Millennium director

Chapter 50 Why did you forget her?

Wu Yuan does know Jiujiazhang, but they don't really know each other well.

Back then, Wu Yuan, Chen Kun, and Huang Xiaoming always went to the Drama Academy to see Zeng Li. After going back and forth, they all became more or less acquainted with the classmates of Class 96 of the Chinese Drama Academy.

The International Chapter belongs to this nodding acquaintance.

If you think about it, you will know that the year Wu Yuan was admitted to the Film Academy, International Chapter had already become an instant hit with My Father and Mother, became the Best Actress of the Hundred Flowers Award, and was shortlisted for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress.

Not to mention how snobbish the international chapter was, but at that time they really had no room to make friends. Although they met many times, they were limited to just saying hello.

After that, she was busy filming Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Rush Hour and The Legend of Shushan. She had less time to go back to school, and Wu Yuan had no chance to communicate with her.

This is why he was so surprised and unaccustomed to it when he saw Jiuji Zhang calling him Yuan'er.

Generally, this name is only used by good friends like Chen Kun, Zeng Li, and Hai Lu. They have always regarded Wu Yuan as their younger brother, so they are so close to each other.

And since Wu Yuan became Director Wu, even fewer people call him that.

Looking at each other a little unaccustomedly, Wu Yuan asked International Zhang, Sister Zi Yi, don't you still have Hero to shoot, and do you still have time to join the cast of Encourage?

Hero, an epoch-making blockbuster in mainland China, has started shooting in Dunhuang. Director Zhang, who is filming such a blockbuster for the first time, divided the crew into two groups, A/B. I heard that the filming progress is still very slow, and the crew is still adjusting. .

It was because the crew was still working together that Guizhou Zhang had time to take a leave of absence to fly to the United States to promote Rush Hour 2. Unexpectedly, she could still find time to audition for The Executioner in her busy schedule.

Needless to say, Jiu Zhang is still very dedicated in his career and will try his best to seize every opportunity.

I have a small supporting role in Hero. I can wrap up the Dunhuang scene in October, and then when the crew moves to Hengdian in late November, I can go and shoot for five days.

I can discuss it with Director Zhang. It won't delay much. We can take care of both.

Good guy!

This is going to be a drama!

Even though it only lasted five days, it was still a show!

These days, I haven't heard of any movie actors being able to act in movies. I can only say that going to the International Chapter of Hollywood is different. At least other actresses really don't dare to mention it like this.

Wu Yuan frowned weakly and couldn't say anything. He just nodded: Let's try the show first.

International Zhang confidently took over the audition script and read it through.

She is really swollen now.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has a box office of over 100 million U.S. dollars in the United States. It is the first foreign language film in the history of American movies to have a box office of over 100 million U.S. dollars. The global box office has also exceeded 200 million U.S. dollars!

Rush Hour 2 has now exceeded 100 million US dollars in North American box office, and it is still growing. It is estimated that it will be another movie with a global box office exceeding 200 million US dollars.

And she, Zhang Ziyi, is the undoubted heroine in these two movies, and the borderline heroine is also the heroine!

Moreover, there is also a movie starring her in The Legend of Shushan being released on Hong Kong Island, and even a movie starring her in Samurai is also being released in South Korea.

At this moment, even Emperor Gong has to stay away from him!

Although Gong Huang's artistic achievements are much higher than those of International Chapter, the two cannot be compared.

But the international chapter carries a high box office!

Moreover, she has 4 movies released around the world this year, and Koreans are looking for her to make movies. She is treated like an Asian superstar!

She didn't think that Wu Yuan would not use her at all, even if Wu Yuan also opened a path in Hollywood, but if he wanted to make a Chinese movie, then she would be the best choice besides Gong Huang.

Director Wu, I'm ready.

After roughly reading the audition script several times, International Zhang raised his head confidently, ready to show Wu Yuan his abilities.

In terms of acting, he graduated from China National Theater Academy and has been trained by Zhang Yimou and Ang Lee, two great literary and artistic directors. International Chapter is not afraid of anyone at all!

