Our drinks promptly arrived and we gave the smiling waitress our order. She vanished soon after that, leaving me and Wit, with our drinks.

Twisting the straw around in my drink, it was a black liquid that has swirls of color interlaced into it. I suppose I wouldn't know if it was bad or good in less I decided to taste test it. Poping the straw between my lips, I suck some of the oddly colored liquid into my mouth.

A fruity taste attacks my taste buds... it was so sweet. It was hard to believe something called the "Fruit Juice of the Damned," I thought as I spin the liquid round in the cup as I drink more and more of it.

Wit looks in pure heaven as she gulped down a cup of blood. She didn't even touch the fruit juice, her little face was scrunched up in joy.

A chill ran up my spine, turning around I noticed that not far away from me a group of men with rather ugly looks on their faces were looking at me with pure glee. Soon they stood up and began to walk towards us.

Why was it always the big one that wanted to pick a fight? Rolling my shoulders, I slide a knife down into my hand. I really wanted to eat the food, but it would appear that I must take care of some trash.

Soon a group of three men arrives standing in front of my table. The sleazy looks that they had on their faces are still plain to see. It didn't take a genius to understand what they wanted from me, to say the least.

"What are two pretty ladies like you doing by yourself?" Brute one decided to ask, he has a scar running down from his eye to his lower jaw. It gave him a very sinister look.

"What do you two say about coming and keeping us company?" Brute two spoke this time, the one on the right that had a slow eye.

Turning my attention to the last Brute, number three. I find that he isn't actually terrible looking, he doesn't move to speak and he's actually got a bored look on his face. He had a good looking face, and he wore all black.

Looking back at Brute one, that had his hand resting on our table. "Why don't you bugger off?" I say with a smile as I casually reject there offer.

A look of annoyance flashed through his eyes but he kept calm. "Now come on what do you have to lose lady, we just want to treat you to a good time," he says leaning in closer. His breath actually didn't smell bad it smelled like vanilla, my stomach growls.

I really just wanted to eat.

"You've caught me at a bad times boys, I'm trying to order food and take care of my little sister, so I'll ask you again to fuck off... kindly," I say again with a smile.

I catch the one that hadn't talked chuckling quietly to himself. Well at least one of them thought that it was funny. This time the second brute decided that he was going to pipe up.

"Don't you know who my brother is?" Brute two speaks up, I shot him an annoyed glance. But he either didn't see it or he's too stupid and doesn't get the message

Sighing, I stare at him with a dead look, "No, why don't you enlighten me," I scoff at him. I raise the glass of the juice and drink some more of it, rolling my eyes at his antics. His turns up his nose at my remark.

"My Brother is apart of the Free Union of Players!" He laughs out as if this was supposed to impress me. If I was anyone else, or maybe if I hadn't run into Haru, I would be surprised and awed a little bit at this explanation. However, I wasn't someone else and I had met Haru if anything I wanted to stay further away from this man.

"Big Sis, why are the idiots still here?" Wit asks suddenly, I turn to look at her and she's licking her bloodstained lips. Her big round cheeks are looking a rosy red.

I couldn't help but snicker a little bit at her words, she wasn't wrong at all to ask why they were, I was starting to wonder myself.

"Is that all?" I ask as I finish my own drink, I place it back onto the table and look over at the two men that seemed surprised at my words. Glancing at the third man, he seems a little surprised by my words as well but equally bemused by the situation that the men find themselves in.

Brute one looks as if he is about to explode, but before he can do that an ominous pressure appears all of the sudden from behind the three men.

"Dear guest, I ask you to remember the rules of our establishment! No fighting allowed!" The waitress says in her happy voice, I can see her smiling face but this doesn't look like her friendly customer service smile rather a murderous smile.

Beads of sweat begin to pour down the two men's foreheads, while the third just steps to the side to let the waitress deliver her food. The two other men coming to their sense all step aside and allow the waitress to move towards us.

Steaming hot tray of food appears before us. I felt my mouth water at the sight of the warm food, it was like I was seeing water after having being left in the desert for years.

Two sets of silverware appeared along with the plate from the waitress hand. She gave a big smile that was full of warmth, as she cleared away the empty glasses.

"Sweetheart, can I get your more cups of blood?" The waitress asks smiling at Wit.

"I want more demon blood," she stated simply.

"Very well, I'll be right back with that sweetheart," She replies sweetly. Standing she turns and gives the two men to her left another smile, "Please don't make trouble in the store or we'll remove you with extreme prejudice," she replies again but there something sickly sweet about it.

They both look sick to their stomach but seeing that she got her point across the waitress darts away.

"We'll remember this bitch!" Brute one snaps at me as they head back to their table. I roll my eyes and watch them leave, something about that other man the one that didn't talk struck me as a bit out.

No worries, I'm sure that I don't have to really worry about them too much.

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