"The preparation is a bit long." Zhang Ziyi frowned and turned her head to Gong Li, who was sitting next to her.

"I think it's okay." Gong Li shook his head: "There is some warmth in the calmness that makes people smile."

"Sissi's performance is very good. She brings out the distress of a young girl facing an arranged marriage, as well as the playfulness and temperament of a young lady from the Republic of China."

"Even the blind date guest played by Fan Wei is too ugly. I definitely wouldn't want to marry him if it were me!"

Gong Li's voice was slightly louder, and Liu Yifei and Wu Yuan sitting in front of her heard it clearly.

Wu Yuan just smiled and said nothing, but Liu Yifei couldn't hold it anymore, covered her mouth and chuckled: "My senior brother forced Teacher Fan Wei to make a guest appearance."

"He said that Teacher Zhao Benshan said in his sketch that he has a big head and a thick neck, and he is either a rich man or a cook."

"Teacher Fan Wei played the role of a cook in the sketch. This time I can experience playing a rich man."

"Hey, Wei Shao." Gong Li shook his head and complained.

"Watch a movie, watch a movie." Wu Yuan had no choice but to change the subject.

On the big screen, it was already the second day.

Perhaps because he was still not satisfied with his childish behavior last night, Wei Lai turned on the computer early in the morning and looked up the address on Jiang Lan's letter on the computer.

Although the Magic City has been under heavy construction in the past few decades, many places have been built and demolished, demolished and built again, but many of the bungalows like this that were built during the Republic of China have been preserved.

Soon, he found the address on the letter and found that it had not been demolished and was still there.

By some strange coincidence, Wei Lai went downstairs and drove to this place.

Maybe he felt pity for the distressed girl in the letter, or maybe he really wanted to know the girl's final outcome and whether she could resist this arranged marriage.

Curiosity drove him to this old bungalow that was still well-preserved despite the vicissitudes of life.

After sitting in the car hesitantly for a long time, curiosity and the courage to seek answers finally took over. He got out of the car and walked quickly to the door.

If we were lucky, this girl who was only a teenager in the 15th year of the Republic of China might still be alive.

Although centenarians are not common, they are not uncommon either.

However, when he plucked up the courage to knock on the door, the person who opened the door was an old lady in her forties or fifties, wearing a cleaning uniform.

"Who are you?"

"Sorry, I found this address from the Internet." Wei Lai rubbed his hands, anxiously trying to explain his purpose.

Before he could explain, the cleaning lady interrupted: "No matter who you are, this is a private residence. Please leave."

After saying that, she turned around and slammed the door.

Wei Lai was disappointed.

However, this seems to have given him an answer. This girl from the Republic of China named Jiang Lan probably did not survive until now. Perhaps his curiosity will never be answered.

Perhaps his behavior was originally a meaningless thing.

It was just a ninety-year-old letter found in an antique table. Why bother looking for answers?

Soon, Wei Lai put this matter behind him and went about his work.

It wasn't until the evening, when Wei Lai returned home from his day's work, that he told his mother about this joking matter.

"I'm really out of my mind. It's just a letter that was not sent 90 years ago, but I want to know the subsequent story of the girl in the letter."

"She is not a famous celebrity in the Republic of China, like Lin Huiyin."

"Unless I can travel through time, how can I know her future?"

"That's not necessarily the case." But his mother said with a smile: "Traveling through time and space is not a fantasy."

"For example, have you ever had the feeling that sometimes when you are doing something, you always feel like you have done it before, but it is obviously the first time you have experienced it."

"Sometimes, even though you have never been to a place before and it is your first time here, you always feel that everything is very familiar, as if you have lived here before."

His mother poured him a glass of wine and said slowly: "Many people believe that time travel exists."

"Einstein also believed that time was just another dimension."

"And some people believe that souls can travel through time."

"Maybe you should give it a try?"

In the screening hall, when many people saw this scene, they really felt a bit familiar, as if they had seen a similar plot before?

And today is their first time watching this movie!

Some people suddenly felt a chill running down their spines, but some people with good memories reacted.

Su Chang, for example, chuckled and said: "How come the hero's mother is exactly the same as the heroine's grandmother in "Your Name"."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was immediately stunned.

But no, these two characters are full of mystery, and they serve as spiritual mentors who awaken the male and female protagonists and allow them to "travel through time and space."

It's like the incarnation of a director or screenwriter.

Sure enough, the hero's mother took out a stamp from the 12th year of the Republic of China from a drawer in the living room.

"I remember there was a post office on Xuhui Road. It was established in the third year of the Republic of China and is still in operation today."

"Didn't you say you wrote a reply?"

"Maybe you should give it a try and send it off."

Wei Lai, who was eating, was completely confused now, with his mouth half-opened: "Are you kidding me?"

"How can this be?"

"Mom, it's 2012 now."

"What if?" Wei Lai's mother's face was full of encouragement, "What if it succeeds, how interesting will it be?"

Things finally started to get interesting.

At night, Wei Lai lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

His mother's words kept replaying in his mind.

Reason told him that his mother was talking nonsense. How could such a fantastic thing happen in this world? The post office, which had been established for a hundred years, could not send letters across time and space.

But emotionally, he wanted to give it a try. If he succeeded, maybe he could save a girl who might ruin his happiness for the rest of his life because of an arranged marriage.

As a modern person, he has seen too many records about arranged marriages in books, movies, and TV shows. This is an extremely bad thing for anyone.

He would of course wish to persuade the poor girl if he could.

In this way, he couldn't sleep for a long time. In the middle of the night, with his messy hair, he jumped out of bed. He put the letter in the secret compartment of the desk. He took out the reply he had written and found an envelope to put it in. Okay, I put on the stamp from the 12th year of the Republic of China that my mother gave me and went out.

Under the dark sky, Wei Lai stood on the deserted street and put the letter sent 90 years ago into the mailbox of the post office that his mother mentioned.

"I'm really crazy." (End of chapter)

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