars, and the global box office may exceed 1.3 billion U.S. dollars, breaking your own box office record!

Although there is no way to replicate the miracle of Avatar, it should not be a problem to become the second highest-grossing movie in Hollywood this year.

Even Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which will be released in November, probably won't be able to surpass Interstellar.

As for Nolan's Inception, haha, obviously your first round of confrontation will end with your victory!

John was so excited.

Inception is still being screened in other parts of the world, and some regions have not even had time to release it yet (yes, that is China). However, the market for this movie has basically been released, with a global box office potential of 800 million to 900 million. Dollar up and down.

In the second half of this year, the only thing that can pose a threat to Interstellar is the final Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

But judging from the performance of the previous Harry Potter movies, the basic market value of this movie is only within 1 billion U.S. dollars, and it is difficult to break through 1 billion U.S. dollars.

After all, this is not the true ending. There is another continuous filming (Part 2) to be released next summer. This is the real ending.

In this way, Interstellar will become the second highest-grossing movie in the world this year and become the box office masterpiece of the Light Age.

This movie is produced by the famous Light Era, and is jointly produced by Universal and Paramount. Rounding it off, it is considered a film of the Light Era.

Second in the world!

It's a pity that there will be an even scarier Avatar this year. John suddenly sighed with regret.

The box office performance of Interstellar was ranked first in the global box office in previous years!

Who knew that this year would see the release of Avatar, the number one box office hit in film history, overlooking all the movies of the same period.

In the past twenty years, there has not been a movie as good as Avatar!

It's not a shame to lose to Avatar. Wu Yuan shrugged: Without Avatar and there wouldn't be so many IMAX 3D theaters now, there wouldn't be such a good box office. Drink and peck to the sky. Destined, this is a Chinese saying.

Compared with the US$700 million box office of Interstellar in the original time and space, the current US$1.3 billion given by the media is already doubled.

To be honest, Wu Yuan didn't even dare to think about it, and he didn't think it could be done. The media was still a little too optimistic.

The current box office trend of Interstellar in North America is strong, which can be attributed to the high ticket prices of IMAX 3D halls. When it is released globally, there will be no IMAX 3D halls.

The number of IMAX 3D theaters in Europe is less than half that of North America, and Asia is less than one-third.

When ticket prices remain unchanged and there are only ordinary theaters and not even many ordinary 3D theaters, it is impossible for the global box office to perform so well.

Wu Yuan's optimistic view is that it would be great if Interstellar could make a billion dollars worldwide, and it cannot be better than Pirates of the Caribbean.

After all, the threshold for watching Interstellar is still higher, and the various arcane and hard science fiction knowledge does not attract movie fans very much.

Movies, in the final analysis, the simpler and more straightforward they are, the larger the audience will be.

John, don't be so optimistic. Wu Yuan shook his head: There is indeed hope for the second place in the global box office this year, but 1.3 billion US dollars is unlikely.

With a cost of US$200 million, it would be enough to have a box office of US$1 billion.

Maybe we should think about something more realistic, such as what movie the company should make next after it has this money.

After beckoning John to sit down, Wu Yuan crossed his legs and began to speak clearly: It goes without saying that the filming of the Twilight series is an established thing.

World War Z is mostly in preparation and will be launched soon.

But the company's plans for next year have not yet been determined.

I was still hesitant before, but now that Interstellar is a sure hit at the box office, we can consider starting a big production.

Have you won the film adaptation rights for The Hunger Games?

Next we should make this series of movies.

Let Jennifer Lawrence play the role. Hollywood is increasingly lacking in movies with such leading female protagonists. I believe the market will respond well.

In addition to this, we should also make another mid-budget series with a male protagonist.

I left it in the company's archives. There is a movie called John Wick that can also be approved. The male lead can be played by Mads Mikkelsen. He is suitable for this role. If he doesn't If there is a schedule, look for Keanu Reeves! (End of Chapter)

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