But she didn't notice that after she started auditioning and performing, Wu Yuan shook his head inconspicuously.

As an actress who is currently quite well-known internationally, would Wu Yuan have not thought of the international chapter when he was developing the project for The Encoffiant?

Putting aside her personal life, Jiujiang Zhang is quite dedicated in acting, and her level is indeed good. If given the opportunity, Wu Yuan certainly would not object to cooperating with Jiji Zhang.

But the heroine of The Embalmer was simply not suitable for her.

Kuaishou's face is really sharp. It looks good on the big screen, but his aura is too strong. Otherwise, The Grandmaster would not have been turned into The Legend of the Palace.

Is it possible for Guizhou Zhang to play a good wife and mother, a virtuous, virtuous, gentle and considerate wife?

Her face is perfect for playing a beating girl!

Waiting for the International Chapter audition performance to end with a calm expression, Wu Yuan gave a faint smile: Sister Ziyi, you have nothing to say about your acting skills, otherwise Director Zhang would not have picked you right away.

It's just that, you may not know very well. Although our film The Embalmer will start filming in November, the main actors will join the cast in September and have to go to funeral parlors in various places for a two-month life experience.

This may conflict with your filming schedule on the Hero crew.

Furthermore, after our film starts filming, we will conduct closed shooting in a small city in Northeast China. We will try to complete the filming in one go. It is difficult to ask for leave in the middle.

If there is a chance next time, let's cooperate again. I still really want to cooperate with Sister Ziyi.

Wu Yuan's words were very tactful and appropriate. As for the promise for next time, let's talk about it next time.

Talking nonsense is an essential skill for every director.

Okay. International Zhang smiled stiffly. She never expected to be rejected so decisively by Wu Yuan. She was International Zhang? !

However, her good emotional control prevented her from losing her temper. Instead, she quickly adjusted her mentality and restored her hearty smile: Then we will work together next time.

By the way, Brother Cheng Long heard that I was coming to audition for your role, and he specifically asked me to say hello to him. He said that if you have a chance, you can arrange a party. Everyone is working hard in Hollywood, so there should be a lot of topics to talk about. chat.

Is it convenient to exchange contact information? Brother Cheng Long also asked me to ask for it.

Yes, even though Ji Ji Zhang seemed to be familiar with Wu Yuan as soon as she walked in, in fact she didn't even have Wu Yuan's contact information.

Brother Cheng Long still had to give him face. Wu Yuan got up and naturally exchanged mobile phone numbers with Jiu Zhang, and then personally sent her to the door.

It was only then that Director Han said jokingly: Director Wu, your vision is quite high. Even Zhang Ziyi can't look down on her. What kind of heroine do you have to choose?

It's not that I don't like them. Wu Yuan shook his head: I never choose actors based on their reputation, I only choose the most suitable ones.

With Zhang Ziyi's sharp face, do you think she can play a good wife and mother?

Director Han nodded with understanding.

Nowadays, most Chinese people's impression of International Zhang is that of a beating girl. After all, apart from her debut in My Father and Mother, her other films are all martial arts films, and she also has a fighting scene in Hero maid.

It is indeed quite inconsistent for her to play a good wife and mother in her thirties who is gentle and at home.

Then let's look at the next one.

The staff guarding the door immediately went to bring the next audition actor. Wu Yuan also sat back in his seat, took a deep breath, and readjusted his mentality.

Dong dong.

An actress with a dignified and elegant temperament, and a gentle temperament in every frown, walked into the audition room with elegant steps.

Just one glance made Wu Yuan feel shocked.

How could I have forgotten this one!

If we were to talk about which mainland actress at this stage can best portray the image of a gentle, homely, good wife and loving mother, the one in front of us would definitely rank high!

As soon as he saw her, Wu Yuan's tangled emotions immediately became clear. This person is really suitable!

He immediately stood up and greeted with a smile: Teacher Chen Hong, I didn't expect you to come to the audition.

Isn't With You directed by Kego still in filming?

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