Millennium director

Chapter 65 Berlin’s Best Actor! (Seeking for further reading)

Wu Yuan is really popular this time.

Although it is a bit strange for a director who works behind the scenes to use the word fire to describe it.

But when the premiere reviews and screening ratings of The Embalmer and the Oscar nomination for Juno were announced at the same time, at least at this moment, there is no director on the planet who is more in the limelight than Wu Yuan. .

There are directors who have been shortlisted for Oscars, and there are also directors who have been shortlisted for the Berlin International Film Festival.

But being shortlisted for both awards at the same time, the public opinion explosion effect is not as simple as 1+1=2.

Although the shortlisted movies are not the same, who do the public and netizens care about this?

From mainland China to North America across the ocean, the front pages of major entertainment newspapers are all photos of Wu Yuan on the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival.

In fact, there are five nominees for the Oscar for Best Director, and Wu Yuan is not even the favorite to win.

Major prediction companies in North America do not believe that Juno can win the best director, and A Beautiful Mind is the real favorite to win the award!

As a biographical film, and a blockbuster biographical film at that, A Beautiful Mind has almost booked the Best Picture and Best Director awards at this year's Oscars!

But Wu Yuan is so young. He is also participating in the final selection of the Berlin International Film Festival. He is very popular!

The director who was shortlisted for both the Berlin International Film Festival and the Academy Award at the age of 19 and a half deserves to be reported by any media in any country in the world with a front-page headline!

Even if Wu Yuan fails to win any of these two awards in the end, he will not receive any harsh criticism and will only be considered to still have a bright future!

Other directors at his age have not even made their first film yet, so being shortlisted for an international award is already an exaggeration!

And Wu Yuan, who has never had a clear feeling about his fame or popularity, finally felt deeply that he was famous.

As soon as he shows up in Berlin, no matter where he goes, within five minutes there will be film critics or media coming to talk to him for interviews, wanting to take photos with him or ask for his autograph.

When he went to attend the Berlin screening of other films, he could no longer take a leisurely walk on the streets of Berlin like he had done a few days ago. He had to take a vehicle when going out, otherwise he would be blocked in front of the hotel and unable to get out.

In the last few days of the Berlin International Film Festival, Wu Yuan really felt the feelings of the stars.

So we waited until February 17th, the day when the closing ceremony was held.

Early in the morning, the entire crew of The Embalmer and members of the Chinese press corps all gathered in Wu Yuan's suite on the fifth floor of the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Several other Chinese film crews who came to the screening have already left Berlin one after another, and they have almost sold out the copyrights they should have sold.

Now only The Embalmer has not sold the copyright and distribution rights. Everyone on the crew is waiting for a notice, waiting for a notice that will increase the value of this movie.

Director Han no longer looked as calm as before. He paced back and forth in the living room with his hands behind his back. After a few minutes, he asked Wu Yuan: How are you? Did you call?

No, no. Wu Yuan answered with the same tangle every time.

It's already 9 o'clock and the call hasn't come yet? Many reporters are already giving up. Isn't it possible that The Executioner won't win any awards in the end?

There is an unspoken rule among the three major European film festivals. If the organizing committee personally calls you to invite you to attend the closing ceremony, it means that your film will win the award at the closing ceremony.

If I don’t call you, you won’t get any prize even if you participate.

Moreover, this call came only on the morning of the closing ceremony, which was very exciting.

Time was ticking by, and everyone in the suite was very nervous, not even daring to take a deep breath.


Ring ring ring ring ring the phone rang and Wu Yuan picked it up immediately.

Hello, yes, I am Daniel Wu.

Okay, okay, thank you!

After a very brief chat, Wu Yuan hung up the phone.

Everyone in the room focused on Wu Yuan's face.

How is it? Zhang Guorong asked anxiously.

Of course, Wu Yuan laughed: Call the stylist to do makeup! Attend the closing ceremony in the afternoon!

After a brief silence, the cheers went up to the roof. The actors on the crew were running around like headless flies to find their stylists for makeup. The Chinese press team immediately took out their mobile phones to make calls to China.

Wu Yuan also hugged Director Han and Chen Yuan, enjoying this exciting and wonderful moment.

There was nothing much to say about the red carpet of the closing ceremony. Under the leadership of Wu Yuan, Zhang Guorong, who was dressed up to attend, held Chen Hong's arm, and Li Xuejian held Sun Li's arm and boarded the red carpet.

Just like the opening ceremony, Wu Yuan still enjoyed the enthusiastic siege of reporters on site, and his eyes were almost blinded by the flash.

