Millennium director

Chapter 93 Senior brother, please give me some advice!

Beijing Film Academy, in the small auditorium.

All the students in the 02-level performance class stood nervously under the stage, raising their heads and looking at the figure standing on the stage, their faces full of anticipation.

Wu Yuan, who was standing on the stage, looked around at the students in the audience and sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, there are so many hidden gems.

Wu Yuan spent an entire afternoon interviewing all 30 students, and none of them surprised him.

Including squad leader Cao Zheng, his performance can only be described as mediocre.

In comparison, Zhu Yawen's script skills are obviously better than other students, and Luo Jin's acting skills are quite good. They are both relatively talented. It's no wonder that these two became famous in the industry.

Liu Yifei, who has already acted in two TV series and studied and communicated with many seniors, is the most outstanding among the female classmates.

It can only be said that they are still just a group of freshmen after all, and they have not received enough systematic learning.

Picking up a piece of A4 paper, Wu Yuan glanced at it and then began to read calmly: Juliet, Liu Yifei.

Romeo, Zhu Yawen.

Tybalt, Luo Jin.

Mercutio, Cao Zheng.

Rosalan, Zhou Yang.

Count Paris...


As Wu Yuan expected, after interviewing a group of students from the 02-level acting class, Liu Yifei was the most suitable for the role of Juliet.

Romeo was won by Zhu Yawen, whose line skills were better than Luo Jin's, and even better than Liu Yifei's.

When acting in a drama, the most important thing is the actor's line skills. It can be said that the actor's line level is directly related to the quality of the entire play.

The actor with the best line skills will definitely win the male lead.

Luo Jin could only get the second male lead, while the second female lead went to Zhou Yang.

It's not that Wu Yuan deliberately didn't choose Jiang Yiyan, but her acting skills really didn't stand out, so of course Wu Yuan made the arrangement based on his own preferences.

Jiang Yiyan only got the role of Lady Capulet, and she had to play Liu Yifei's mother.

As for the rest of the supporting roles, Wu Yuan decided to arrange them based on whether they were pleasing to the eye or not.

The Romeo and Juliet he rehearses will not rehearse the entire performance for two and a half hours, but will only select a few important scenes to perform, which will last about an hour.

Most of the supporting characters only have a few minutes of screen time.

The story mainly revolves around the young people Romeo, Juliet, Rosalind, and Tybalt.

Of course, the current group of students do not know this situation.

As long as Wu Yuan's name can be read, no matter how big or small the role is, they are very excited and happy!

Those students whose names were not read were, of course, very frustrated and disappointed. A few girls even looked like they were about to shed tears.

This is Wu Yuan’s drama!

If you miss this opportunity to participate, you will not only lose a final performance, but also an opportunity to change your own destiny. You will regret it for the rest of your life!

Okay, the students whose names have been read above will come to the small auditorium at two o'clock every Saturday and Sunday starting from next week for drama rehearsal.

The list was not long, and Wu Yuan read it in a few seconds.

Seeing the disappointed and sad expressions of the students whose names were not read out, Wu Yuan had no choice but to add comfort: Students whose names were not read out, don't be discouraged. There will be opportunities in the future.

As for when this will happen in the future, Wu Yuan himself doesn't know.

But the consolation effect still took place. The unsuccessful students gathered their mood, nodded to Wu Yuan, and left the small auditorium in twos and threes. The next thing had nothing to do with them.

Everyone will take the script back according to their own roles. This week you will read the script thoroughly first and have your own understanding. Find more Romeo and Juliet drama videos to watch.

After that, you will come to the small auditorium every weekend for rehearsals. I will help you better understand the characters and plot and show the best performance.

Looking at the excited faces of Luo Jin and others, Wu Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and reiterated with a playful expression: Students who perform well will have the opportunity to participate in my next movie.

I can tell you straight away that this movie will be shot during the summer vacation. It is a commercial film, aiming to be the box office champion this year!

Although Hero was only released in February, it was considered a movie released in 2002 and was the mainland box office champion in 2002!

Since Wu Yuan wants to make a commercial film in China, he must aim to win the championship!

As soon as he said these words, Luo Jin, Zhu Yawen, Zhou Yang and others felt like they had been given a shot of chicken blood. Their little heads were nodding, and they made up their minds in their hearts. Even if they didn't eat or sleep, they would still play this drama. Well done!

Liu Yifei also looked at Wu Yuan with bright eyes, almost writing Choose me! Choose me! on her face.

Okay, let's do this for now. Wu Yuan looked at Luo Jin and others who were motivated by him, nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left the small auditorium.

