Millennium director

Chapter 562 trailer is online, full of expectations!

"Phew, finally home.

With a snap, Liu Yifei threw herself on the soft sofa, turned over, and moaned comfortably: "No wonder people say that a golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as your own doghouse."

"It's most comfortable to be at home."

She stretched out comfortably. Although this trip to Hungary and Jordan with Wu Yuan was more like traveling for Liu Yifei, she was still somewhat mentally exhausted after being away for more than a month.

No matter how relaxing the trip is, it is inevitable to walk around and have fun. It is always better to stay at home and be comfortable.

She and Wu Yuan's love nest was almost completed bit by bit by the two of them. The decoration of the home was all decorated by Liu Yifei herself. It was full of warmth and she felt very relaxed as soon as she got home.

Wu Yuan, on the other hand, put down his backpack with a normal expression, looked around and said, "I have been out for several months, but my home is still clean and tidy."

"That's natural." Liu Yifei said with a smile: "My mother brings the cleaning lady to do cleaning work every week."

Liu Xiaoli had the key to Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei's home, but she never used it when Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei were at home. Even if she wanted to come to see Liu Yifei, she would notify her in advance and ring the doorbell at the door. Just open the door and come in.

The main reason is that I am afraid that it will be very embarrassing if I encounter a young couple making love.

But when the young couple are not at home, Liu Xiaoli will help keep the home tidy.

Not only here, but also Wu Yuan's large villa in Shunyi and the courtyard in the second ring road. Liu Xiaoli is usually responsible for daily maintenance.

Speaking of this, Wu Yuan also smiled and said: "Qianxi, have you bought another house recently?"

"Why do you have this hobby? Buying houses all over the world."

"Two houses in Beijing, one in Jiangcheng, one in Magic City, one in Los Angeles, one in New York, and one in London. When you were in Europe, you also found an agent to buy one near the Aegean Sea?"

"Didn't I learn this from you?" Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue and said: "Brother, didn't you say that for us entertainers who don't understand financial investment, buying a house is the best investment method. "

"I don't know how to open a company, and I don't know anything about financial operations. If I make money, I just leave it in the bank. I just buy some real estate as an investment."

Wu Yuan suddenly realized.

He did tell Liu Yifei, and it was very early, probably when he was filming "Your Name", because Wu Yuan himself was also thinking about investing in real estate at that time. When they had dinner after work, they talked with "You" The actors of "Name" talked about it.

At that time, he specifically told Zhu Yawen, Liu Yifei and others not to spend their money carelessly and just buy a house in the capital. This was the best and most stable investment method for them, and they could double their income in a few years.

This was actually Wu Yuan’s simple and unpretentious idea when he first entered the industry.

However, as the Light and Shadow era grew bigger and bigger, he gradually gave up the idea of ​​speculating in real estate. Apart from buying two houses in the capital to live in, he no longer deliberately hoarded houses.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yifei remembered everything he said casually, and she has been buying houses in the past few years.

"Then you are really a clever little kid." Wu Yuan pinched Liu Yifei's nose lovingly, "House prices have risen in the past few years, and your net worth has increased a lot, right?"

"No." Liu Yifei raised her chin and said proudly: "House prices have been like a rocket in the past few years. They have risen very fast. My mother's investments are not as profitable as mine from hoarding houses."

"But I don't plan to sell it, so just put it somewhere. Don't experts say that housing prices can still rise."

"And the capital seems to be restricting purchases. If you sell it now, you won't be able to buy it again in the future."

"Just settle down." Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said nonchalantly: "The family doesn't lack the money to sell the house."

"Hmph!" Liu Yifei snorted dissatisfiedly.

The peaceful week passed quickly.

Wu Yuan lived a comfortable life at home, sleeping until he woke up naturally every day, putting on his clothes, reaching for food, and opening his mouth. He had a good rest for a few days.

Amid the high expectations from the outside world, the trailer of "Love Letter" has also been released.

Instead of having multiple trailers like "Shounen's 豼", this time "Love Letter" only has one trailer, and it's the final version.

The two-and-a-half-minute trailer, as soon as it was released online, topped the trending searches on Sina Weibo and the top trending list on Baidu, and the number of clicks skyrocketed.

I swear to God, Light and Shadow Era really didn’t do any operations or promotion, and not a single troll was involved. The fans are so enthusiastic.

Wu Yuan, who has been away from Chinese films for three years, has a feeling of "the three-year period has come, and we welcome the return of the Dragon King".

Countless of his fans and passerby movie lovers are paying attention to the trailer of "Love Letter" for the first time.

Even many people in the industry are secretly paying attention.

For example, the crew of "Crazy Dinner" is currently promoting.

There are so many Wu Yuan acquaintances in this crew. Fan Wei, Huang Bo and Liu Ye all know Wu Yuan and have many personal contacts with him.

At this moment, the three of them were huddled in the back seat of the nanny car, watching the trailer of "Love Letter" on their way to the road show.

At the beginning of the trailer, the male protagonist played by Wu Yuan is carrying a heavy wooden antique table to the attic.

While he was moving, he was still chatting with his mother. From the chat between the two of them, it can be known that he bought it in the second-hand market.

When the camera turned, the table had been moved to the attic. Wu Yuan was wiping it with a rag, but he accidentally came across a hidden compartment.

He carefully opened the secret compartment, only to find that there was only an old-fashioned pen and a stack of yellowed letters lying quietly in the secret compartment.

On the letter paper, there are lines of text.

When I opened it, Juanxiu's words came into view.

This seems to be a diary secretly hidden by a girl.

Just when Fan Wei and others were curious to see the words above clearly, the trailer screen changed again.

It's the same loft, the same table, but now the person sitting at the table is Liu Yifei, who is wearing a British-style dress from the beginning of the last century.

She deftly opened the drawer, opened the secret compartment, reached out and groped inside, only to find that the secret compartment was empty, and the letter paper and pens placed inside were missing.

When the trailer is here, smart people already know what is going on.

However, before people could think more, the picture changed again.

The male protagonist played by Wu Yuan is sitting face to face with his mother having dinner.

His mother poured him a glass of wine and said slowly: "Many people believe that time travel exists."

"Einstein also believed that time was just another dimension."

"And some people believe that souls can travel through time."

"So if you think this is all real, then do what you think is right."

"Time and space cannot block your thinking, your will, and your heart."

The male protagonist played by Wu Yuan raised his head and looked blankly at his mother opposite.

The picture froze on his confused face and slowly zoomed in closer.

Wu Yuan's expression gradually changed from confusion to determination, and his eyes became clearer and clearer.

"The miracles of past and present lives are the decisions of fate."

"This is a collision of fiery souls across time and space."

"On February 14th, I invite you to read this love letter that spans a century."

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