Millennium director

Chapter 569 Missing the Lover

"Doesn't it sound good?" Zhang Liangying said proudly to Su Chang, who was sitting next to her.

The relationship between her and "Love Letter" is more than just a friend coming to watch the premiere. She was invited to sing the theme song of this movie, and Wu Yuan personally invited her.

It was still in the middle of filming "Love Letter". After Wu Yuan "wrote" the song "Missing My Lover", he thought of Zhang Liangying, Liu Yifei's best friend, and asked her to help contact her.

The two of them first paid attention to Zhang Liangying when she participated in "Super Girl".

Liu Yifei still likes singing, otherwise she would not go to the music scene to play.

Later, when she was filming "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Zhang Liangying happened to be invited to sing the theme song for this TV series. The two got in touch, made several KTV appointments and had dinner, and gradually became good friends.

Wu Yuan also recognized Zhang Liangying's singing skills. Later, he also found her for "Painting Heart", and also found her for the episode and theme song of "Ghost".

Zhang Liangying can be regarded as an excellent OST partner in the era of light and shadow.

"This song was written by Director Wu himself, and it perfectly matches the content of the movie." Zhang Liangying said with some sigh: "Director Wu is really powerful. If he were not a director, but just a music producer, he would be the most popular music producer in China." One of the best."

"The talent is a little too much."

Zhang Liangying couldn't understand how Wu Yuan could be so talented in film and television screenwriting and filming while still being distracted by music creation.

That’s not to say that other directors don’t know how to write songs. There are also many directors in the industry who like to write theme songs for their own movies, and the proportion is even quite high.

But the best they can do is write lyrics, and the quality of the songs they end up with is mediocre.

Wu Yuan is different. Although he can't arrange music, he writes lyrics and music himself, and the songs he makes are excellent.

If you look at the entire domestic entertainment industry, you won't be able to find anyone with such talent.

It's a pity that among the dozens of guests and friends present, except for Zhang Liangying, none of them are serious about the music scene, and they don't have deep feelings about this.

What everyone pays more attention to is the content of the movie.

When the music of "I'm sure I said I love you hundreds of years ago" faded out, the "Love Letter" movie also entered its second stage.

Perhaps because of this invisible but felt touch, Wei Lai understood his heart.

He returned home and wrote clearly to Jiang Lan about his feelings at Jiang Lan's house today, and proposed to meet in the letter.

Of course it wasn't a real meeting, but the two of them sent each other photos of themselves.

Jiang Lan was pleasantly surprised when she received the letter. Although she said "Don't love me, it won't work out", in fact she loved her more than anyone else. She even threatened her father to give up letting her marry the rich businessman, like As Wei Lai said, don't ruin your long future just because of a momentary compromise.

Jiang Lan's father still loved his daughter. Although he still felt that the husband he chose for Jiang Lan was the most suitable husband for her, he had to give up this idea when she threatened her with death.

Jiang Lan is free.

She enthusiastically invited the best photographer in Shanghai, and on a sunny afternoon, with two maids carefully dressing up, she took a photo in the garden with a bright smile facing the sun.

Although the photo is in black and white, the beautiful Jiang Lan is still eye-catching.

As soon as the photo was developed, she inserted her photo into the letter and put it into the secret compartment on the table.

At the same time, Wei Lai also took a photo with a digital camera and developed it. In the color photo, he also had a bright smile, and his eyebrows were full of expectation.

But compared with Jiang Lan's convenience, he had to drive to the post office to deliver the letter with the photo.

If nothing else happens, they should be able to exchange photos and know what the other person looks like.

However, if nothing else, something unexpected will happen when the plot enters this point.

On the way to the post office, Wei Lai, perhaps because of his nervousness and excitement, failed to pay attention and collided with an oncoming large truck.

Wei Lai fell into a coma with severe injuries on the spot and was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

And the unsent envelope was gradually soaked in blood.

In this way, Jiang Lan lost contact with Wei Lai before she could receive a reply.

She didn't know what was happening.

Could it be that in the future, girls with looks like her will no longer be beautiful girls in popular aesthetics, but ugly girls?

Jiang Lan leaned against the window with her chin in her hands and speculated gloomily.

This scene also caused many guests to smile.

Especially when Liu Yifei was muttering about whether she was "too ugly" with this face that was killing everyone in the audience, it made people even more full of nonsensical joy.

However, here the story begins to take a complete turn.

Jiang Lan kept writing to Wei Lai, asking him why he didn't contact her anymore. She didn't think Wei Lai was such a superficial man who only looked at his appearance.

And the fact is exactly what she thought. Even when Wei Lai "lost contact" for the first time, every letter she put in the secret compartment would disappear the next day, indicating that Wei Lai had taken it and seen it.

But this time, no matter how many letters she wrote, they were still kept intact in the secret compartment. Even though they were almost full, no one had taken away any of them.

The smart Jiang Lan has already guessed some reasons. For such a sudden loss of contact, the only possibility is that Wei Lai had an accident.

This was not the first time she had encountered this kind of thing.

In the past, carriages and horses were very slow, letters were written over long distances, and it was very common for friends to die of illness in another country, or to lose contact completely after an accident.

She was worried, and her worry about not thinking about food or food even broke Jiang Lan's body.

She is sick.

Early one day.

Under the ardent care of her parents, Jiang Lan had to accept her father's request, and went to the hospital under the leadership of the driver to see a doctor to recuperate her sick body.

Wearing a decent lady's outfit, Jiang Lan, who is young, beautiful and has a luxurious temperament, will become the one who attracts the most attention when she appears in the hospital.

In the registration waiting area of ​​the hospital, all the patients waiting for consultation raised their heads and looked at Jiang Lan who walked in.

Only a man in military uniform showed no reaction at all. He still held the newspaper high and read the contents carefully.

After looking around, Jiang Lan immediately walked over and sat down next to the man reading the newspaper. At least this man didn't pay attention to her.

Instead, she became interested in the only man in the audience who did not pay attention to her. She unconsciously placed her eyes on him, and an inexplicable feeling arose in her heart.

Just then, the man in military uniform also put down the newspaper and was about to turn the pages.

When his face was revealed on the big screen, chuckles and exclamations resounded in the screening hall.

"it is as expected."

"I knew the plot had to be shot this way."

It turned out that the soldier who was reading the newspaper had a face exactly like Wei Lai's, except for a beard.

However, Jiang Lan, who didn't have time to receive a reply from Wei Lai's photo, didn't know. (End of chapter)

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