Millennium director

Chapter 522 Superhero Fei

What are you thinking about! Wu Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

What are you planning to do to get pregnant?

You have been complaining that you are tired some time ago. You have been filming two movies in a row, and you have been calling for a rest.

Now that I really let you rest, why are you so anxious to make a new movie again?

Liu Yifei smiled, put her arms around Wu Yuan's neck, and said distressedly: I don't know either.

While you're working, think about resting.

“But when I have no other work at hand, I feel flustered again.”

Now we only have to promote the release of Young You and Love Letter, and there are no filming appointments for the next movie, so I feel very panicked.

Why are you panicking? Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows: I'm afraid of being abandoned by the market. I'm afraid that no one will want me.

You, the majestic boss lady of the Light and Shadow Era, do you still have to worry about this?

Stop joking! Liu Yifei frowned slightly, I'm really panicking.

Then I'll tell you news, so you won't be flustered. Wu Yuan chuckled and said with a smile, I already have a plan for your next movie.

And not one, but two.

This year, you should take a good rest first, and then give yourself a holiday in the second half of the year to travel.

In the first half of next year, the company will make a Chinese-language blockbuster, and you will definitely be the heroine by then.

In the second half of next year, I also plan to make a Chinese-language blockbuster, but it's just a plan. I haven't decided what to make yet. You will definitely participate in it.

Also, in Hollywood, Fox plans to continue to make the seventh part of the X-Men series, and it will be a reboot of the X-Men universe.

When the time comes, I will also insert you into it and play a member of the X-Men.

X-Men? Liu Yifei was not too surprised by the Chinese blockbuster, but X-Men aroused her strong curiosity.

“Are there any Chinese-faced superheroes in the X-Men?”

No, but you can modify the settings. Wu Yuan said nonchalantly: Now the entire Hollywood knows that the Chinese film market has become the second most important market in the world, and it will even become more important in the future. important.

Whoever can control China's film market will dominate the international film market in the 21st century.

“Nowadays, Hollywood movie companies are trying their best to break into the Chinese market, and the easiest way is to add more Chinese faces to Hollywood movies to please the Chinese audience.

Marvel's Iron Man 3 plans to introduce Chinese actors and add Chinese stories.

Paramount's Transformers series is also rumored to want to introduce Chinese actors.

Even Disney has reported that it wants to launch a live-action movie of Mulan and turn this Chinese story into an international blockbuster.

Obviously, they just want to enter the Chinese market.

Under such circumstances, Fox naturally hopes to introduce X-Men with Chinese faces in the important IP of X-Men in order to please the Chinese audience.

And Fox and I have just reached an in-depth cooperation plan. It will be no problem at all for you to join the X-Men movie universe.

Really? Liu Yifei's eyes lit up, Superhero!

I can play a superhero too!

With more and more news about Marvel's MCU movie universe and Warner's reboot of the DC movie universe, their influence is growing.

Nowadays, there is a trend of superhero movies all over the world.

At a time when superhero movies have just appeared and are still a novel subject, there is no doubt that most actors think that playing a superhero is a very cool thing.

Flying and escaping, super powers, omnipotent...

Who wouldn't want to play such a cool, handsome and awesome character?

The same goes for Liu Yifei.

The reason why the ruthlessness of The Big Four attracts her is that on the one hand, it is very challenging for people with disabilities, and on the other hand, the superpower of ruthlessness is very cool!

Now that she has the opportunity to play a real superhero, Liu Yifei is of course very excited.

Really. Seeing Liu Yifei's interest, Wu Yuan had no choice but to reveal more: I'll probably let you play Blink.

Flicker's real name is Clarice Ferguson, and she is a member of the X-Men.

However, in the main comic universe of X-Men, Blink can only be regarded as a supporting character.

But in the spin-off parallel universe and major events of 'X-Men', Flicker is very popular.

Flicker played a lot of roles in the major event of the X-Men comic universe, Age of Apocalypse. Later, the plot of the Age of Apocalypse split into the parallel world Earth-295, and Flicker joined an organization that traveled through parallel worlds to correct errors. Exile , is the protagonist among them and is extremely popular.

The new X-Men trilogy that Fox will be preparing this time will revolve around the comic book Age of Apocalypse.

The first work is called X-Men: Days of Future Past. It tells the story of mutants being hunted by new combat robots Sentinels and facing the danger of extinction. Wolverine must travel through time and space to find Professor X and Magneto and change history. s story.

[Days of Future Past] is a warm-up for the big event [Age of Apocalypse]. After history is changed, the next movie X-Men: Apocalypse will be about the X-War Apocalypse The story of the police universe’s big boss.”

The character Twinkle has a role in this story, and the role is very flexible.

I will talk to Fox and let them increase the role of Blink in the new X-Men trilogy, and then let you play this role.

This is much easier than asking Fox to add Chinese actors to the story of Alien Prequel.

After all, X-Men are mutants, and mutants come from all races, and it's normal to have Chinese.

And you are different from other Chinese actresses. You are already very famous and influential internationally. The success of Pirates of the Caribbean and Interstellar have made you a woman with a high global reputation. actor.

The Hollywood media calls you the Flower of the East!

Fox should be more receptive to letting you join X-Men and take on more roles.

When the time comes, you hope to become the resident superhero of X-Men. Although you may not be able to become as famous and classic as Wolverine, Professor, and Magneto, it is important to become the same level as Mystique and Storm. Hero, it’s still okay.”

The only downside is that once you join the X-Men universe, you may not be able to join the Marvel MCU universe.

But I also asked someone to find out. In the first few stages of Marvel, there were no superheroes with Chinese faces. There is Shang-Chi in the comics, but he is a male character. There will be no opportunities for you in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for at least ten years. .”

It doesn't matter if you don't join the Marvel MCU universe.

Ahhhh! After listening to Wu Yuan's narration, Liu Yifei screamed excitedly and threw herself into Wu Yuan's arms.

Brother, you are so kind! (End of Chapter)

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