Millennium director

Chapter 468 Mainland Premiere!

On September 10, 2010, the mainland China premiere of Interstellar was held grandly at the Light and Shadow Times Cinema in Beijing.

Wu Yuan, who had already taken Anne Hathaway and Mads Mikkelsen to several talk shows in China and shot some promotional posters, took them outside the movie theater to ceremoniously welcome the invited guests. Guests.

What is shining star?

The mainland premiere of Interstellar was called Bright Stars.

Most of the well-known actors from the film circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places were invited to participate.

The red carpet laid outside the Light and Shadow Times Cinema is even more dazzling than the red carpet of the Golden Rooster Awards.

Most of the celebrities who can be counted by movie fans have appeared on this red carpet.

This was not requested by Wu Yuan, but was invited by Universal and China Film Group through their connections.

Universal is responsible for the global distribution, while China Film is responsible for the mainland distribution. The two families, one husband's family and one mother's family, both want the domestic premiere of Interstellar to be well-known to passers-by and provide perfect publicity for the movie. Naturally, We went all out to invite celebrities to build momentum.

In addition, among the domestic actors, there is no one who does not want to admire Wu Yuan's thighs. They all hope to become familiar with him and have the opportunity to board his ship to develop in Hollywood in the future.

Under the influence of these many factors, an unprecedented grand premiere was created.

Regardless of whether they know Wu Yuan or not, as long as the celebrities who receive the invitation letter, no matter how busy their schedule is, they will put down all their work and rush to the capital to participate.

However, Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei mainly entertained some guests they knew and were familiar with.

Sister Li, long time no see. Liu Yifei pulled her idol Gong Li and greeted her with shining eyes.

Wu Yuan also got together with a short but powerful man.

Ah, Brother Cheng Long, why have you been invited here? The box office of Ace Agent 1 is very gratifying, congratulations!

Wu Yuan smiled and hugged Cheng Long, and congratulated: The North American box office of Kingsman 1 is more than 280 million US dollars, and the global box office is 560 million. This is a good result.

Ace Agent 1, which was completed earlier than Interstellar, was released during Christmas last year. At that time, Liu Yifei and Cheng Long also ran domestic promotions.

Because Wu Yuan was in retreat at that time editing the film Interstellar and doing post-production work, so he casually did not go to support the premiere of Kingsman.

But the movie still achieved very good box office results. If Avatar hadn't been released quickly later, which had a siphon effect in the global film market, the box office results of Kingsman 1 might have been thousands more. What if it's $100 million.

However, the box office of US$560 million is already a huge hit for Kingsman which cost less than US$80 million.

The two consecutive new films Rush Hour 3 and Kingsman 1 were successful sales, which also allowed Cheng Long to firmly establish a foothold in Hollywood.

Now no one will question his status and strength as an international superstar, including North American movie fans and Hollywood producers and investors, who all recognize his status as a first-line movie star.

Now his net worth has reached the level of 20 million US dollars, which is on par with Hollywood's top actors, but in terms of box office share, he still cannot get the top share.

Although he is no longer young, the word high-spirited is just right to describe the current Cheng Long.

Red energy nourishes people!

Anyway, Wu Yuan felt that Cheng Long seemed a bit younger now than when he first met him.

Haha, Director Wu, this is all thanks to you! Cheng Longle, who was praised so much by Wu Yuan, cried out happily, and kept patting his shoulders with his big hands: If it weren't for your support, I guess Peak The Hour 3 will no longer exist, let alone the new series Kingsman.

We Chinese movie stars are really lucky to have a Chinese director like you in Hollywood.

Yifei is doing great now. With your support, she is very popular all over the world!

Kingsman is not an invalid release for Liu Yifei. Although she does not play a big role in this movie, everyone is watching it for Cheng Long.

However, as the only cool and pretty female character in the entire film, and also the villain Boos, Liu Yifei's performance in the film has left a deep impression on many fans.

At least when she used her long legs that turned into blades to fight Cheng Long in close combat, many male viewers felt a chill in their lower bodies while watching the movie.

Although she doesn't have many roles, Liu Yifei has once again made her face in the world.

However, the domestic box office performance of Kingsman was not very satisfactory.

Because the domestic schedule of Kingsman happened to coincide with Avatar, all the movies in the same period were reduced to rubbish under the strong attack of Avatar, and Kingsman was no exception.

In the end, relying on the appeal of Cheng Long and Liu Yifei in the Mainland, the movie only took less than 50 million at the box office. It can be said to be a disastrous failure.

Liu Yifei, who was accompanying Wu Yuan in the United States at that time, often sighed in front of him.

Haha, I heard from John that New Line is already preparing the sequel to Kingsman, and filming should start early next year, right?

Wu Yuan smiled and blessed Cheng Long: I hope the box office results of the second part will be better than the first one!

Then I'll take the good advice from Director Wu. Cheng Long liked hearing this kind of words. After shaking hands with Wu Yuan vigorously, he reluctantly walked into the cinema.

However, Cheng Long, Gong Li and others were already the invited guests who arrived at the finale today, and no actors with higher status in China dared to appear behind them.

After welcoming these two people, the star-studded red carpet session was almost over.

The media reporters surrounding the red carpet put down their cameras without any satisfaction, and hurriedly wanted to send the photos they took to the press immediately.

Some anxious reporters have even opened their laptops to write stories on the spot, preparing to publish them online immediately.

[The Beijing premiere of Interstellar was held grandly, with superstars and movie queens attending! 】

[Nearly a hundred celebrities from the entertainment industry came to attend the Chinese premiere of Interstellar, and the scene was star-studded! 】

[Big-name actors such as Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, Fan Binbin, Li Binbin, Su Qi, Liu Ye, Gong Li, Cheng Long and others join in the new film directed by Wu Yuan! 】

Titles like these were quickly drawn up, and before all the guests in the stadium could take their seats, reports posting their red carpet photos had already spread on the mainland Internet.

All netizens and movie fans who were paying attention to this unique and unprecedented mainland movie premiere were in a state of carnival.

There are only a few events in a year where you can see so many live photos of celebrities at one time!

The mainland premiere of Interstellar has this gorgeous lineup!

How good and attractive does this movie have to be?

Smart netizens have already rushed to the cinema nearest to their homes, planning to buy a movie ticket and go into the cinema to reveal the answer in person.

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