Millennium director

Chapter 524 Matt Damon’s Challenge

Los Angeles, Wu Yuan’s home.

Hey Matt, long time no see!

Haha, Daniel, to be honest, I almost thought you had lied to me!

Wu Yuan stood up, smiled and hugged Matt Damon who had just entered.

I didn't lie to you. Didn't I already inform you in April?

Matt Damon shook his head and said happily: Oh, if you hadn't informed me at that time, I would have been filming another movie now.

Wu Yuan has been in contact with Matt Damon for a long time, saying that his next Hollywood movie will be a collaboration with Matt Damon.

Matt Damon is an honest man, a rare kind of honest man in Hollywood.

He was really eagerly waiting for Wu Yuan, looking forward to working with this top Hollywood director.

He had been waiting for more than a year just for this.

In April this year, a movie called Promised Land came to our door, inviting Matt Damon to star.

This is a film adapted from a documentary, and it's in the running for awards.

If it were normal times, Matt Damon would definitely have accepted this movie. He really liked the script.

It just happened that Wu Yuan, who he had been waiting for for a long time, contacted him again and asked him to free up his schedule from October this year to January next year and prepare to join the group.

At the same time, the script for The Martian was also sent to him.

Comparing the two, Matt Damon chose The Martian without hesitation!

This is a science fiction blockbuster, and it is also a science fiction blockbuster directed by Wu Yuan. It has a great future!

Believe me, Matt, this The Martian will become your masterpiece for the next ten years. You won't suffer any loss if you reject other movies.

Wu Yuan smiled and patted Matt Damon's shoulder, led him to sit down in the living room, and then continued to ask: How is it? Have you done everything I told you?

Of course. Matt Damon took the coffee from the servant, took a sip and said, I strictly abide by your request.

In order to become a qualified astronaut, I did a series of physical training every day, including strength exercises, running, and skipping.

Do you need me to take off my clothes so you can see?

That's not necessary. Wu Yuan shook his head, stretched out his hand and squeezed Matt Damon's biceps. It was really strong, and he was very satisfied.

Matt Damon's figure is one of the selling points in the movie.

Moreover, he does need enough exercise to cope with the high-intensity filming of Interstellar.

This movie was not really shot on Mars, which does not have the same light gravity.

Under the gravity of the earth, and really in the desert, wearing a spacesuit weighing more than 20 pounds for high-intensity shooting is not an easy task.

Yes, even if it is just a prop and does not have the function of a real space suit, the space suit prepared by the crew for Matt Damon is not light at all.

Perhaps for a real space suit, 20 pounds is already very light, and in space, weight does not seem to be the standard for measuring the quality of a space suit.

But on Earth, wearing 20 kilograms of clothing for movie shooting is almost as intense as soldiers training with weights.

Matt Damon must have a good body to be able to hold on!

Daniel, I have a hunch that this movie will be the most difficult filming in my film career. Matt Damon raised his eyebrows and joked with a smile: To be honest, when I saw the script At the time, my first thought was that it was very cool.”

But the second thought was that this movie was going to be absolutely difficult to make.

Sure enough, when I saw the location you chose, I knew it was going to be a chore.

Most of my scenes had to be shot in the Jordanian desert, OMG, it was scary.

I specifically checked online. Even in October, the daytime temperatures in Jordan's Rose Desert are terrifying.

But you still decided to take the photo, didn't you? Wu Yuan said calmly.

Yes, I like this challenge. Matt Damon nodded and said with anticipation: This is a movie with a super male protagonist. I like movies like this that can fully demonstrate my acting skills.

The Martian is a movie that's rare to see in Hollywood.

It’s not that Hollywood lacks such blockbusters, it also doesn’t lack one-man movies in which an actor plays a big role.

But among blockbusters with an investment of over 100 million US dollars, it is really rare to see a movie like The Martian in which the male protagonist's one-man show accounts for more than 80% of the entire film.

Pirates of the Caribbean has three protagonists, and Harry Potter also revolves around the story of three boys and girls.

Even in Transformers, which mainly focuses on big robots, the protagonists are mainly Megatron and Optimus Prime.

Even in Wu Yuan's previous work Interstellar with the same theme, the male protagonist Cooper's role in the movie returned, and the roles of his daughter and the female astronaut played by Liu Yifei were not light at all.

But The Martian is different. This movie is entirely a solo adventure for the actor Mark Watney.

The entire film revolves around Mark Watney, who was abandoned by a man on Mars.

Although there are people on Earth trying to rescue him, the movie focuses more on Mark Watney's self-rescue.

It can be said that the quality of this movie depends entirely on the performance of Matt Damon as the male protagonist.

If he does a good job, this will be a great movie.

If he does a bad job, the movie will be a complete disaster.

This is why Wu Yuan boldly changed the male lead when filming Interstellar, but when preparing for The Martian this time, Matt Damon was cast early.

He also couldn't guarantee whether such an important role would be able to achieve the same effect as Matt Damon's original version if someone else played it.

To be on the safe side, it would be safer to let Matt Damon play the role.

Matt, this movie is all about your performance.

Wu Yuan smiled slightly and said: I have put all my treasure on you.

If you act well, the movie will be a brilliant success.

If you don't act well, then this movie may become a Waterloo for both of us.

Do you feel a lot of pressure?

Matt Damon is not an actor who is afraid of pressure, and is not an actor who will be crushed by pressure.

He didn't look nervous at all. Instead, he lay down relaxedly on the sofa cushion, crossed his legs, and said, Daniel, you have found the right person.

In the entire Hollywood, I dare say that apart from Leonardo, I am the only one who can play this movie well.

Even if you get Depp, he won't be able to perform this movie well.

Believe me, your choice is the right one!

I heard that you really grew potatoes in the studio?

Can I go take a look? (End of Chapter)

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