Sitting on the back of Callista, I had my arms wrapped around Wit. We easily trekked across the desert, as if we were taking a stroll through a park.

Everything would have been perfect if I didn't have a monster hot on our trails, it was a huge monster, the size of a small hill. It was called the [Bone Dry Dragonpus], which was a suitable name for it. It was easily able to fly through the air even though it was so huge.

It was a mixture of a dragon and a sea creature, it was mainly made up of bones yet it had tentacle-like appendages that would swing out and try to catch us. Callista nimbly dodged the attacks that the monster hurled at us.

Although it wouldn't relent in its pursuit of us, it had been following us for a couple miles now and I thought that we'd just outrun it but it was able to keep pace with Callista for the most part. Plus it seemed to have an affinity for the sand, if we got too far it would kick up a sandstorm.

"Master, its probably luring us somewhere," Callista voice echoed in my ear as she tried to widen the distance.

"I know, it's already pushed us a bit off course from the oasis, and I'm sure that this map is only so detailed," I grunted reaching into my jacket and grabbing a knife that I hurl at a tentacle that drifted closer towards us.

A shrill shriek left the mouth of the beast as it pulled back it's damaged tentacle. It kicked up a huge sand tornado at the newest cut, it slammed into Callista and threw us back a bit. This was ridiculous, I locked my hands into Callista fur as we fly through the air.

"Don't let us get swept too far!" I shouted, trying to keep myself from being sent tumbling through the air.

Waving my hand, I feel the scythe materialize in my hand. It long and sleek design was perfect. It caught the glowing light from the sun and shone like a miniature sun. Looking towards the dragon that was flapping it's bone wings close in on us, I take a deep breath.

"Wit hold on tight," I tell her as I release my hold on her. She nodded her head and just watched the dragon.

"Summon Envy," I yell as Callista managed to land on the ground, she lowered her head and the antlers rammed into the dust storm breaking it apart. Sand and dirt slammed into my body and I cough a bit, as the remnants of the storm pass over us.

"You've finally called," Envy's voice sounded by my ear as he wrapped a hand around my waist and pulled me off of Callista. In the next instant, Callista jumped as the dragon slammed its body into the spot that we'd just been standing in.

Boom! It sounded like a bomb had gone off as its body slammed into the ground. My whole body shook at the shockwaves from the impact raced over my body. Thankfully, Envy seems to expect the dive bomb and had prepared accordingly.

Callista was thrown a bit away and I could see some blood running down the side of her right leg. Other than that she seemed okay, Wit had been shielded from the blow by Callista body but she seemed a little shaken.

Once the sand had cleared from the air, I could see that s deep chasm had formed from the impact of its body. It shook it's head and turned it's hollow eyes towards us as it struggled to stand up.

My grip on the scythe only tightened, this was insane.

In the next instant, the tentacles that the dragon had manifested started to fly towards us, as the dragon tried to wrench itself free from the sandpit it had created for itself.

"How'd you manage to anger this big beauty?" His voice whispered into my ear, as he gave it a slight lick. I shuddered but he continued to hold onto me and dodge all of the attacks that the dragon aimed at us.

"I poked it," I growled at Envy, raising a hand to wipe the saliva off of my ear.

It raised its head and a deafening roar sounded knocking up the sand and destroy some of the land and dunes of the clay and sand. Insane, this monster was so strong.

As graceful as a fairy we managed to dodge all of the attacks, Envy was indeed a skilled fighter, even though it pained me to say that about him. Callista fended off the tentacles that chased after her as well, Wit did her best but she was still too weak to do much against the tentacles.

"Why don't you poke me," he jested as he rubbed his head against my cheek. I raised my free hand and try to push his face away from me.

"Can't you be serious for once?! I don't have time for your jokes!?" I snapped at him, as I glance back towards the Dragon that was slowly pulling itself up. It looked like it was ready to return from the air.

The sand and the ground shifted as the dragon tried to drag itself from the ground, it was struggling as it was getting dragged back into the ground. But it would soon enough free itself from the sandy entrapment.

Our best chance at killing it or even wounding it was to hit it while it was on the ground. "We need to kill it or wound it before it gets itself back into the sky!" I shouted at Envy, his hand shot out and grabbed a tentacle that was a hair away from my face, his face turned vicious as he snapped the tentacle in half.

"Killing is my specialty!" He chuckles as he pats my head, the world around us blurred and soon we're a good fifty feet from where we'd been. Envy quickly placed me on my feet, before he gave me a grin and snatched the scythe from my hand, before vanishing again.

Turning my head I look back at the Dragon and Callista. Wit was standing on her back as she dodged the tentacles that snaked out to grab her; her tiny body was weaving delicately around the attacks as if they couldn't hit her.

At least no one was too hurt, but it didn't seem like anyone could get close enough to do anything to the huge monster.

Another defending roar sounded as it opened it's giant mouth and spits out air, that ravaged the surrounding even further, Callista raises her own head and a glowing shield appears around her. The air hits it and the golden shield just ripples as it absorbs the attack.

"Royal," I call as I grit my teeth," expand!" I throw my arm up and my baby grows to the size of a small truck, his huge body reaching about half the size of the dragon. "Can you fight it?" I ask him, as I look up into his giant eyes.

He open's his mouth and a light hiss leaves his mouth, with a quick nod he gives me a last look and darts forward.

"Alright then, let's tango Dragon," I laugh as I grit my teeth.

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