Millennium director

Chapter 478 Wu Yuan’s new movie Love Letter

Chapter 478 Wu Yuan’s new movie - Love Letter

Still shooting?


My new movie lacks a heroine.

Hearing this, Liu Yifei swallowed back the complaint she was about to make. She grabbed Wu Yuan's collar with gleaming eyes and asked, Your new movie?

“Isn’t your next movie going to be with Matt Damon, and he’s going to be the only star in that movie?”

It's not that one. Wu Yuan shook his head and explained: Before making this movie, I plan to make a Chinese film first.

The cost is not big. I paid for the shoot myself and it doesn't go to the company's account.

Huh? Liu Yifei's eyes sparkled even more, Is this a movie that is going to win awards?

Wu Yuan looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile: Of course not, it should still be considered a commercial film, a commercial literary romance film, the same as The Love of the Hawthorn Tree directed by Yimou.

Romance movie? Liu Yifei frowned: You want to make a commercial romance movie?

In the past few years, there have not been any big-hit commercial romance movies.

Zhang Yimou's Hawthorn Tree Love finally only received a little more than 200 million at the box office. In terms of Zhang Yimou's commercial film results, it is not outstanding.

Romance movies are like this. It's easy for them to be popular but not popular.

Including Zhang Guorong's If Love, it was also well received but not a box office hit. It won many awards, but its box office performance was not outstanding that year.

The only romantic film in the past ten years that can be regarded as both well-received and popular is Those Years written by Wu Yuan.

However, Those Years focuses on more than just love. It is a very thorough youth film that takes the memory-killing route. In fact, what the audience is watching is not the hazy love story between the male and female protagonists, but what they are watching when they were young. .

Including Love at the Hawthorn Tree, it actually has the mark of the times, which can make some viewers feel the purity of the past era. This is why this movie has a good reputation at the box office.

So what is Wu Yuan’s new movie like?

Under Liu Yifei's curious gaze, Wu Yuan simply explained: It's not a modern romance film in the full sense.

I still played with the concept of time and space science fiction.

The story begins with a letter sent from a hundred years ago.

The hero picked up a century-old desk from the second-hand market. After buying it home, he found a secret letter from a girl 100 years ago in the secret compartment of the desk.

In the letters, the girl talked about the troubles she was facing and hoped that things would turn around.

The actor looked interesting and had nothing to do, so he wrote a reply.

Originally, he just regarded it as a joke, but unexpectedly, he actually received a reply the next day.

A reply from a hundred years ago.

That's how the story begins.

Wu Yuan did not continue, but Liu Yifei could already imagine how this story would develop next.

A girl who lived a hundred years ago and a boy who lives now are connected across time and space through letters.

A wonderful and romantic love story unfolds.

It's really your style. Liu Yifei smiled and sighed: Your Name only spanned a time difference of three years, but this time you went directly to a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, it was still the Republic of China, right?

Well, to be precise, it was 1925, the 14th year of the Republic of China, 90 years ago. Wu Yuan nodded: One in 2015, one in 1925, a love that spans time and space.

Not to mention, just the beginning alone made Liu Yifei very interested.

What about the male lead? Liu Yifei asked anxiously, Who will play the male lead?

With a small crew and insufficient funds, I, the director, have to do it myself. Wu Yuan spread his hands and said helplessly.

Okay! Liu Yifei rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Wu Yuan's neck.

The first-class seat still seemed a little crowded, but she still clung to Wu Yuan: Comrade Xiao Wu, you have learned something this time!

I am very satisfied!

Wu Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and reached out to stroke her back, Don't make trouble, we're on the plane.

The mother-in-law sitting next door has already cast curious glances.

I won't! Liu Yifei showed a rare hint of naivety and said happily, I just like filming with you.

Then you may be disappointed. Wu Yuan said with a smile: We may not have a role opposite each other in this movie.

You were a hundred years ago, how could we meet?

It's okay. Liu Yifei said nonchalantly, We just need to stay together on the set.

Hey, senior brother, you are still the most handsome when you are making movies. I love making movies with you.

Wu Yuan felt cold sweat forming on his back.

He had never seen such a crazy Liu Yifei in his two lifetimes!

Liu Yifei squirmed in his arms for a while, then raised her head and remembered what she had left to ask: Then what is the name of this movie?

Love Letter, a love letter that spans a hundred years.

Love letter?! Liu Yifei exclaimed.

When most people mention the words Love Letter, their first impression will be that Japanese movie.

The movie that made Takashi Kashiwahara, the last handsome man of the century, famous in Asia.

It's just the same name. Wu Yuan shook his head and explained.

In fact, the idea of ​​​​this love letter is also based on the popular Asian Love Letter, but Wu Yuan radically adapted a new story based on the core of the Japanese Love Letter.

It can be said to be a tribute, but the story itself really has no connection with the original version.

In every director's heart, there is a love letter sent from the past. Wu Yuan said: My love letter, at least, will not be a missed love letter.

Regret is indeed the main theme of most romance movies, and it is also the emotion that most people will experience in love.

But there are enough regrets. I just want to bring the audience a movie that can make people smile and no longer regret.

Wu Yuan, who used to be very pessimistic about love, can say that after meeting Liu Yifei in this life, the void in love has been filled.

His views on love have also undergone a huge change.

Now if I ask him to write about deep sadomasochism, regret about missing it, etc., he really can't write about it, and he doesn't want to write about it.

Why miss it?

Why regret?

His love is so beautiful!

People with beautiful love cannot create any sadomasochistic literary works, let alone make any movie about sadness flowing against the river.

This movie can be regarded as a test of the waters. Wu Yuan touched Liu Yifei's head: I won't make any big fanfare. It's enough for us and my husband to work together to make it!

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