After taking the gamble with the face button, I'm sent into another glowing screen, that appears to be the setting's page. It was pretty bare bones as far as a setting page went, but I suppose that was to be expected at least, considering this was real life. Thumbing my way down, I look at what I can change.

[Notifications for Skills: Samurai's Determination (On), Loved by Darkness (On/'Off'), Apprentice Exorcist (On/'Off'), Hecate's Boon (On/'Off')]

It looks like I was right, I quickly switched all the skill from 'Off' to 'On.' At least now when I obtained, new summoning skills it should display. As for the other skills, I figured it'd let me know when I leveled a skill's mastery level up or when I capped out its mastery.

Leaning back on Royal's body, I close my eyes, feeling a bit of a headache. I wish this was a dream and I could wake up from it, reaching an arm around I grab my other arm and pinch hard. But the stingy sensation rudely reminds me that this is real.

Looks like there was no way around it, this would be my reality for now. Sigh, I sit up and push the last bit of the sandwich into my mouth. Reaching between my thighs, I grab the drink and uncap it before drinking some of it.

Flicking, a finger I scroll down to check out the other settings to see if there was anything useful hidden in here. There was some interesting stuff, where I could add stuff to my field of vision. However, I decided that I would leave that for now, there wouldn't be any point in having random stuff blocking prime vision.

Stretching, I almost missed it. I paused when it said 'Personal Assistant.' With a shaking finger, I tap the button labeled it; it actually took me to another page completely. In that page there were some words and other things, a couple of boxes came into view that had...faires in them.

I was tempted to hit one of the boxes and choose one of the pint-size looking fairies but I stop myself. "Where the information button?" I muttered to myself, scanning the page again. At the top by the word 'Personal Assistant,' a star was by it that would blink occasionally as if it was prompting me to press it.

Quickly, I tap the star. A new box appeared.

[Welcome to your Personal Assistant, this feature is to help new Player acclimate to the hectic and sometimes confusing skill menu! Rest assured that these little assistants can answer virtually any question that you have about skills and points, sometime you might not get the answer right away, but rest assured that an answer will be given. Below you are some fairies that you can choose from, each has there own special function and a skill for you, on the house. Skills vary from fairies, remember luck is a skill in this game, each fairy falls into a rank. Of course, you can upgrade your fairy, just like you can upgrade a skill.]

Luck, I think my luck was rather high. I'd managed to get a cat that was based on luck, maybe, I would manage to pull a special fairy. With that, the message vanished, and the star stopped blinking. Does that mean, I should pick a fairy now?

[Remember, that not everything as it seems in this game!] Another message appeared, strange, it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared.

Mulling over the words, I flick downwards and look towards the box that had the little fairies in them. There was a wide variety, of fairies, it was a bit overwhelming. After spending about five minutes looking through them all my head was spinning. I still hadn't picked, the words weighed heavily on my mind.

This couldn't continue there had to be a simpler way other than scrolling and looking at there appearance. Wasn't there normally a button that you could hit that would give you something random?

Squinting my eyes, I look at the screen. After a couple seconds, I managed to find it. Scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page there was a button that read 'randomized draw'. Smiling, I press the button and it asks me to 'accept' which I do.

[One moment please, as we draw your fairy.]

A huge screen appeared, there had to be thousands if not more boxes that appeared, they were tiny and a light began to flash through the boxes. It continued for about a minute it. I felt a cold sweat start on my neck, had I made the right choice to leave it up to the luck of the draw?

Even if I hadn't, it was too late to regret it now. Clenching my fist, I hope for the best, for thirty more seconds it kept flashing. Until it stopped on a box, it blinked two times before a box appeared in front of my eyes.

This time it was back to the regular size screen, after clicking on the box an egg appeared with a timer on it.






Then the egg burst opens a flash of black and blue light poured out of the egg. I felt a flush crawl up my face in anxiousness to see what I had drawn. My palms were sweating as I waited for the confetti and sparkles to fade then a saw it, my fairy.

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