The reason why Wu Yuan set the start date of The Martian in October is because he will go to Italy to attend the Venice Film Festival from August 31 to September 11.

The matter of the chairman of the jury was decided last year.

In recent months, in addition to taking a vacation and taking care of some company matters, he has also been fulfilling his duties as chairman of the jury, and reviewed the films submitted for review at this year's film festival online with other judges on the jury.

Mainland director Cai Shangjun's The Big Crowd was the last so-called surprise film to be shortlisted for the main competition this year because of Wu Yuan's persistence and through the ideological work of several other judges. .

But this does not mean that Wu Yuan can really do whatever he wants. Whichever movie he wants to win, that movie will win.

The jury of the Venice Film Festival implements a one-person, one-vote system. The jury plus the chairman has a total of seven people.

The biggest role of the jury chairman is actually to act as a lubricant and rely on his prestige and influence in the circle to use his vote to make an overwhelming decision when the judges are arguing about the two movies. Decide.

But this premise must be that when the 3V3 votes are equal, the chairman of the jury can make the final decision!

Wu Yuan could not make any guarantees to Liu Dehua, and he did not dare to even give some words of hope.

Because he himself didn't think Sister Peach could win the Best Actor and Golden Lion awards.

Obviously the only thing this movie has a chance of winning is the Best Actress award, and this honor has nothing to do with Andy Lau.

In the end, Sister Tao can succeed the director Hui Yuhua and the heroine Dexian Ip, but it cannot succeed Andy Lau.

To be honest, Wu Yuan still admires Brother Hua.

In the smoky Hong Kong entertainment industry, Hua Ge is a rare Hong Kong actor with excellent character and artistic ethics.

What's even more rare is that he has become the pinnacle among Hong Kong actors and still maintains a dedicated, humble attitude and extremely high artistic ethics.

In this regard, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the best actor in Hong Kong with both virtue and art. Cheng Long cannot compare with him.

After all, although Cheng Long is also very dedicated, his personal life is chaotic. On the set, he still watches people order food, makes some big names, and causes some conflicts.

It's just that he didn't dare to do it in front of Wu Yuan.

As for Andy Lau, no matter which director or actor he works with, he always has the same humble attitude and outstanding artistic ethics.

His support and full support for the film and television industry in Hong Kong is also obvious to all.

If he had the ability and opportunity, Wu Yuan would definitely be willing to give Liu Dehua a hand.

It's a pity that in Sister Tao, there is really no hope.

Maybe we can make the movie The Lost Orphan in advance and let Andy Lau show himself?

Speaking of which, Zhang Yimou's Return is about to be developed, right?

Lost Orphan is not a good movie. Director Peng Sanyuan did not make this movie well.

Compared with Zhang Yimou, a truly awesome director of artistic films, the female director Peng Sanyuan's camera control skills are still much worse.

The characters and story framework of The Lost Orphan are composed of three clues. Unfortunately, the entire movie did not have a good grasp of the overall structure of the three clues, and it felt completely disconnected. The story seemed loose and not gripping.

Although it pays attention to the cruel social reality, it does not touch the core pain points. It only relies on a mix of good people and good deeds, out-of-tempo lyricism, and symbolic empty shots, making the entire film narratively messy and disorganized.

In comparison, director Zhang Yimou is filming the Misery part, but I don't know how high it is.

Andy Lau could actually try out Lu Yanshi who acted in The Return.

But the original work, Mr. Chen Daoming, also acted very well. It seems that if he did this, he would feel sorry for Mr. Chen Daoming.

Wu Yuan felt a pain in his head.

He stretched out his hand to rub his eyebrows and sighed: Brother Hua, your performance in the movie Sister Tao is really not very impressive.

The real highlight of this movie is entirely on Sister Tao. You are just a catalyst for the plot.

Although the film week hasn't started yet, I can tell you with certainty that among the 22 shortlisted films, Sister Tao will definitely not win the best actor.

The Golden Lion Award is even more unlikely. The only one who has a chance is the Best Actress.

Teacher Ye's role as Sister Tao is very outstanding. In my personal opinion, she is the most outstanding female character in the 22 movies. I have great hope of winning this award.

So, I hope you can understand.

Oh, it's okay, it's okay. Andy Lau's disappointed expression flashed across his face, and then, as if he had let go of a big stone in his heart, he regained his high spirits and said with a smile: If Teacher Ye Dexian can really get The Best Actress Award is also very good.

She really deserves this award.

Director Wu, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I also know that the possibility of me winning the award is very slim, but I have always had a somewhat lucky mentality in my heart.

Now that I hear your words, my anxious heart has completely calmed down.

The pressure that had been accumulating in my chest was also released.

If there is no prize, then there will be no prize. There will be opportunities in the future. I plan to act until I am old.

Seeing Liu Dehua's relieved expression, Wu Yuan patted his back with emotion.

He really admires Liu Dehua as an actor, he can pick it up and put it down.

Will have the opportunity next time.

Let's go, the premiere should start soon, we should go to the screening room.

A few minutes later, Wu Yuan and Liu Dehua entered the Young You premiere screening room with their heads lowered.

The large screening room, which can accommodate up to 500 people, was already full at this time.

Even though Wu Yuan and Liu Dehua were very low-key, they still attracted everyone's attention when they came in.

It was under the watch of almost 500 guests and film critics that the two people came to the second row and took their seats.

Brother Hua, what are you talking about? Liu Yifei asked curiously as soon as he sat down.

Nothing, let's talk about the Venice Film Festival.

Liu Yifei immediately realized, Oh! Sister Tao has been shortlisted for the main competition in Venice!

How could I forget this?

No wonder Brother Hua suddenly came to attend the premiere of Young You.

Yes. Wu Yuan nodded, looking intently at the still dark big screen, and asked in a calm tone: Do you want to go to Venice with me this year?

I'm not going. Liu Yifei pursed her lips, You are going to be the chairman of the jury. I don't even have any shortlisted works, so why should I accompany you to join in the fun?

Okay. Wu Yuan didn't mind either.

The premiere is about to start, let's not talk about it yet. (End of Chapter)

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