Millennium director

Chapter 480 The much ridiculed Young You

[Invested by Light and Shadow Times, the new movie Young You directed by Li Yang and written by Wu Yuan launched in Beijing in a low-key manner! 】

[Young You starring Liu Yifei, Zhang Yishan, Yuan Hong, Chen Hong, Sun Honglei and others appeared at the start-up scene of Huairou Film and Television Base! 】

[Suspected love change? ! Liu Yifei's new movie partner is child star Zhang Yishan. From Hollywood superstar partner to mainland child star, Liu Yifei encounters a relationship crisis and her resources plummet? ! 】

[The first sister of the company partners with a new child star, and the international movie star’s resources are suspected to be downgraded? ! 】

[Liu Yifei 】

Wu Yuan was very happy when he saw the news headlines from the media that were not too big a deal to watch the excitement.

Yesterday, Better Days just started shooting here in Beijing, and today the whole Internet is already complaining about this movie.

To be honest, Li Yang's casting choice is reasonable in Wu Yuan's opinion. After all, he never chooses actors from the perspective of popularity or commercial value, but only considers whether the role is suitable for the actor himself.

Li Yang also had the same idea as him, so they all looked for actors who fit the character's image as much as possible and did not consider other factors when casting.

But netizens and fans are different.

As time enters 2011, the mainland entertainment industry has also moved from the barbaric growth in the first decade of the 21st century to the mature development in the second decade.

Things such as status, influence, commercial value, and identity are increasingly valued by the media, fans, and even the artists themselves.

It has become more and more normal for artists of different positions to be on different stages, and first-tier artists not to play with second-tier artists.

This was something that was unthinkable in the early 2000s.

After Zhou Xun finished filming Suzhou River and won the International Best Actress Award, he returned to China and played a supporting role for Wu Yuan, a new actor.

After Chen Kun made his film debut, he went to act in a TV series opposite newcomer Dong Jie.

At that time, there were only a few actors such as Zhang Ziyi who paid attention to the so-called celebrity status, and they were often ridiculed for pretending to be aloof.

Zhang Ziyi collaborated with Zhang Yimou since her debut, and later she only cooperated with major domestic and even international directors. She did not film TV series or play supporting roles. Netizens and even passers-by often complained that she did not have Gong Li's life, but she got it. Emperor Gong’s illness.

But now, Zhang Ziyi's behavior has become something that artists in the industry admire.

Movie stars shouldn't act in TV series, and TV series stars don't deserve to be on the same stage as movie stars.

In the first two years of the 21st century, Xiao Yanzi would still take on TV series. Later, after rising to the film industry, she never took on TV dramas again.

Even if there are no movies for her to shoot, she would rather leave her schedule free and do other things instead of accepting any TV drama scripts, and is unwilling to relegate herself to the role.

When it comes to the field of movie actors, the same is true for movie kings and movie queens, first-tier male actors and first-tier actresses, and second-tier actors and actresses who can only play supporting roles.

If you find a second-tier male actor to play the lead role with a first-tier actress, the first-tier actress will definitely be dissatisfied and may even quarrel with the producer.

It has evolved to this day, and even fans will pay attention to who will star in their idol's new drama.

If it is equal to the status, it means good expectations and full blessings.

If the status of the idol is lower than that of your idol, you will definitely have to scold the other person and throw the blame first. If the movie/TV series does not perform well after it is aired, it will definitely be the other actor's problem and it will lower the level. .

If you play with an actor who is higher than your idol status and popularity, it will be a fan carnival. My XXX has soared and can already play with such a powerful actor. It means that his popularity and status have reached this level. He is crazy. Blow first!

The earliest fan circle culture has gradually taken shape in domestic entertainment.

Under such circumstances, when the starring list of Better Days was announced, even if the opening ceremony was very low-key, it still shocked the Internet.

Fans of Liu Yifei are wailing. Our fairy sister's last movie was a Hollywood blockbuster directed by Wu Yuan himself. The production cost was 200 million, and the global box office was more than 1 billion US dollars.

This new movie suddenly became a mid-budget mainland movie, starring Zhang Yishan, a child actor whose only two TV series masterpieces are Little Soldier Zhang Ga and Family with Children.

This gap is not ordinary. It has the aesthetic feeling of a billionaire suddenly taking to the streets to beg for food.

Passers-by were also gloating over the misfortune, speculating whether there was some kind of emotional crisis between Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei. Wu Yuan was unwilling to make any more efforts to praise Liu Yifei, so Liu Yifei's new film only earned the lowest budget in the light and film era. .

Shu Mountain and Soul Ferry: Huangquan, two S-level productions in the light and shadow era, did not take her to play with them at all.

As for Liu Yifei's negative fans, they are even more reveling.

Hahaha, Liu Yifei was abandoned by Wu Yuan, and was immediately knocked off the top of the clouds, returning to her own identity and status.

If Wu Yuan, an international director, was not behind her support, she would only be worthy of starring in a movie with a child star like Zhang Yishan. There is no way she would be worthy of top Chinese directors such as Zhang Yimou and Wong Kar-wai, Liu Dehua and Liu Ye. , movie kings and superstars like Jet Li.

Small directors and actors in the industry such as Li Yang and Zhang Yishan belong to Liu Yifei's comfort zone.

What amused Wu Yuan the most was that these three parties were watching the movie Youth almost at the same time.

Even though the screenwriter of this movie is Wu Yuan, looking at the cast, Liu Yifei's fans think that Liu Yifei is being held back too much and cannot make any good movies.

Passers-by felt that this lineup was not attractive at all. Who wants to see Liu Xing and Xiao Longnu acting together?

Liu Yifei's negative fans already hate her, and they even go out of their way to denigrate her.

All of a sudden, Young You had just been released, and it had become a movie that was ridiculed by everyone on Weibo, and market expectations were also falling crazily.

This made Li Yang, who had not expected this result at all during the casting process, suddenly feel like Alexander.

Finally, he got another movie written by Wu Yuan. He was already under a lot of pressure, but now the whole Internet is still looking down on him. The pressure was even more intense, so much so that he felt a little unbalanced in the first few days of filming. The filming was very Not smooth.

But Liu Yifei, the heroine, takes this very lightly. She has never been a person who will be swayed by public opinion. No matter what the outside world says, no matter how much the outside world looks down on or ridicules her, she may secretly feel sad or unhappy behind her back.

But when it comes to work, she will still deal with it at 100% level. Instead, she will hold her breath to prove herself and use her strength to shut up some people.

Pressure never bothers Liu Yifei, it only makes her take her work more seriously.

However, when the public opinion on the Internet was so turbulent, and there were even large-scale speculations about whether Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei had a relationship change and whether they had broken up, Liu Yifei could still hold his anger, but Wu Yuan could not hold it in anymore.

In order to reduce the pressure on the crew of Youth and make their mentality better, Wu Yuan, who almost never speaks out on domestic social media, published a long article on his new Sina Weibo account. Blog post.

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