Millennium director

Chapter 487 Happy Twist Troupe

Hey, Xiaoyuan, where are you in the capital?

As for the theater cooperation I told you about last time, what did you think about it?

Hey, okay, okay, no problem.

Early in the morning.

A call from a teacher in the Academic Affairs Office of Beijing Film Academy woke Wu Yuan from his sleep.

In a daze, after listening to the words on the other end of the phone, Wu Yuan finally woke up.

As one of the most outstanding graduates in the Beijing Film Era, the words that today you are proud of your alma mater and tomorrow your alma mater will be proud of you are not empty words.

The leaders and teachers at the school often came to Wu Yuan for help or matchmaking through some connections.

Sometimes, Wu Yuan would readily agree to the appropriate cooperation or to help his junior students.

Light and Shadow Times also accepts many fresh graduates from the Beijing Film Academy every year, including those from the literature, photography, and acting departments. They all signed up for training in the company after graduation.

After all these years, the Light and Shadow Times has been deeply tied to the Beijing Film Academy, and Wu Yuan's friendship with the teachers at the school has never been broken.

No, the leader of the school's Academic Affairs Office had found Wu Yuan through connections a few days ago.

There is a local theater troupe in Beijing called Happy Mahua that wants to cooperate with Light and Shadow Times.

To be precise, they want Wu Yuan to take a stake in their theater troupe, and then use the resources of the Light and Shadow Group to connect up and down lines, and move from offline theater troupes to film and television products.

Wu Yuan was quite interested in this cooperation that came to him.

If it were another troupe, he would definitely feel unreliable, but Happy Twist was different.

Time goes back to 2003.

Director Tian Youliang, who created the drama Cuihua, Pickled Cabbage, approached Yukai and Zhang Chen and wanted to adapt Yukai's novel The Difficult Love of Diamond King and Laowu into a TV series.

However, the preparation process that was supposed to be full of ambitions encountered SARS, and the TV series shooting plan was shelved, so the three of them set their sights on the drama market.

The movies at that time included both serious works and light-hearted works.

On the other hand, when looking at the drama market, there are only serious works.

So the three of them hit it off immediately: If you want to do it, do comedy.

This is how the drama brand Happy Twist was born.

Starting from the first comedy drama If I Want to Eat Twist, I'll Twist It for You, Happy Twist has embarked on a road of hit dramas with sparks and lightning all the way.

Now in 2011, the drama market of Happy Mahua in Beijing is already booming.

One out of every two people who pay attention to fashion in Beijing knows Happy Twist, with more than 10 million viewers every year.

At the end of 2009, two stage plays, Jianghu Academy and Somali Pirates, exceeded the 10 million mark at the box office during the Lunar New Year performance in less than two months.

Most of their dramas are in the form of funny comedies, so Happy Twist has a lot of fans, mainly young people. In the eyes of these fans, the drama at the end of each year is a must-see. Watching Happy Twist's drama at the end of the year has also become a kind of thing. customary.

They even received an invitation to the 2012 Spring Festival Gala and will appear on the 2012 Spring Festival Gala to bring comedy sketches to audiences across the country.

And this is also an important opportunity for Happy Twist to truly enter the domestic public eye.

Of course, no matter how good a play is, it can't make much money.

What really interests Wu Yuan is the mainland comedy film market that the Happy Twist team later took on!

From Charlotte Troubles to The Shameful Iron Fist and The Richest Man in Xihong City, they are all Kaixin Mahua's well-known works, and the most important thing is that they have all sold out at the box office.

If we can win this comedy team, it will definitely be a good thing for Wu Yuan.

So he immediately agreed to the matchmaking provided by the teacher from the school's Academic Affairs Office, and made an appointment to meet for lunch with the Happy Twist team.

He quickly got up from the bed, washed himself briefly, checked the time, and guessed that the Young You crew had not turned on the camera yet, so Wu Yuan called his little girlfriend.

Hey, Sissy.

I have something to do today, so I may visit you later, in the afternoon.

Well, you film first.

After giving his girlfriend a few words, Wu Yuan picked up the car keys and left the house.

There was no need for an assistant, Xiao Zhang, so he drove his car and drove towards the inner ring of the capital.

The car he drives is still the same Mercedes-Benz C Series that he bought after making money. This car was bought after Pirates of the Caribbean 1 was released. It has been eight years now, but Wu Yuan has driven it only a handful of times. , the mileage is less than 2,000 kilometers.

It was also because he didn't drive much, so the paparazzi almost didn't know that this car was his car. Most of them stared at the nanny car that Xiao Zhang used to pick up and drop off Wu Yuan every day.

So usually when he is walking alone, he will drive this humble Mercedes-Benz C Series, which can avoid the eyes of many pervasive paparazzi.

At a little after ten o'clock in the morning, Wu Yuan arrived at a Cantonese-style tea restaurant near the Second Ring Road of Beijing.

His appointment with Happy Twist's team was at 11 noon, so he was not in a hurry. He ordered some Hong Kong-style refreshments and a pot of tea, then sat in a corner to leisurely drink tea and watch the street view.

Not to mention, after taking some time off from directing, Wu Yuan immediately felt that life was full of beautiful scenery and leisure.

If there is nothing serious, it would be no problem for him to sit here all day, relaxed and comfortable.

Unfortunately, we only sat there for less than half an hour, and only drank half of the pot of tea. Yu Kai and Zhang Chen, the co-founders of Happy Twist, brought the core of the team, director, screenwriter Yan Fei and contracted actors, and at the same time Shen Teng, who is also the main star of the drama troupe, came to the tea restaurant.

Wu Yuan had no choice but to change places and came with them to the private room of this restaurant.

Looking at the younger version of Uncle Shen, Wu Yuan was filled with surprise.

In his memory, Shen Teng was a proper middle-aged greasy uncle.

However, Shen Teng, who was standing in front of him respectfully and even nervously, was actually a shy and handsome guy.

Shen Teng, who is only 32 years old this year, is still at the end of his flowering period. Although there are some wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, his figure is still not fat.

Hello, Director Wu, I am Shen Teng, who graduated from military arts. Shen Teng greeted Wu Yuan awkwardly.

I know you.

Wu Yuan interrupted Shen Teng's self-introduction with a smile and said proactively: I've heard that the play The Count of Wulong Mountain by your Happy Mahua is very popular in the capital.

I heard that you opened 100 shows in less than half a year, with a box office of over 10 million.

Hey, where's your heroine Ma Li? Why didn't she come with you?

Zhang Chen, the founder of Happy Twist who arrived with Shen Teng, immediately took the initiative and said: Ma Li is a little sick, maybe the flu. I was afraid that she would infect you, so I didn't bring her here.

Oh, that's a pity. Wu Yuan said with a look of regret on his face: I really want to meet her. I heard that her acting skills are very good.

Okay, let's stop standing around and sit down and chat!

Uncle Shen in The Count of Wulongshan

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