Millennium director

Chapter 58 Smooth shooting

Anshan, Xiuyan County, Chaoyang Town beside the Shaozi River.

The crew of The Embalmer has been filming here for more than half a month.

Today we have to shoot a rather special scene, where the male protagonist participates in the burial of the deceased's body for the first time.

The deceased was an old woman who lived alone. She was found dead by her neighbors for more than two weeks because of the foul smell.

In the small old-fashioned apartment building, all the camera positions have been prepared. The extra actors playing the corpses have also put on death makeup and are lying on the small wooden bed.

In the room next to the apartment where the scene was set up, behind the monitors that had been set up, Wu Yuan was also chatting with the two actors.

This scene was actually not difficult to film. Zhang Sheng, you have to portray the hero's feeling of discomfort, fear, and fear but having to hold on when he sees a corpse for the first time.

Teacher Li Xuejian is as ordinary as he comes. It's not the kind of indifference where life and death are indifferent, but the kind of indifference that one has seen too much and is used to.

It's like a worker who has been working on an assembly line for twenty years and a fitter who has been twisting screws all his life. His job has become the instinct of his body and he doesn't have any unnecessary emotions at all.

Zhang Guorong and Li Xuejian nodded frequently while listening to Wu Yuan's narration.

To be honest, Zhang Guorong is very satisfied with working with Wu Yuan.

Compared with the literary film directors he had contact with before, it was so much better!

Yes, I’m talking about the King of Sunglasses.

The film aesthetics of Sunglasses King are indeed very good, and he is among the top directors internationally.

But being an actor on the set of King of Sunglasses is definitely a kind of torture.

He never tells the actors about their plays. If the actor is ungrateful, he doesn't say what's wrong with it. He just asks because it doesn't feel right.

The actor wanted to know what the feeling was, but the Sunglasses King didn't say anything. He just shook his head and asked the actor to do it again.

Zhang Guorong once failed several times and failed. He really didn't know how to act, so he asked the King of Sunglasses.

As a result, the Sunglasses King played a piece of music for him, and he listened to it for half an hour. After listening to it, he asked quietly: Do you understand this emotion? This is what I want.

You know nothing!

We filmed all afternoon that day, but the Sunglasses King was not satisfied either. In the end, he simply said that the mood of today's scene was not up to par, so we stopped filming and called it a day!

Zhang Guorong is pretty good.

Zhang Manyu was once autistic because of the filming style of King of Sunglasses. She spent a week in one scene and could not get through it. She would not tell her why when asked. As a result, Zhang Manyu would go back to the hotel after work every day and cry, wondering if she was Not worthy of being an actor.

In comparison, Wu Yuan is an easy director to deal with.

He would talk about the scene before each shooting, and clearly explain the emotions, actions, and status he needed. If the actor failed later, he would directly explain the difference.

And he is not so strict as Mr. Xing, who has to demonstrate every action by himself. If the actions and expressions performed by the actors are different from those demonstrated by himself, they have to do it all over again.

As long as the actors can give the correct emotions, even if there are temporary performances or changes to the scene, Wu Yuan will accept it if it is suitable, and will praise the actors for their performance, giving outstanding actors a certain amount of free space to express themselves!

It is very comfortable to shoot with such a director.

Zhang Guorong, who has been tortured many times by the King of Sunglasses, wishes he had not met Wu Yuan earlier. This is what he thinks a truly good director looks like!

Without even noticing it, Zhang Guorong subconsciously regarded Wu Yuan as his benchmark as a director, and he wanted to become such a director.

Okay, this is the scene. If there's no problem, we'll start filming.

Wu Yuan's words brought Zhang Guorong back to his senses. He nodded, looked around again, and asked curiously:

Director Wu, is that ghost guy who follows you every day gone?

He's gone. Wu Yuan glanced at Zhang Guorong, What's wrong?

Director Wu, are you going to Hollywood to shoot a movie again? Zhang Guorong asked with some envy.

When Wu Yuan and Jerry were chatting on the set, they did not shy away from other staff members. Anyone who cared to listen could tell that Wu Yuan had accepted another Hollywood movie, and it seemed to be a movie from a big company, because of their conversation Disney was mentioned frequently.

It would be a lie to say that Zhang Guorong is not envious. When he was an actor, he also hoped that he could break into Hollywood, but he never succeeded.

Now that I want to transform into a director, my thoughts on pursuing Hollywood have faded a lot, but I still can't help but be envious when I see Wu Yuan being able to go to Hollywood to make movies.

This time I'm not filming my own movie, I'm just working for someone else. Wu Yuan shook his head and said in a calm tone.

Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's start shooting!

Wu Yuan waved his hand, indicating that Zhang Guorong and Li Xuejian could go to the next room to start filming.

Seeing this, Zhang Guorong, who originally had something to say, had no choice but to hold back his words and followed Li Xuejian out of the surveillance room.

