Millennium director

Chapter 500 The Four Great Mentors Gather

Speaking of which, Mr. Chen from your company last time wanted you to help contact Sister Gong Li to be a mentor for Actors Please Take Your Place, right?

Liu Yifei, who had reluctantly agreed to Wu Yuan's proposal, suddenly remembered another thing, and her expression became lively and expectant.

If there is Gong Li in the mentor lineup of Actors Please Take Your Place, it would be a good thing for her to be the so-called convener. At least she can have more contact with Gong Li.

Although she had a lot of contact with Gong Li in private because of Wu Yuan's relationship, the two had never filmed together, and Liu Yifei was not suitable to discuss acting skills with Gong Li in a private gathering. .

But if you were to learn from Gong Li on the show Actors Please Take Your Place, it would be a very reasonable thing.

Of course. Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said proudly: If I take action, which actor in China can't be hired?

I just called Sister Gong Li and told her about it, and she readily agreed.

In 1987, Gong Li was selected by director Zhang Yimou to star in the war art film Red Sorghum and made his debut. In a blink of an eye, he has already made his debut for more than 20 years.

After working hard to hit Hollywood in the first decade of the 21st century and only half-footing in Hollywood, Gongli has been consciously reducing production in a low-key manner since 2010.

She has basically received all the honors she deserves. Among the three major European actresses, Gong Li is also the Chinese actress with the most honors in history.

After testing the waters in a few movies and confirming that his Asian face could not be taken over by Hollywood, Gong Li also gave up on entering Hollywood.

In 2010, she was promoted to the rank of Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French Ministry of Culture, becoming the first Chinese woman to receive this honor.

It can be said that in the field of actors, Gong Li has achieved the best level and has touched the international ceiling of Chinese actors.

Therefore, Gong Li, who no longer has the pursuit of advancement, co-starred with Andy Lau in the remake of the Hollywood comedy I Know Women's Hearts in 2010, and stopped taking roles. He entered a state of semi-retirement and even moved directly to France. Long stay.

If nothing changes, she will have to wait until 2014, at the invitation of Zhang Yimou, to film the classic literary film Return.

But things are different now.

Zhang Yimou was not the only one who could recruit Gong Li.

The movie Gravity is still the highest-grossing commercial film starring Gong Li. It makes up for her embarrassing situation of not being a hit in the commercial field, and also allows her to truly secure her position as the number one Chinese actress. seat.

If Zhang Yimou is the person who discovered and made Gong Li successful in the field of literary and artistic films, then Wu Yuan is the person who made Gong Li successful in the field of commercial films.

Perhaps Wu Yuan is not as important as Zhang Yimou in Gong Li's life. After all, the two have never had an unforgettable love.

But when Wu Yuan took the initiative to invite her to help, Gong Li agreed to the invitation without hesitation and flew back to China from France as soon as possible.

At this moment, while Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei were talking about the preparations for the variety show Actors Please Take Your Place, the four proposed mentors had also gathered together at the Light and Shadow Times Company in Beijing.

In a small conference room in the Light and Shadow Era, Zhang Yimou, Gong Li, Zhang Guorong, and Chen Daoming were gathering together to whisper.

Although the Chinese entertainment industry is very large, the small group of people at the top basically know each other.

The three mainland tutors have all worked together to some extent in the past, and they all used to live in the capital and have frequent contacts.

Zhang Guorong, who started to contact the mainland film industry because of Farewell My Concubine, is already very familiar with Gong Li. In addition, Zhang Fengyi is from Beijing, and Chen Daoming and Zhang Guorong also have contacts.

There was no sense of unfamiliarity among the four of them as when they met for the first time. They became familiar with each other within a few words. The topics ranged from movies to life.

It was also during the chat that the other three people learned that Gong Li had divorced her husband after two or three years of separation, but the news had not been made public yet.

We divorced last year. It was just a matter of private life. I didn't want to talk about it in front of the public, so I never made it public.

Gong Li didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and said calmly: If you don't have feelings, just leave. Holding it off is not a good thing for both parties.

Facing such a free and easy Gong Li, Zhang Yimou's face showed some emotion and trance, perhaps thinking of some things in the past.

But before he could say anything, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Li Xiaoping walked in with several members of the Actors Please Take Your Place production team.

The printed and bound player lists were distributed to the four instructors immediately.

Thank you to the four teachers for accepting our invitation to serve as instructors for Actors Please Take Your Place.

As soon as she sat down, Li Xiaoping first thanked them: Both Teacher Gong Li and Teacher Chen Daoming are the best among our Chinese actors, with extremely superb acting skills.

Not to mention the two directors Zhang, both are excellent filmmakers who can both direct and act.

To be honest, I never thought that I would be able to gather four of the top actors and directors in the industry to serve as mentors for this Actors Please Take Your Place.

It's such an honor.

As a member of the Light and Shadow Era, Zhang Guorong immediately took over the conversation, laughed twice, and joked: Why didn't Director Wu come to be the mentor?

I originally thought that Director Wu would come as a mentor. This is a variety show produced by Light and Shadow Era.

Yes. Although his face was serious, his eyes were full of ridicule. Chen Daoming also said: I thought Director Wu would also be a mentor, so I agreed without hesitation.

Now it seems that I made a mistake, it's a loss!

Why, you don't like the two directors Zhang? Gong Li looked at Chen Daoming and deliberately joked, causing Chen Daoming to wave his hands repeatedly.

Zhang Yimou, who has always been introverted and rarely talks about non-work matters, also laughed.

The testimonial atmosphere originally created by Li Xiaoping immediately dissipated completely.

They were not here to listen to Li Xiaoping's thanks, and they were not interested in such a scene.

Li Xiaoping, who understood the meaning, stopped talking and took the initiative to explain: The proposal for the variety show Actors Please Take Your Place was proposed by Director Wu. It can be said that this show was planned by Director Wu.

And he will also participate in the recording of one or two episodes of the program as a flight instructor during the recording process.

It's not like I haven't participated in this show at all.

Okay, let's talk about business first.

The materials just sent to the four teachers are the profiles of the 50 contestants who passed the audition this time.

The recording time of Actors Please Take Your Place this time will be from July to September, which happens to be the summer vacation of major colleges and universities, so as to minimize the academic impact of the contestants who are currently in school.

Teachers, you can take a look at the information first, and then we will talk about the specific competition system and competition plan.

Compared to singer variety shows such as Super Girl and Fast Man, the energy and tasks that instructors need to pay for actor-type variety shows like ours are still relatively heavy.

I hope the four teachers can take more care of me! (End of this chapter)

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