Millennium director

Chapter 484 Yu Zheng Studio

The banquet hosted by Zhang Meng for Wu Yuan lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Both of them drank a lot of wine, and during the dinner they also talked a lot about the differences in concepts and shooting techniques between the directors.

Overall, Wu Yuan was very satisfied with tonight's entertainment.

Although Zhang Meng did not agree to join Light and Shadow Times, he also expressed his willingness to cooperate with Light and Shadow Times. If he has a new movie, or if Light and Shadow Times has any suitable books, we can contact each other and cooperate.

It's already good to get such a promise.

Wu Yuan never thought that he could really trick a very independent director into the age of light and shadow with just one meal.

His minimum requirement is to get closer to Zhang Meng. If the company makes Life Events or Donkey Gets Water in the future, he can be invited to direct it.

These two movie themes would not have been filmed by Zhang Guorong, Li Yang, Li Ruijun and others unless Wu Yuan himself was involved.

It seems that Han Yan can give Life Events a try, but Han Yan has been preparing for his new movie recently.

In the past few years since entering the age of light and shadow, Han Yan has been in a state of being left alone.

With the company's human and material support, he made several movies of his own.

He first made a movie called Wedding Prelude, and then made a movie called Let Me Score for You.

To be honest, the box office results were not great and it can only be regarded as an experimental product.

Han Yan is not a talented director. The miracle of becoming famous did not happen to him. He could only grow up bit by bit.

Fortunately, after training in these two movies, Han Yan has found his most suitable film path and is already preparing a new film that will officially start the path of Korean-style warm movies.

The new movie is called The First Time.

It is a movie that tells the beautiful and romantic first love story between Song Shiqiao, a girl who has a genetic disease but loves to dance, and Gong Ning, a rocker.

This movie should be regarded as Han Yan's later Get Out! The overture works of Tumor King and Send You a Little Red Flower.

Although this movie called The First Time is not well-known, it was this movie that established Han Yan's subsequent film shooting style and established Han Yan's special film route of focusing on people with diseases.

Naturally, Wu Yuan was unwilling to disrupt Han Yan's pace, so he had to take the initiative to recruit other directors for the company.

It was also after meeting Zhang Meng that Wu Yuan remembered the Youth Director Support Program of the Light and Shadow Era, which had been launched once but was later dusted off.

The first phase of the director support program was launched last year, and the effect was very good. Several directors who are now the backbone of the company were selected.

Li Yang, Liu Meichuan, and Li Ruijun all relied on this support plan to stand out.

Although Cheng Er and Xue Xiaolu did not join the Light and Shadow Era, they can be regarded as beneficiaries of this young director support program.

Wu Yuan has mentioned many times that he would launch a second phase of the Youth Director Support Program, but this matter has always been only talked about and has not been implemented in practice.

This is also one of the reasons why most domestic plans and projects to support young directors are stopped after being launched once or twice.

Doing this is really thankless in most cases, and it is purely about supporting the development of the industry.

But this time when Wu Yuan thought about it again, he no longer just talked about it.

The day after meeting Wang Menghou, he came to the company and talked with Li Xiaoping about restarting the support program for young directors.

The company still needs to continue to invest in supporting young directors.

Directing itself is a difficult profession to cultivate. In addition, the atmosphere in the industry is becoming more and more impetuous. There are too many talented directors who have lost their chance to succeed because of the blind enthusiasm of the market.

After those coal bosses and hot-money capital poured into the entertainment industry, everyone only looked for famous directors to film movies and only looked at fame. This resulted in a large number of unappreciated directors who were very good and talented, but no one was willing to give them An opportunity for them to showcase their talent.”

What director didn't start with his debut film?

We should support more new directors so that more new directors can make their debuts and take the most critical first step. Only then will more outstanding directors emerge in China in the future.

Of course, we can also select some excellent directors to strengthen the company's director team.

Director Liu Meichuan and Li Yang, isn't that how they came here?

Faced with Wu Yuan's request, Li Xiaoping really couldn't give a reason to refuse.

Soul Ferry: Huangquan has just been completed, and Liu Meichuan is the mainstay of this series.

I understand. Li Xiaoping had no choice but to respond positively: I will ask the company to implement the second phase of the young director support plan as soon as possible.

“The push will definitely start within this year.”

Are the requirements still the same as the first one? Directors under the age of 40 who are preparing for their first film can submit scripts to the company?

We prepare six places and an investment of 20 million yuan?

Twenty million is less. Wu Yuan shook his head: Times have changed. Nowadays, more and more money is spent on making movies.

About 3,000. A director's budget of five million is definitely enough to make a feature film.

Love Letter, which Wu Yuan plans to make, will cost about five to six million, not counting his own directing fee and Liu Yifei's friendly appearance.

This is also the lowest cost required to make an independent film now.

In Wang Meng's The Piano of Steel, the male and female protagonists did not need to be paid for the film, and the director did not have any directing fees. In this case, Wang Meng also spent 5 million to complete the preparation, production, shooting, and production of the entire movie. In the later stage, I reluctantly made this movie.

Now is no longer the era when Wu Yuan made his debut and could make a movie with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Even filming a TV series now costs three to four million yuan per episode.

Tsk, tsk. Li Xiaoping also sighed with emotion: In recent years, the production cost in the industry has indeed been one price per year.

When the company originally produced Destined to Love You, the entire TV series only cost a few million to shoot.

Now the company's latest project, the TV series Legend of Lu Zhen in cooperation with Yu Zheng Studio, has a production cost of up to 80 million, which is simply scary.

Huh?! Wu Yuan was a little surprised, and his tone was three points higher: When did our company cooperate with Yu Zheng?

Oh, this matter has just been discussed and I am about to report to you. Li Xiaoping pushed up her glasses and explained: Yu Zheng made the movie Gong Lock Heart Jade two years ago. It was launched at the beginning of the year. The ratings The rate explodes!

Then Yu Zheng set up a studio and wanted to produce TV series on his own. He also openly sought cooperation, so I came to talk to him.

This screenwriter is really good, and he is very good at business and very cunning.

If you cooperate with him, the probability of success is still very high.

Wu Yuan's face immediately became a little ugly.

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