Millennium director

Chapter 548 Drag! Wait for change!

“How many companies have contacted us now?”

Five Wall Street venture capital firms, eight representatives from North American capital groups, as well as Fox and Warner.

Although they didn't say they must cooperate, the pressure has been put on them. If we don't cooperate, maybe they will use some dishonorable means to deal with us.

for example?

For example, limiting the number of theaters where our new movies can be released, suppressing our distribution, and restricting some normal cooperation.

At least there is vague news from New Line that they hope to buy out the cooperation in the Kings Agent series and make this IP exclusive to New Line.

Damn it!

Wu Yuan cursed secretly.

I don't know whether I should be happy or smile bitterly.

Wu Yuan is very pleased that Light Times has been able to develop steadily in Hollywood for seven or eight years.

When he founded this company, he didn't expect that Light Times would last as long as it did. At that time, he just hoped that it would be enough to make The Hangover, Fake Marriage and Weakness and make a profit and leave.

However, the company developed smoothly and did not encounter any pressure. John himself knew how to measure his limits, and the big six did not like the small body of the glory era. The scale of making one to two movies a year was indeed true in Hollywood. Very inconspicuous.

But as the Chinese mainland film market develops more and more vigorously, it has now become the third largest film market in the world, and anyone with a brain can see that it is not a problem for the Chinese market to surpass the Japanese market, and it will not even take five years. Year.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Hollywood to become sensitive to film capital from China.

It’s just that many people in the Chinese circle haven’t felt it yet.

A few years later, Wanda even wanted to spend money to buy a second-tier Hollywood film company to enter Hollywood, and they actually succeeded, acquiring Legendary Pictures.

It’s just that after Wanda spent a long time and spent billions of dollars, the final acquisition of Legendary Pictures was only an empty shell. It was completely ignored by Hollywood and was banned from entering the North American market. Only then did Wanda’s raging ambitions get a cold drink. Doused.

And Wu Yuan is now also facing the problems Wanda encountered.

He is a Chinese filmmaker and has started a relatively healthy independent film company in Hollywood. In the past two years, it has even grown into an independent film company of similar size to New Line and Lionsgate!

O! M! G!

This is really dangerous!

Hollywood is an important part of American cultural hegemony and cultural invasion!

How can a Chinese capital be allowed to survive here like a fish in water?

Perhaps it was just discovered to remedy the situation, or perhaps it was planned for a long time. In short, Utah Capital, which controls Hollywood and the North American news media industry, finally began to target Light Times, a purely Chinese-owned Hollywood independent film company. .

Although it is not as threatening as Wanda's acquisition of Legendary Pictures, Utai Capital is determined to kick Wanda out of North America.

But Wu Yuan's time of glory cannot be underestimated. At least he cannot be allowed to be a sole proprietor anymore. He must at least spit out the time from a Chinese-funded company to a company controlled by Youtai Capital in order to be able to accommodate Wu Yuan.

To be honest, Wu Yuan is quite talented as a director. The better his career is, the more it proves that Wu Yuan is not only good at making movies and writing scripts, he is also a wizard in business.

Therefore, Youtai Capital, the company behind Hollywood, is reluctant to break up with Wu Yuan completely. This is a very profitable golden baby.

Daniel, I think it won't work if we don't take out some shares of the company this time. John said nervously.

In fact, in his opinion, it is indeed an unusual thing for Wu Yuan to seize 100% of the shares of Light Times.

There are hundreds of film production companies in Hollywood, large and small, and basically none of them is fully owned by one person.

Only super small companies, as small as a start-up company with only a dozen employees, may be wholly owned by the boss alone.

As long as a company starts and develops, it will more or less introduce some strategic investments, other shareholders, and venture capital companies.

On the one hand, it is to share risks, and on the other hand, it is to use contacts to better develop the company.

A company like Light Times, which has been established for seven or eight years and has an annual revenue of over 100 million U.S. dollars, is still a company solely owned by Wu Yuan. Let alone Hollywood, I can’t find a few companies all over the world.

It's time to share some more cakes. Wu Yuan sighed.

He totally understands it too.

It is very difficult to do such a thing as eating alone.

He was able to eat alone in the domestic light and shadow era. That was because the light and shadow era was originally opened to the development of private film companies in the mainland. With the influence of other capital bosses, Wu Yuan can do whatever he wants.

This is an opportunity that is only available when the industry is just starting out.

Hollywood is different. It has been developing here for a hundred years. You have all kinds of capital, and I have yours. It is unrealistic for Wu Yuan, a migrant, to be independent.

But you can't sell it so easily.

And I have the final say on how much and how to sell it!

Wu Yuan gritted his teeth and said unhappily: Put it off first!

I won't refuse, but I won't accept either. Just make some excuses and talk to them slowly!

“And we need to talk to several more companies!”

Light Times only has so many shares. Even if it is open to cooperation, how many companies can it cooperate with?

As long as we release the news that we are willing to cooperate and share the profits, those hyenas holding table knives will have to worry first.

There is an allusion in China: Two peaches kill three soldiers.

Although we are not just two peaches, the other party is also not just three people.

Let them fight among themselves first, and then we can find a few people who really have good teeth and can eat this piece of cake!

At least wait until The Martian is released smoothly and then talk to them!

Due to the situation, let alone Wu Yuan, even if Lao Wang comes, it is impossible to defeat this group of You Tai Capital.

But Wu Yuan still planned to put it off as long as he could. In the end, he couldn't put it off anymore, so he simply cashed out and left!

If you don’t want to stay here, you will have a place to stay!

Anyway, Light Times has been just a money-making machine for Wu Yuan from beginning to end. He has never regarded this company as a core business that can operate in the long run.

The truly important asset of Light Times has never been the company’s hundreds of employees, but the prophetic memories in Wu Yuan’s mind!

That group of Yu Tai Capital has taken a fancy to Light Times, so just sell it to them.

As long as the company's valuation is reasonable enough, Wu Yuan doesn't mind selling off Light Times. Anyway, as far as he can remember, in the next decade or so, apart from superhero movies, there will be no other profitable original movies in Hollywood. Even if the company is not sold, Wu Yuan will not be able to bring huge profits like before in the future.

Cashing out now is also a good choice.

As for whether Youtai Capital, which finally bought Light Times, can make money from this company, that is not something Wu Yuan needs to consider.

He is only thinking about one thing now.

The company valuation of Light Times is at least US$1 billion, right? (End of chapter)

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