Regarding the questions raised by reporters, Wu Yuan dismissed rumors that there was no plan for a second part of Juno, at least he did not plan to write a second part, and other topics were dismissed with a haha.

Because of his inner urgency to win the award, Wu Yuan walked on the red carpet much faster this time, and soon led the crew into the movie palace.

In the movie palace, he also met several other powerful opponents.

For example, director Hayao Miyazaki of Spirited Away, director Paul of Bloody Sunday, and director Driessen of Barbecue Point. These directors and their works are among the top ones rated by the Berlin Film Festival. A strong contender for the Golden Bear.

After briefly chatting with them and congratulating each other on winning the grand prize, Wu Yuan sat back in his seat on the crew of The Embalmer.

How are you, are you nervous? Zhang Guorong asked with a smile on his face.

Compared with Wu Yuan, Zhang Guorong's experience in participating in various award ceremonies must be much richer and he is more comfortable.

However, Wu Yuan was not nervous. He shook his head: No, I am excited.

Looking blankly at the empty award-winning platform, Wu Yuan's inner emotions were extremely complicated.

Although he has been mentally prepared, he knows that for a good script like The Embalmer, as long as it doesn't flop, it will definitely be successful if it gets the top three in Europe.

But when he actually received the call and walked into the Berlin Film Palace, he still felt that he was so lucky and couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Time passed very quickly in Wu Yuan's daze.

As I said before, European film festivals tend to be serious and direct, and the Berlin International Film Festival is no different.

There was no singing and dancing at the beginning. The host took the microphone and went on stage to say a lot about looking back on the past and looking forward to the future. Then he mentioned the crew and directors who were present and praised each other, and then the awards ceremony officially started.

Wu Yuan was also mentioned, and was praised very disgustingly.

That's the crew of The Embalmer over there. Their director is only 19 and a half years old this year. This is really crazy!

Maybe this is a genius director!

We at the Berlin International Film Festival always welcome and are honored to have such young directors attend, and we hope that such outstanding young directors can win awards. After all, young people are the future!

The camera showed Wu Yuan, and the invited media also pointed their flashlights at him. Wu Yuan had to stand up, smile, look around and nod.

After all the small talk, the award ceremony officially began.

The first thing to be awarded is the Golden Bear Award for Lifetime Achievement.

This year, the award was awarded with a double-yolk egg, respectively to American director Robert Altman and Italian actor Claudia Cardinale.

Wu Yuan is more familiar with Robert Altman. Although this director's last name is a bit funny, he is a true master director!

He has won the Palme d'Or, the Golden Bear, and the Golden Lion. He is a true Grand Slam director!

When people take this lifetime achievement award, they are giving Berlin face, not Berlin giving him face.

Seeing the old man tremblingly walking up to the stage to accept the award, Wu Yuan gave him sincere applause.

After this jackpot was awarded, several rimmed awards were awarded in succession.

The Golden Camera Award, Best Short Film Award, Alfred Ball Silver Bear Award, and Best Film Music Silver Bear Award were awarded one after another.

Every award-winning crew and creative staff hugged each other excitedly and cheered. Wu Yuan also smiled and applauded.

Very good. The previous awards are relatively small. It’s great that the names of the cast and crew of “The Embalmer” were not mentioned!

When The Embalmer was nominated for the Silver Bear Award for Best Film Score just now, Wu Yuan was almost nervous to death, fearing that he would win the consolation prize.

Although the Berlin Film Festival will award two awards to the same shortlisted film, there are only two awards at most, and it is impossible to award three or five awards. The later you win the award, the better!

Soon, the first relatively heavyweight main competition unit awards finally began to be awarded.

And it’s the Best Actor Award that the crew of “The Embalmer” values ​​​​very much!

In the audience, the crews of The Embalmer and Safety Pass immediately became nervous.

In the Berlin show review, Zhang Guorong and Jacques Gamblin from the Safe Pass crew are the strongest contenders for the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor.

Both of them contributed infectious acting skills in the movies they starred in.

The winner of the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor at the 52nd Berlin International Film Festival is...

Zhang Guorong, who boasted that he was not nervous, was completely shocked. His hands subconsciously grasped the armrests of the chair tightly, and his lips could not help but tremble.

On the podium, the award-winning guest with a gray beard opened the envelope with a smile. After reading it carefully, he smiled and approached the microphone:

Congratulations to the crew of The Embalmer and congratulations to Leslie Cheung!

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