Millennium director

Chapter 69 Important Chapter

Tomorrow and the next two days, that is, Monday and Tuesday, are crucial times. Please be sure to read the updates on these two days.

In fact, after the new chapter was released, I immediately felt from the collection and comments that many readers abandoned the book. After all, no matter who the heroine is, some readers will be discouraged.

In fact, I could have deliberately concealed and speculated in stocks, waiting for the two days after the critical recommendation period, or simply writing the heroine after it was released. This would indeed deceive more readers, and the effect might be very good.

But I did not choose to do this. I feel that it is not a good thing to deceive or deliberately conceal the readers. It is a very bad behavior.

So I just followed the outline and the heroine appeared when it was time to appear.

I accept the departure of some readers who don't like this heroine. I also hope that the remaining readers can try their best to support me in reading in the next few days, so that the performance of this book can be better. farther.

The small speaker and Sanjiang recommendation that I want to fight for next are really important to me!

If nothing else happens, this book will be on the shelves this Friday or the 1st at the latest. I will definitely release more updates by then to give back to you, and I won’t let you down!

So, brothers and sisters, food and clothing parents, Xiao Gu is here to kowtow to you all!

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