He didn't understand Wu Yuan's calmness.

That was Hollywood. It was a great thing to be invited by the top six Hollywood studios to direct a movie. Why was Wu Yuan so calm?

Without much time for him to think about it, the two of them walked to the door of the shooting room, and the assistant director's voice sounded from the intercom on the staff next to them.

The actors are in place!

Start shooting!

As the camera was started, pieces of film were swallowed and moved. Teacher Li Xuejian immediately entered the state, frowning slightly and bent down through the door curtain and entered the room.

He frowned because the room was filled with a foul smell.

In order to simulate reality and help the actors give better feedback, the set design team actually placed a large number of items that could emit stench in the room.

Meals that have been left unattended for several days, rotten food covered with maggots, and rotten fruits.

A certain prop master even wiped a little bit of dog poop on the ground to make the smell strong.

Teacher Li Xuejian's frown was completely a genuine reaction, and he even tried to restrain himself.

Zhang Guorong, who entered the door behind him, didn't need any restraint. When he took the first breath of air, his face immediately wrinkled into a ball, as if he was about to vomit.

Quickly reaching out to cover his nose and mouth, Zhang Guorong subconsciously said: It stinks.

Teacher Li Xuejian ignored him and continued to walk in slowly. As he walked, he took out a pair of medical rubber gloves and put them on.

Taking a few steps forward, they saw the deceased's feet exposed outside the quilt, which were pale and swollen.

Zhang Guorong, who had just adapted to the air and put down the hand covering his mouth, immediately covered his mouth again, fear spreading in his eyes.

This was the first time Lin Wu saw a real dead person, not the one he played.

Teacher Li Xuejian's expression did not change at all. He handed a pair of rubber gloves to Zhang Guorong, took two white sheets from his hands, and walked to the bed with steady steps.

come here.

Zhang Guorong had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk inside. He stepped on a rotten banana before taking two steps. He almost slipped and his stomach started to churn again.

Come here and help. Teacher Li Xuejian urged again.

He had no choice but to endure the discomfort and continue walking inside.

In the surveillance room next door, Wu Yuan looked at the close-up of Zhang Guorong's face and nodded with satisfaction.

His eyes widened, his lips tightened, and he resisted the feeling of vomiting. The corners of his mouth were constantly twitching, and you could even vaguely see that the masseter muscles under his cheeks were clenching hard.

This series of facial micro-movements perfectly demonstrates the character's discomfort and fear at this time.


“The actors did a great job!”

Add a few more facial close-ups!

Get ready for the next shot!

Whether it is Zhang Guorong or Li Xuejian, they have definitely refined their acting skills to their respective peaks.

Working with such actors is also a very comfortable thing for the director.

The whole day's filming went very smoothly, and both actors were able to give Wu Yuan the emotion he wanted.

The shooting, which was originally expected to take one afternoon, took less than two hours and was completed at a little after three o'clock in the afternoon.

After giving 50 yuan in red envelopes to the extras who played the role of the old woman's corpse, the crew called it a day.

In fact, this extravaganza only showed a pair of feet from beginning to end, but as a rule in Jianghu, if you play a corpse, you have to give an extra red envelope to get rid of bad luck.

The filming for the next period of time was still very smooth.

The actors of The Night the Comet Came also arrived in Anshan one after another to make guest appearances as several important family members of the deceased in the movie, and then left after successfully filming their scenes.

Everything went perfectly smoothly.

It went so smoothly that all the progress originally delayed by Jerry was made up, and the crew finished filming three days ahead of schedule.

Wu Yuan was even in a trance and felt it was unreal.

This is his first literary film!

Logically speaking, artistic films are more difficult and time-consuming to shoot than commercial films.

But this movie was the smoothest one shot by Wu Yuan!

Both the actors and the crew were all in control, and a lot of shots were taken in one shot.

Actors such as Zhang Guorong, Li Xuejian, Chen Hong, and Wu Yanshu have good acting skills and are dedicated to their work. It is extremely comfortable to use!

I still need to work more with excellent actors!

At the closing banquet, Wu Yuan held his wine glass high and thanked them sincerely: It is really a pleasure to work with you on this movie!

I believe that The Embalmer will become a masterpiece that will still be frequently mentioned ten or twenty years from now!

After an all-you-can-drink finals banquet, on December 6, 2001, the crew of The Embalmer officially announced the completion of filming in Anshan.

The pace is going to be a little faster. I feel like it would be a bit monotonous to keep writing and making movies, and I have to get into the emotional line.

In fact, I really prepared the emotional line of this novel carefully.

The heroines in many entertainment novels have no sense of existence, are the same, and have no color at all.

I wanted to write a heroine with flesh and blood, a distinct personality, and someone who can be remembered, so this book has a single heroine.

I hope my written performance can be recognized by readers.

Let me tell you something, this is about a girl chasing a boy, because I have no experience chasing girls, and I always get chased backwards~

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