Seeing that Wu Yuan was leaving, Liu Yifei became anxious.

She walked to the table with the script in two or two steps, held Juliet's script in her arms, and immediately caught up with Wu Yuan.

Luo Jin and others looked at Liu Yifei's figure quickly chasing after him, feeling a little curious and puzzled.

Qianqian knows Director Wu? Zhu Yawen touched the back of his head and looked at Jiang Yan and Zhou Yang in confusion, wanting to get the answer.

But both of them shook their heads, looking equally confused.

At the entrance of the small auditorium, Liu Yifei caught up with Wu Yuan.

Brother! I have something to ask you. Liu Yifei shouted while panting slightly.

Wu Yuan paused and glanced at her. Although it was a little strange, he still nodded: Let's talk while walking.

Taking steps again, the two of them walked side by side towards the doctoral student apartment building.

Since that text message exchange, Liu Yifei has not had any form of communication with Wu Yuan.

After boldly speaking to call out Wu Yuan, Liu Yifei hesitated a little and didn't know how to open the topic for a while.

When she didn't speak, Wu Yuan had nothing to say. He and Liu Yifei were not familiar with each other.

The two walked side by side in silence for a while, and Liu Yifei, who had organized her speech, carefully raised her head and glanced at Wu Yuan's profile.

After confirming that Wu Yuan seemed to be in a good mood, she said softly: Brother, thank you for your advice.

When I was on the crew of Dragon, I followed your instructions and studied acting with the seniors on the crew. I would also go to the scene to observe when there was no drama.

I have indeed learned a lot of acting skills from my seniors, and I have gained a lot of insights into the profession of actors.

Just for this?

Wu Yuan looked at Liu Yifei in surprise. The little girl was quite polite.

Nodding slightly, Wu Yuan said with a smile: I just mentioned it casually. Of course it would be best for you to listen.

Now is the time when you need to study more. Learn more about acting from your seniors and lay a solid foundation.

Yeah. Liu Yifei nodded her head happily, agreeing very much with Wu Yuan's words. In her heart, she really wanted to do a good job as an actress and become an actor like Gong Huang, and she was willing to keep working hard for this.


Liu Yifei scratched her head, smiled coquettishly, and said without confidence: Brother, Brother Zhiying introduced me to two movies from Baodao. After my mother read the script, she was very satisfied and wanted to help me pick it up. Play these two plays.

But I think you are more right. My acting skills are not very good yet, and I haven't learned much in school. I am not yet qualified to be a movie heroine. I should focus more on my studies.


Liu Yifei really had no confidence in her heart.

Although she has already acted in two TV series and is also eager to make movies, she has never played a leading role as a heroine before. Both TV series played important female supporting roles.

Now, the heroines of two movies came to her door. Her first thought was actually that she was afraid that she would not be able to catch them and screw up the two movies.

That's why she approached Senior Brother Wu.

Among the people she knew, her senior brother was the most authoritative in the film field, more authoritative than her teacher.

Liu Yifei hopes that this internationally renowned director can give her some guidance.

If Wu Yuan had not suggested that she act in these two movies, she would have had something to say when she went home and talked to her mother.

Isn't my senior brother's vision more far-sighted than my mother's?

Her senior brother didn’t recommend her to take on these two dramas, so her mother must reconsider it, right?

If Wu Yuan suggested that she take the job, that would be great. It means that her acting skills have been recognized by her senior brother and she is capable of playing the leading role in a movie!

But this is even more impossible.

Halfway through Liu Yifei's words, Wu Yuan knew what she wanted to say.

After she finished speaking, Wu Yuan rolled his eyes and asked, Is there anything good about Baodao's movies?

Can it be shown in mainland China?

It may not even be shown on Hong Kong Island, right?

Who did you take the photo to show?

I saw that some readers thought that it would be inappropriate to change Your Name to a real person because the male and female protagonists in the movie would cheat! Live-action movie protagonists can easily find where their heroines live.

This is really a misunderstanding. The blurring of the stream of consciousness in the movie has nothing to do with whether it is an anime or not. It is because the two of them swapping bodies is a dream. After waking up from the dream, it will be blurred, so they can't remember each other's information. clear.

No matter how you watch the movie, you don’t take it seriously. The director emphasized this many times with the help of the heroine’s grandmother’s words.

Even if it is changed to a live-action version, this point must still be retained. The male and female protagonists swap bodies in a dream, and when they wake up, it is like a dream. Some things are vaguely remembered, so they have never been able to find each other.

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