Haru was a strange one, I thought to myself as I followed behind him. He'd changed out of the t-shirt that he'd be wearing and had exchanged it for a button down shirt and a black leather jacket. I happen to catch the glittering insides of his coat, it was full of knives.

Dangerous fellow for sure, however, he was kind of sweet. Maybe, it was my lack of human interaction. I think it had been about a day since I'd gotten into this world, I wasn't actually quite sure.

Time seemed to flow differently here, well maybe not time. My body didn't seem to need sleep, it felt like I could have been up all day and night and would still feel fine. It was a bit odd, to say the least.

"Alice, what other places have you been to?" Haru asked suddenly. He cast a glance over his shoulder, his golden eyes were wide open now, the black bags under his eyes were still pretty pronounced.

"Places?" I asked I didn't know what he meant by that. Turning my head, I look into one of the abandoned room to avoid his piercing gaze. It was like he could see right through me with those eyes of his.

"Well have you been to any other worlds, so far in the Million World Game?" He asks as he climbs over a broken bit of wall. Turning around he offers a hand to me and I take it, his hands were actually a good deal bigger than mine. He was also a foot and half taller than me and I was actually pretty tall, I thought.

"None, this is the only world I've been on," I say grabbing his hand, he helps me over the rubble and we continued our march onwards through the hospital. We're currently heading back towards the are that the lady had led me to before. Haru thought there might be something there or that it could potentially hold a clue to how to escape this place. I was a little worried, to see the dead body of the woman, that the lady had mutilated.

"I thought as much, have you met any other Players other than me yet?" He continued. I turned my attention to his back, it was wide and made me feel a little bit better, this was the first time I felt relatively safe since coming to this place.

We were nearing the crossroads that I had left the lady at he held his hand up signaling for me to wait. He poked his head around the corner and looked for signs of the lady. I held my breath, keeping a firm grip on my sword.

He pulled his head back and gave me a small smile, before walking out.

"I can't be sure, but a woman may be. She died before I could ask her about anything." I responded keeping my guard up.

Looking around, I noticed that the woman dead body wasn't lying in the hallway anymore and her head was nowhere to be seen. Just a huge bloodstain that had been left unattended on the floor. Walking forward, I look in the room, it was still covered in bloodstain and other fluids. Yet, still no sight of her body.

"Is this her blood?" Haru asked me, bending down running a finger through the bloodstain on the floor. His finger coming back covered in sticky blood. He rubbed the index and his thumb together before he whipped the blood on his jeans.

"Yeah, she got killed by the lady, well I suppose I should call her 'The Hag' considering this area is called her territory," I muttered, stepping out of the room and entering back into the hallway.

About fifty feet away from where we were standing, there was a double door that would lead to another part of the hospital. But there were words sprawled across it that read 'KEEP OUT OR DIE' was written in blood. That was foreboding.

"The Hag's Territory," he mumbled to himself walking forward heading straight towards the door with the bloodied letters on it. I don't know how I missed it the first time around, although, I was really shaken from the mutilated body of the woman.

He had quickly covered the distance and was now standing in front of the double doors with the bloodied letters. Reaching a hand out he pressed a hand against the door, it didn't budge at all. However, the bloodied letters smeared as he pulled a hand through them. Making a mess out of it all.

Stalking forward with Royal behind me, I pressed a hand into Haru's back. He turned his head and looked back at me. "What are you doing?" I asked him, looking at the now mucked up letters.

"It was just annoying to look at, I thought that I would get rid of it." He stated simply, withdrawing his hand from the door. His eyes were smoldering as he looked at me, an uncaring look residing on his features.

Stepping around him, I place a hand on the door and exert some force. However, the door doesn't budge in the slightest, it's as if someone had welded the damn thing shut. I give it a good kick, but it still doesn't budge.

"It's really stuck isn't it?" I ask, tilting my head back and looking at the ceiling. My hair sliding off my shoulders, some of it stuck to my forehead from the sweat. I'd been moving a lot, I felt a bit gross I wanted a shower. Who knew when I'd get one of those.

"It would appear that way." He replied simply, I tilt my head forward and look at the door. Royal slithers up and slaps his tail against the door. A loud clanking sound echoes throughout the hall. Then the sound of screaming can be heard, quickly I turn around and raise my sword.

It was like a floodgate had broken, I could see a wave of ghost barreling towards us. They were all jumbled together as they squeezed their way down and through the hallway. I could make out the figures of elderly people, young people and even children in the sea of ghost that rushed towards us. The screams echoed off the wall to create a great wailing sound.

Making the hair on my arms stand on end. I wanted nothing more than to throw my hands over my ears and to crouch down and just pray that they passed over us. I didn't think I could exorcize that many ghosts, and not fast enough to make a dent in the wall that was heading towards us.

"AHHHHH!" They echoed in a chorus of sound. A ghost managed to break itself out of the pack of them and headed towards us, with its claw-like fingers outstretched. It was a female spirit, her hair was spread out around her like a black halo, her head was cracked open and blood ran down painting half her face in a violent red.

In an instant, she had arrived in front of us, I felt my breath catch in my throat, up close I could see all of the gruesome details. There was even a faint smell of death on her that turned my stomach into knots.

Rasing her dripping claws that had blood on them, she was poised to strike at me. Yet, the sound of a bell sounded and then everything seemed to happen as if it was in slow motion. Haru's hand came out and the brilliant glow could be seen.

His fingers lightly touched the ghost forehead, it was like glass was shattering at that moment. Her twisted features fell apart and in its place a beautiful woman, her hair no longer was mangled or twisted, her head was sealed no gaping wound and her hands looked normal.

A wide smile played on her lips, she reached her hand downwards clasping Haru's face. "Thank you," she whispered as her body began to break into a thousand tiny pieces of light. With another sound of a bell, time retook its normal pace.

Haru was standing in front of me, his face was taunt and his mouth was pressed into a thin line. He looked a bit chivalrous, as he faced the building wave of ghost that was crashing towards us.

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