In Taipei, the Golden Horse Awards organizing committee arranged for the entrance of the luxury hotel where the crew came to attend the awards ceremony.

Under the flashing lights of countless reporters, the cast and crew of Better Days got off the concierge car and walked into the hotel, which has been cooperating with the Golden Horse Awards for 30 years.

Hey, Director Wu, long time no see!

You are almost a legend in the circle now.

I heard that a movie was filmed in Hungary recently?

As soon as he entered the lobby, Wu Yuan met an acquaintance who was also attending the Let the Bullets Fly crew for this year's Golden Horse Awards.

A smile crumpled on Jiang Wen's face. He stretched out his hand and walked up to hug Wu Yuan, patting him hard on the back.

Jiang Wen was a tall man, and he had gained weight in recent years. Wu Yuan suddenly felt like he was being hugged by a big bear, and he broke away with all his strength. He said helplessly: Director Jiang , I’ve never seen you so enthusiastic before.”

Jiang Wen has a typical rogue character. When he suddenly becomes attentive to others, nothing good will happen.

What are you saying? Sure enough, Jiang Wen immediately blew his beard and said with eyes wide open: I haven't seen you for a long time, how happy are you!

Director Jiang, if you have anything to say, just say it. Wu Yuan rolled his eyes.

Ahem. Jiang Wen was a little embarrassed and had to say directly: What about that? I heard that Director Wu is trying to act by himself recently?

You can finally experience the joy of being an actor.

How's it going? Is it interesting?

Speaking of experience as an actor, among all the directors in China, Jiang Wen has the most experience.

He really loves acting.

Not only was he severely addicted to acting when he was banned from directing, he also did not give up his career as an actor after the ban was lifted. In April of this year, his starring role in Guan Yunchang was released, in which he played Cao Cao. .

After this movie was released, Jiang Wen was accused of stealing the show. Although the movie was called Guan Yunchang, Cao Cao's role in the movie was more colorful than Guan Yu's.

Obviously, during the filming process, Jiang Wen definitely became a drama tyrant and forcibly changed the script.

But to be honest, being able to co-operate with Donnie Yen, a Hong Kong drama star, and still steal the show, Jiang Wen is really awesome, and he deserves to be the number one drama star in the Mainland.

It is completely understandable why he fell out with Chen Kaige back then.

But looking at Jiang Wen's fawning smile, Wu Yuan immediately guessed what Jiang Wen was thinking, shaking his head like a drum.

Director Jiang, I really don't want to be an actor. If you want to find an actor for your new movie, you'd better hire another Gao Ming.

When Jiang Wen stuck his buttocks out, Wu Yuan could guess what he wanted to fart.

In fact, Jiang Wen is not a person who can hold back his thoughts, and everything he is thinking is written on his face.

As expected, when Wu Yuan said this, Jiang Wen's face immediately fell. He chased Wu Yuan and said, Don't bother me.

Director Wu, I see that you are extremely talented. You are a one-of-a-kind acting prodigy.

When I acted in a movie for the first time, I won the Berlin Best Newcomer Award.

The Ghost you acted in later was an idol drama that only girls like to watch, but you were pretty good at it too.

While you are young, it would be great to have more experience and try being an actor!

With these four words while you are young, among so many directors in China, Wu Yuan was probably the only one who could hear such comments, and he laughed out loud.

Director Jiang, are you ready for your new movie? Wu Yuan asked curiously.

He was really curious about what role Jiang Wen wanted him to play.

If I remember correctly, what Jiang Wen will do next should be One Step Away, right?

Is there a role for him in this movie?

Is it possible that Jiang Wen is going to do The Evil Will Not Suppress the Right in advance?

But Wu Yuan doesn't think he can compare with Peng Yuyan's figure.

It's almost ready! Jiang Wen was overjoyed, thinking that inviting Wu Yuan would be a good idea. As he followed him into the hotel elevator, he kept introducing his new movie to him. He didn't care about Liu Yifei, Zhang Yishan and other Youth Boys. The main creator of You is also on the side.

Director Wu, my new movie is still like Let the Bullets Fly, adapted from the Yan Ruisheng case.

Have you heard of the Yan Ruisheng case?

This is the most famous case in the Magic City during the Beiyang period, and it caused quite a stir.

I made a bold new adaptation using this case as the background.

The story takes place in the French Rental in Shanghai. I will play the male lead myself, Lao Ge will continue to play the second male lead, and you will play the third male lead. How about it?

Third male? Wu Yuan frowned.

As soon as Jiang Wen heard what he meant, he knew that this movie was still One Step Away, but in his memory, he had only watched One Step Away once, and he hadn't finished it yet. Now he doesn't quite remember this movie. It's a movie, and for a while I really couldn't remember who the third male actor was.

The third male is the son of a warlord, but because he is a commoner and is not favored at home, he has developed a contradictory character of being arrogant and domineering yet submissive.

It is also because of this contradictory personality that he is willing to take risks.

My movie is particularly awesome. It is a movie that cannot be defined by any one genre. It combines many elements such as romance, comedy, song and dance, adventure, and suspense.

very interesting!

Director Wu, let's play together?

Yes, Wu Yuan resisted the desire to roll his eyes.

He remembered the character Jiang Wen mentioned. It was the Wu Qi played by Wen Zhang. Wu Yuan had a black line. He didn't feel that he had the slightest similarity with the image of the upstart warlord's son Wen Zhang played in the movie. Place? !

Moreover, he has no interest at all in One Step Away, a large-scale musical that is full of Jiang Wen's personal consciousness.

One Step Away is an extremely self-centered film.

Perhaps Jiang Wen himself felt that this movie was particularly good and satisfied his desire for expression, but in Wu Yuan's view, apart from the gorgeous opening dance at the beginning of the movie, which was created by professional dancers hired from Broadway, , is useless.

Director Jiang, thank you for your kind invitation. Wu Yuan raised his head and saw the elevator stopped at the 8th floor, which happened to be the floor where their crew stayed. He took Liu Yifei and stepped out.

But my schedule for next year is already full, and I have plans for the year after that. I really don't have time to participate in your new movie.

If you don't mind, I recommend that you find Zhu Yawen from our company. I think Zhu Yawen's image and temperament are more suitable for the role you mentioned.

Maybe Zhang Hanyu is also good.

Wu Yuan is sincere. In his opinion, these two actors performed much better than Wen Zhang in the movie. Although they cannot reverse the tragic ending of One Step Away, they can really improve the performance level of the movie's actors.

After saying these words, Wu Yuan took Liu Yifei back to his room without waiting for Jiang Wen's further persuasion.

As soon as he entered the door, Liu Yifei, who had been holding back and not interrupting, asked curiously: Brother, are you really not considering Director Jiang Wen's invitation?

I won't consider it. Wu Yuan rolled his eyes: Jiang Wen's movies are becoming more and more self-centered. Whoever wants to play with him can go. Anyway, I won't go. (End of Chapter)

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