Millennium director

Chapter 506 Cruel competition system, 50 to 28!

The five-story building rented by the Actors Please Take Your Place program team has been renovated.

This five-story building is quite big. It used to be a dormitory for employees of an electronics factory. Each floor has eight rooms. Each room can accommodate at least two people. If there are more, it can be turned into a four-person room like a student dormitory. .

After rearrangement by the program team, the first floor is now a girls dormitory, with eight rooms each housing two contestants, and can accommodate 16 girls.

On the second floor, two rooms are girls' dormitories, and the remaining rooms have been opened up to create a rest area for girls, including a kitchen, gym, living room with a large TV and sofa, and a leisure room.

The 3rd and 4th floors are the boys' dormitories, and the top floor has been converted into a leisure activity area for the boys.

The reason why the leisure area, kitchen, and sports area for boys and girls are so separated is mainly because these students have made their debut in the entertainment industry since participating in this program.

Stars in the entertainment industry must pay attention to the sense of distance and propriety between men and women.

After all, this is not a romance drama, and although the current domestic entertainment industry is not as extreme in celebrity romance as in Japan and South Korea, it is not that you want to see actors who have just debuted fall in love.

Therefore, the program team still needs to take some preventive measures to prevent these contestants from not getting good rankings and falling in love at public expense.

This is neither alarmist nor overly defensive.

50 young people, with an average age of less than 24 years old, have been living under the same roof for two months, eating and living together and recording variety shows together. If they are still living together, can there be some sparks of love?

It is already a good age to be in Huaichun, plus the boy is handsome and the girl is pretty, if they get along day and night, something will happen if they are not kept in harmony.

The purpose of the program Actors Please Take Your Place is to select outstanding actors, and it is not a sorority party for the most outstanding newcomers of the new generation in the domestic actor circle.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, the program team completely separated the accommodation areas for men and women, so that at least they would only have the opportunity to stay together when working.

But the players who are now arriving at the dormitory have no intention of thinking about these things.

Wow, this dormitory is nice, much better than the dormitory in school!

As expected of the age of light and shadow, this treatment is really good. Even if you don't make a name for yourself in the end, it won't be a loss if you live here for two months!

Players from Yeluzi and academic players gathered together in twos and threes to explore the new homes they would live in for the next two months.

Not to mention, in 2011, the dormitory environment arranged for them by Actors Please Take Your Place is really top-notch.

This was Wu Yuan's special instruction to provide a good rest environment for these players, so Li Xiaoping spent a lot of money to redecorate the interior.

The dormitory for two people is ten square meters, and it is not crowded at all. It has a bathroom, air conditioning, refrigerator, and two computers, making it very convenient for rest and entertainment.

The public area belongs to everyone, and there are more than a dozen fitness equipment, as well as a large TV over 50 inches, and the kitchen area has both Chinese and Western styles.

The players from the three major universities are okay. Most of them have very good family conditions. They are either rich or noble, and their home environment is similar to this.

But those players with wild backgrounds are different.

Zhao Liying, who had just pushed a cute pink suitcase to the public rest area on the second floor, felt strange about everything she saw.

She came out of the countryside at the age of 19 to make a career. Although she has met great directors like Feng Xiaogang, worked hard in the industry for several years, and played many small roles, Zhao Liying has never lived in such a good house.

Zhao Liying, who usually either lives in ordinary standard rooms in hotels arranged by the crew, or in well-decorated private rooms rented by the company, was shocked by this accommodation environment.

This is where the competition comes from.

It’s all about enjoying it!

Hello, my name is Qiao Xin. I am from China National Theater and graduated in 2010. Who are you?

Just when Zhao Liying was in a daze, a girl with a round face, at least 1.7 meters tall and a bit like a Northeastern girl, came up to her enthusiastically and greeted her.

Qiao Xin, ranked first in the drama major in 2010.

With her professional status as the number one, after signing up for the audition, the Actors Please Take Your Place program team easily passed her through the 50-person roster.

Each school's performance department can only have one number one major in a year. It would be a joke if they all failed to pass the audition.

However, facing this top student in Chinese dramas, Zhao Liying felt a little embarrassed and inferior. After a sneer, she said in a low voice: Hello, my name is Zhao Liying, and I am a contracted actor of Hairun Film and Television.

Without mentioning her academic qualifications, Qiao Xin immediately understood what she meant.

Although she still had a smile on her face, in her heart, Qiao Xin inevitably felt a bit contemptuous.

In the Mainland actor circle, only actors with a professional background can have a future. The so-called class is not so easy to break, and the grassroots counterattack is just a myth.

Oh, Hairun Film and Television, I know, it's a very powerful company.

Teachers Jiang Wenli and Teacher Liu Ye are both from Hairun, right? I really envy you to be in the same company with such excellent teachers.

Qiao Xin made a distressed expression and sighed: Unlike me, I'm just a student, and no film and television company is willing to sign me.

Well, the words sounded nice, but in her heart, Qiao Xin no longer took Zhao Liying seriously.

After a few casual greetings with the seemingly introverted Zhao Liying, Qiao Xin raised her head and looked at the other female players who were also visiting the dormitory.

Hello, my name is Qiao Xin. I am a 2010 graduate of China National Theater Academy. I have met you. You are a theater actor, right? We seem to have taken the art exam together, right? Zhong Chuxi?

Soon, Qiao Xin found another more suitable contact partner and approached him with a warm smile.

Zhao Liying also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she seems to be older than Qiao Xin, she is really not very good at socializing and her personality is not very enthusiastic and outgoing.

However, before she could take a few more breaths, the TV in the common rest area was suddenly turned on.

A small speaker installed in the living room also sounded.

Please all contestants of Actors Please Take Your Place gather in the living room rest area.

Next, announce the rules for the first round of competition!

This announcement was heard from the 1st to 5th floors at the same time. All 50 players who had arrived quickly gathered in the public living rooms on the 2nd and 5th floors and looked at the large LCD TV.

On the TV screen, a card with a white bottom frame was slowly pulled out and opened, revealing several lines of large characters.

The first round of competition, mentor preliminary competition!

The 50 contestants will form groups of 2-3 and take turns performing skits. The four instructors will choose their favorite contestants to join the team!

After all four mentor teams are assembled, the first film and television assessment will officially begin!

In the first stage of the film and television assessment, among the 50 contestants, only 28 contestants will advance successfully!

Come on, future actors!

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