Millennium director

Chapter 515: Group Acting Is Difficult (2)

Morning, ten o'clock.

As the sun rises higher and higher, the temperature in Hengdian in summer is also rising rapidly. At only ten o'clock, the outdoor temperature has already reached 37°.

Most of the extras were wearing thick ancient costumes, and the Qin Palace did not have air conditioning. There were a bunch of people standing in the palace, like a natural furnace, almost making people faint from the heat.

And I don’t know what happened today, the leading actors did not perform well.

The lead actor's progress was not going smoothly, but it was the extras who were in trouble.

When the starring actors shout Ka from the director, assistants will immediately rush over to help touch up makeup, wipe sweat, and bring ice water to cool down.

The extras didn't have this benefit. Apart from squatting on the ground, they could only wait eagerly for the lunch break after the filming was over before they could buy some water to cool down.

Stop, do it again!

Come again.

In this way, the first scene was just a court meeting. The usable footage was less than five minutes, but it actually took an hour to complete.

Okay, the extras can take a break!

The main actor walks again and takes some close-ups of his face!

Finally, the director's voice, like the sound of nature, reached the ears of the extras.

It was almost eleven o'clock now. After standing in thick costumes for an hour, the linings of most of the extras' clothes were completely soaked, and water could be squeezed out even when they were taken off.

Okay, let's get started! Tweet!

In the main shot of the crew, the two leading actors had to go through it again, take a close-up shot, and they did not have to read their lines. They just walked out of the ranks of ministers calmly and put on a few expressions of courage to speak out.

Marco and Bai Yu, who were playing the role of gatekeepers at the entrance of the palace, saw that filming was still going on inside the palace. Since they were about twenty meters away, they didn't know if they would be photographed, so they didn't dare to move.

It wasn't until the camera and the protagonists moved further and further away that Marco quietly asked the crew standing around the corner, Brother, are you filming?

The two of them were used as background boards. Because they were far away, they couldn't hear the start or end of the live shouting. They could only guess by sight. Seeing that the crew was still running, they thought they were still filming. They had no idea whether they were filming now. Close-ups, the camera can’t bring out the extras.

The staff member was even more confused, so he ignored them both and just asked them to stand still.

Because as a background, they can't move around. If they move a little bit and get into the camera, it's over. This scene will be scrapped and must be shot again.

When Marco was chatting with Li Jiu, the extra who played the bodyguard, he was caught by the assistant director for moving around and was scolded.

So, when they were filming later, the two of them couldn't see clearly what the leading actors were doing, and couldn't hear the director's shouts to stop and start, so they didn't dare to rest at all and could only stand like this all the time.

The first half hour was fine. They felt pretty good. There were eaves over their heads to provide shade, and natural wind blew in to dissipate heat while standing at the door. The two of them felt much more comfortable than the actors in the steamer in the main hall.

But after standing there for another half hour, the two of them started to feel bad.

Brother, are your legs numb?

It's numb, just like there are ants crawling on my legs.

Me too

Not all of the fifty contestants in the Actors Please Take Your Place program are making background panels.

As an actor, luck is very important.

Why does this circle believe so much in metaphysics?

It's because many actors' popularity or not really depends on luck.

Just like this time, 50 contestants were sent to be extras, but among them, Li Xian, Liu Xueyi, Zhong Chuxi and Zhao Liying were spotted by the director because of their image or temperament, and they were asked to act as special extras.

The so-called special extras are actually the ones with a few lines.

An open space next to the Qin Palace where the crew was filming was the rest area for the crew of Warring States Policy.

The next scene is for Li Xian, Liu Xueyi, Zhong Chuxi and Zhao Liying. They will be the maids of the two harem ladies and members of the eunuchs respectively. When the eunuchs carry the chariot through the palace streets, the two ladies We meet on a narrow road.

Then when the two ladies were mocking each other, Zhong Chuxi and Zhao Liying were able to get two lines.

Of course, it's just lines like My slave knows and Your Majesty is right.

However, because the filming of the first scene in the palace was not going well, with frequent NGs, we had to wait from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock before it was the four of them's turn to take part in the scene.

Liu Yifei, who was responsible for taking care of these contestants to adapt to their status as extras, wandered into the extras rest area.

Of course, the resting place for the extras won't be very good. It's actually just an open space.

Seeing four little girls and young men sitting on the open space in the rest area, sweating non-stop, Liu Yifei, who took on the role of teacher, said with a little distress: I've been waiting for a long time, you guys will be filming soon, up front The scene in the palace has been filmed, the last close-up shot.

Zhong Chuxi, who had never filmed before, looked at Liu Yifei pitifully, sighed and said: Hey, the waiting time on the crew is really torturous. We arrived at the crew at eight o'clock, and it's already eleven o'clock. , it’s not my turn to shoot yet.”

Special agents, get ready, we're about to start shooting!

As soon as Zhong Chuxi said her pitiful words, a staff member ran over and informed them that they could go on stage.

Okay, the wait is finally here. Zhao Liying took a deep breath, cheered herself up, and took Zhong Chuxi to the show.

Li Xian and Liu Xueyi also stood up silently, did a few stretching exercises, and immediately ran towards the palace street on the side of Qin Palace.

The scene between the four of them was not difficult. The special extras carried the two actors playing the harem ladies and walked around the palace street. Then they met. The little eunuch played by Li Xian bumped into the lady and knelt down to salute. , and then the wives of both parties taunted each other, and their confidants helped, it was that simple.

But because this was a one-shot part of an episode, the director was very diligent and had very precise requirements for camera positions and angles.

As the guardian of the contestants, Liu Yifei stood next to the monitor and watched. Li Xianguang knelt down more than 30 times, from all camera positions and angles.

Liu Yifei felt pain in his knee just by looking at it.

Coupled with the fact that the leading eunuch was rude when reprimanding him, the next hour was basically spent filming the kneeling scene.

I finally passed this scene. It was too hot for the ordinary extras who were walking on the chariot. It was almost 12 o'clock. It was the hottest time. The temperature was 39 degrees. Wearing thick clothes like this Walking back and forth on the chariot was so tiring that I almost suffered from heat stroke.

There was no other way, so the assistant director had to temporarily find four other extras and give them extra money to calculate the salary of the prospect, and then the scene was completed.

It was 11 o'clock at noon. In addition to the crew's preparation time, the first scene took a full five hours to complete from 8 o'clock in the morning to now.

Every actor's clothes were soaked with sweat.

Filming in Hengdian in the summer is so tiring! (End of chapter)

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