Millennium director

Chapter 475 Get out of the comfort zone!

After watching Hawthorn Tree Love with Liu Yifei, Wu Yuan took a complete vacation for himself.

In the remaining two months of this year, he does not plan to make any more films, and he does not want to attend film festivals or award ceremonies.

At least until February next year, he doesn't plan to do any work and just wants to take a good rest.

The director also needs to recharge his batteries. Although most of the movies he makes do not require the script to be conceived by himself, it is very hard to just control the crew and complete all the work from preparation to shooting and release.

For Wu Yuan, the most suitable work rhythm is to take a 3-5 month break after filming two movies in a row to recharge, relax, and then face new challenges.

But he rested, but Liu Yifei couldn't.

She was originally the lead in promoting Interstellar in China, and she was also the protagonist of the film's promotion in China. Light and Shadow Times sent her a lot of press releases in an effort to consolidate her status as an international movie star.

She is in the same movie as Anne Hathaway, and even has a little more roles than Anne Hathaway. How can you say she is not an international movie star?

And international movie stars naturally have to have a busy schedule worthy of international movie stars.

From the mainland to Hong Kong and Taiwan to Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, from September to November, Liu Yifei hardly took a break and flew all over Asia just to cooperate with the promotion work of Interstellar.

As a trapeze artist, she often called Wu Yuan to complain about why he, a director, could rest at home leisurely, but she, a part-time actor, had to fly all over Asia to make money for him.

Not only her, but Anne Hathaway and Mads Mikkelsen are also flying around Europe, working tirelessly on promotional work.

In this regard, Wu Yuan could only say to Liu Yifei sternly: Who calls me an investor, and I didn't sign a contract to cooperate with the publicity?

Besides, everyone is here for you, the leading actors. Whether I, the director, will be there to promote the show, it actually doesn't make a big difference.

As long as I do my behind-the-scenes work, that's enough.

Every time Wu Yuan said this, he could hear Liu Yifei gritting her teeth on the other end of the phone.

Of course, the crew and creators have worked so hard to promote, and the rewards in return are sufficient.

At the end of December, Interstellar ended its release in all regions around the world. Universal's final statistics on the global box office were a full US$1.26 billion, which exceeded Wu Yuan's expectations and fell short of Universal's expectations.

Although it failed to compete with Avatar, which was a bit disappointing to Universal, the box office of 1.2 billion US dollars was still the annual champion movie in previous years, and it was worthy of Universal and Paramount opening champagne!

Wu Yuan has also been officially listed as one of the best contemporary science fiction film directors in Hollywood, slightly behind James Cameron and one step ahead of Nolan.

Following the realm of fantasy and magic, Wu Yuan has also become one of the most authoritative directors in Hollywood and even the world in the science fiction film genre, and has been widely praised.

For this reason, Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei, who had just finished promoting, flew to Los Angeles to attend a box office celebration party for Interstellar.

20th Century Fox even took the initiative to contact Wu Yuan privately and offered him a sky-high director's fee of US$20 million, inviting him to direct a blockbuster science fiction film for Fox in the next phase.

Warner once again reiterated its willingness to invite Wu Yuan to direct the DC movie universe.

Green Lantern lived up to expectations.

Compared with the majestic Marvel Cinematic Universe next door, DC's movie strategy has failed again and again. Except for Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy, all of them failed.

Now Warner really needs an excellent science fiction film director, especially a director who is good at business, to open a DC movie universe for Warner like Marvel!

Warner's ambitious Superman reboot plan, popular comic IPs such as The Flash, Aquaman and Justice League are in urgent need of a legendary director to take over and integrate them into a movie universe!

However, just like Wu Yuan refused without hesitation last time, this time Warner came to the door, Wu Yuan was still very moved, and then declined.

The DC Cinematic Universe is really a hot potato. The true opening film of the DC Cinematic Universe, Man of Steel, has only had the same reputation and box office results.

In addition, DC's Justice League has screwed up director Zack.

What's Director Zack's status in the DC movie universe?

It can be said that without him, there would be no DC movie universe, and there would be no rescue of Man of Steel. As a result, Director Zack was still misled by Warner on the Justice League project, and he did not even have the editing rights.

Wu Yuan didn't want to go into this muddy water.

Now that he is successful in Hollywood and has both fame and fortune, he no longer needs to save the DC Movie Universe to prove himself.

On the contrary, taking over this project may make him unsafe!

After wisely declining Warner again, Wu Yuan didn't even stay and rushed back to China with Liu Yifei the next day.

Rather than working as a dog for Warner Bros., he is more interested in the Chinese romance film he is going to make next.

During these few months of vacation for himself, Wu Yuan, apart from messing around at home, was perfecting his new movie script.

In this new Chinese film, he plans to completely let himself go.

I don’t think about the box office, I don’t think about art, I don’t think about the audience’s expectations, etc. I just want to make a movie that is truly my own and what I want to make.

Counting from 2000, it has been ten years since he officially entered the industry.

In ten years, Wu Yuan has grown from a new director to one of the best contemporary directors in the world. He has made great achievements in the fields of artistic films and commercial films. He is a talented director praised by the outside world and the best in China in the 21st century among the European film population. director.

However, most of his achievements are still attributed to the gift of memories in dreams.

The films he made appear to the outside world to be his works, but Wu Yuan himself knows that these works were only transported with the help of his hands. He is the creator, but not the creator.

But this time, after ten years of training, coupled with the 20 years of ups and downs in the industry in his dream, Wu Yuan wanted to really try and make a movie of his own.

Regardless of whether the final result is good or bad, whether it will be accepted and recognized by movie fans or discarded like worn shoes, he happily accepts it.

No director can be successful all his life without ever making a bad movie.

No director will stay in his comfort zone forever and dare not try to break through.

Some things have to be faced sooner or later.

This day will always come, unless he plans to stop filming after 2022 and never make movies again.

Otherwise, while the memory of the dream is still there, he should try to take the first step.

Of course, Wu Yuan, who has always been conservative in character, gave himself his first torsion. The scene will not be too big, it is just a small-budget love drama.

He has been writing the script of this movie since the end of last year. After a complete vacation in the past three months, he carefully polished it and finally wrote a script that he thought was perfect.

This is a story born from a love letter that spans time and space.

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