Millennium director

Chapter 504 Actors please take their seats recording begins!

The completion of Love Letter does not mean that Wu Yuan was liberated. On the contrary, after returning to the capital, he became even busier.

I went to Shanghai to film for almost two months, and he needed to sign some documents and things accumulated by the company.

There is no such thing as electronic signature yet. Although Wu Yuan can nod and agree to many things over the phone, specific documents still have to be signed in person to have legal effect.

Not only his domestic company affairs, but also the light era on the other side of the ocean.

Since the release of Interstellar, Wu Yuan has not been to the United States for a long time since he returned to China. Some documents from the United States were also sent across the ocean to the country for Wu Yuan to sign before sending them back.

This kind of thing has to be done.

Therefore, as his companies in China and the United States grew bigger and bigger, he had to devote a lot of his personal time to handling company affairs.

Of course, this situation can be solved. He only needs to upgrade the company, establish a board of directors, or establish a plenipotentiary. In this way, as long as he nods his consent, the plenipotentiary has the right to sign various documents on his behalf.

John had this right, but Wu Yuan still signed a more detailed rights differentiation contract with him. Some very important documents still had to be signed by him personally to take effect.

For example, I just received a contract regarding the cooperation between Light Times and 20th Century Fox.

This contract is very important.

After lengthy negotiations, Light Times and 20th Century Fox have reached an important cooperation agreement.

This is a 10-year cooperation agreement, which stipulates that both parties will jointly finance and produce 20 film and television works in the next 7 years.

Specifically, the situation is similar to Legendary Pictures' cooperation with Warner Bros.

In 2005, Legendary Pictures signed a seven-year cooperation agreement with Warner Bros. They will cooperate to produce 40 film and television works in the next seven years.

This cooperation has been basically completed this year.

Warner Bros.'s Superman Returns, Batman Begins, 300, The Dark Knight, Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Superman which have been completed and not yet released. Man of Steel and other works are one of the cooperative products of the two companies.

Of course, this is only profitable.

In fact, among the 40 cooperation projects, less than 10 have achieved profitability, and the remaining 30 are all film and television works that have made losses or even profits.

Through this cooperation, it can actually be seen that the reason why Warner Bros. signed such a cooperation agreement with Legend is that they want to cooperate with Legend on some projects that are high risk and easy to lose money, but have the potential to make big profits if they win. , share the risk of loss.

Warner's IP that can really make a lot of money has never been shared with Legendary Pictures.

For example, Harry Potter is a magical cash cow, such as Middle-earth including the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit series.

But overall, Legend is not at a loss, because Warner and Legend have cooperated to create a monster universe and share the DC Universe with Legend.

If 10 of the 40 cooperative films make money or even sell well, it is actually enough for the film company to make a profit. This is the cruel fact of the film industry.

This is also the reason why large companies like Warner have to find other small and medium-sized film companies to cooperate with them to bear production risks.

Among the thousands of Hollywood productions every year, there are really too few movies that actually make money.

Speaking of which, if Wu Yuan hadn't appeared, the Hangover series would have been a successful example of the cooperation between Legend and Warner.

Therefore, the in-depth cooperation between Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. will not end just because this agreement is about to expire. There will even be a honeymoon period in the future.

This can be regarded as a typical example of cooperation in Hollywood.

After all, it is too normal for major American film companies to co-invest and distribute.

The Big Six Hollywood also likes to cooperate with small film companies. Warner has long-term cooperation with at least eight small film companies with famous names in Hollywood.

In fact, there are very few independent film companies in Hollywood that have made a name for themselves like Light Times, but have not yet signed any long-term cooperation agreement with the six major Hollywood companies.

Since its debut, Light Times has only teamed up with New Line to produce the Kingsman series, and collaborated with 20th Century Fox on the Night at the Museum series.

It’s amazing that it’s only now that the six major companies have come to seek long-term cooperation with Light Times.

Wu Yuan did not refuse the cooperation intention from 20th Century Fox, and even took the initiative to let John negotiate.

For others, cooperating with the Big Six to invest in film production may be a very risky thing. If you are not careful, you may be trapped by the Big Six's high-risk projects.

But Wu Yuan is different. He may not know how many bad movies the Big Six produce every year, and how many Big Six movies make huge losses, but he knows which movies can make money or not!

Letting Light Times enter Fox's cooperation list is like putting a mouse in a rice barn.

Therefore, Wu Yuan is very active, but he has a bottom line requirement for this cooperation, that is, Light Times must have the right to refuse.

They are free to choose which films to collaborate on among the projects produced by Fox each year.

Of course, Fox can also refuse to cooperate with Light Times on some projects that Fox itself seems to be guaranteed to make money.

But they cannot insist on which movie they must let Light Times invest in and produce.

Only in this way is truly fair cooperation possible.

In this regard, Fox was unwilling to agree at first.

Since when do small and medium-sized companies still have the right to say no to Fox?

However, Fox's operating status has not been very good in recent years, and the company's capital chain has become somewhat tight, which is why they have to seek cooperation.

And Light Times should be the richest among the small and medium-sized film companies in Hollywood.

Because the investment loss ratio of the Light Age is so low, the Twilight series has brought a lot of returns to the Light Age at a very small cost.

Fox needs this money to help them tide over the financial crisis.

Therefore, after several discussions, Fox agreed to Wu Yuan's request, making this cooperation much fairer for both parties.

After Wu Yuan signed the cooperation agreement, the first cooperation project between the two companies was delivered to Wu Yuan's mailbox.

With a strong capital injection, Fox is ambitious to restart its important IP Alien.

This time they plan to go big and make a series of trilogy movies about the birth of aliens.

The script for the first part has been completed and is tentatively titled Alien Prequel.

But after seeing the script, Wu Yuan knew the final name of the movie-Prometheus! (End of chapter)

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