Millennium director

Chapter 513 In Hengdian

Wow, are you filming here?

I saw the crew!

It seems like there is a palace drama going on today?

Then what are we playing? The palace maid and the eunuch?

The contestants from the Actors Please Take Your Places program got off the bus parked in front of the Qin Palace in groups of three and two, and saw the crew setting up a set in the Qin Palace at a glance.

Of course, the Qin Palace is not just a palace, but an entire palace complex.

The crew of Warring States did not have enough money to contract out the entire Qin Palace. Even if the Actors Please Take Your Places program team joined in, they only rented half of the Qin Palace.

Now the two side halls of the Qin Palace have been turned into dressing rooms, where the leading actors of the crew and the temporarily hired extras have to change clothes and put on makeup.

Yes, extras also need to wear makeup.

It's not about applying powder or oil to their faces, but putting wigs on or re-doing the hairstyles of these extras with very modern hairstyles.

This is why the crew was obtained so early.

Following the cameras, the fifty contestants were taken directly to the dressing room, and one by one they began to put on wigs and put on their Warring States costumes.

Well, the men all play the role of eunuchs, and the women all play the role of palace maids. There are no scenes showing their faces and no lines.

This was the arrangement experience on their first day of recording.

To be honest, even those contestants who come from wild backgrounds have never played such a small role.

Whether it is Zhao Liying, Wang Xiao, Yin Zheng, Zhang Junning and other non-scientific players, they entered the industry due to various opportunities and coincidences. Although they did not have a leading role when they entered the industry, they also started as supporting roles with lines.

They have never done any real group acting.

In the entire actor circle, Wang Baoqiang is the only actor who has truly stepped up from the lowest level of group acting. He is a legend in Jing Piao.

Even in the light and shadow era, Zhang Yi worked as a Beijing artist, squatting outside the Beijing Film Factory and waiting for group acting roles, but he later joined the army, and he really relied on his connections in the military arts to get ahead.

A real group performer really can't get ahead.

Even in the preliminary audition for Actors Please Take Your Place, not a single extra actor was selected.

Because extra actors are not really actors strictly speaking, they don’t need any acting skills, and the director never cares about the acting skills of the extras. In addition, most of the extra actors actually don’t look very good. If they really look good, they won’t always look good. Doing a group performance.

Therefore, the group actors in Hengdian, Beijing, Xiangshan and other places are extremely lacking in opportunities to learn acting skills in the true sense, and there are no opportunities to practice performances with cameras. In addition, they have not studied in academic classes. They want to practice with these students or practice New actors who have been trained compete for auditions, but the chances are slim to almost 0!

None of the contestants actually selected for the 50-man roster had experience in group acting.

The actors who were born in Yeluzi are okay. Although they have no experience in extras, they have a lot of experience in the crew, and they probably know what the extras do on the set every day. They all wait for their makeup to be put on with dull expressions.

Those students in the ivory tower are different. Those in their junior and senior years are better off. They may have been in commercials or have had one or two roles in movies or TV series, so they have some foundation.

As for the sophomores, they really have no experience at all. Everything they see is new, even if they are sitting there and letting the makeup teacher put on hair caps, they are looking around.

Well, there's a clear sense of stupidity.

Just next to the dressing room, in a small cubicle connected to the side hall, Wu Yuan and the four instructors were all looking at the group of contestants with laughter.

Sister Li, when you first acted, were you like them, with a sense of stupidity all over your body? Wu Yuan said to Gong Li with a smile.

Gong Li shook his head helplessly: Who hasn't come from the fledgling world?

We didn't have this condition back then.

I still remember that Jiang Wen didn't have much experience at the time. Although he had debuted for two or three years, he had only played two roles. He looked silly and naive.

At that time, Director Zhang wanted to teach me, a newcomer, how to act, and he also tried to persuade Jiang Wen. The two of us tortured him very much.

Especially Jiang Wen. Director Zhang never asked Jiang Wen to act again.


Wu Yuan laughed out loud.

Putting Jiang Wen's weird temper and the introverted Zhang Yimou together, Wu Yuan could imagine how much fun it would be on the set.

Zhang Yimou is different from Chen Kaige. Chen Kaige is the kind of person who will fight against Jiang Wen, and even quarrel directly to the point of breaking up.

Zhang Yimou is relatively reserved. He won't embarrass you on the set, but he will definitely treat you coldly afterwards.

If you think about it seriously, after Red Sorghum, Wu Yuan really can't remember any other collaborations between Zhang Yimou and Jiang Wen.

It's not easy for Director Zhang either. Wu Yuan looked at Zhang Yimou with a sympathetic expression.

Zhang Yimou waved his hand in embarrassment: No, Jiang Wen and I have no conflicts. When his Let the Bullets Fly was released, he invited me to the premiere.

The filming was very good. I chatted with him for a long time.

Jiang Wen is suitable for being friends, but really not suitable for working together.

If you are friends with Jiang Wen, then he is definitely fun, loyal and a good friend. This is the characteristic of a big courtyard boy in the capital.

But it would be terrible to work with him, especially as his superior.

In the entire entertainment industry, it is estimated that only Emperor's boss Yang can endure Jiang Wen's weird temper.

Who told Boss Yang to be Jiang Wen’s licking dog?

It's your turn, I won't get involved. Wu Yuan said cheerfully: Four mentors, and Qianqian, the convener, let's go.

It's time for you to take these players to experience the real workplace.

Although he came to visit the class today, he will not appear on the scene.

Appearances will have to wait until the second round of competition. He will record two or three episodes of the show as a flight instructor and help lead a sketch of a situational performance.

For the next week, he will stay in Hengdian and participate with the team until all the parts he wants to appear in are recorded before returning to the capital.

When the time comes, he will take Liu Yifei back with him.

Better Days will be released in August, and Liu Yifei has to go out to promote it.

In fact, the movie is already being pre-released.

The first version of the trailer has been released on Weibo and has become a trending topic on Weibo.

Since Weibo shares were created in the Light and Shadow Era, being on trending topics and hot searches is as easy as drinking water.

The group of trolls raised by the company, as well as the Internet troll companies that have long-term cooperation, no longer need to collect likes, comments, and retweets for the era of light and shadow. They only need to help them anti-terrorism.

When some scandalous material actually comes out, Li Xiaoping only needs one phone call to reduce the popularity of the scandal and be swept away by countless other hot news.

Wu Yuan was very impressed by this.

For entertainment companies, having a media mouthpiece is like holding a nuclear weapon! (End of chapter)

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