'So you've located the fruit?' My sister's voice rang in my head as I quickly sped through a door, the sound of hooves and screeching follows behind me the entire way. Right after I had entered into this temple like ruins, I'd been enveloped by a darkness, and it had brought me deep into the ruins itself.

This place was crawling with evil energy and the stench of death.

My body was starting to get tired, I'd been chased by these skeleton horseman for the entire time. At first, I'd taken to slaughtering them. By ripping them apart and crushing their bones into a dust. I thought that was the end of it. However, they quickly spawned back, it didn't matter how I killed them.

They'd come back to life, it was like they were invincible!

"Fuck," I growled as I grounded my teeth together, I forced myself forward.

All of the sudden I felt a strong tremor run through my body and I quickly dodged to the right as an arrow whizzed through the air right where my head had been.

These annoying bastards! The arrow was made of bone and coated in poison, sucking in a deep breath, I throw a glance over my shoulder and the horseman could be seen. I wanted nothing more than to bash their skulls into bone dust.

Their eyes were glowing dark red as they charged towards me, smoke curled out of the horses' nostrils as they kneed and whined as they thrashed against the hold of the horsemen. They were wild stallions made up of bone and covered in clothing and desert-like outfits.

These damn flies were enough to drive one insane, no matter how many I slaughtered, they kept on coming and multiplying. It was infuriating to think that I couldn't just get rid of them. No matter how much, I smashed, grounded, or burned them, they multiplied.

It went around from three of them chasing me, to a little over a dozen of them hot on my heels and thirsty for my blood.

'Yes, it apparently grows at the oasis that I'm heading for,' Rain's voice rang in my head, I wasn't fond of her, something about her sets me off. It made my skin crawl when she looked at me. It was like she was dissecting me with those eyes of hers. Granted, I didn't have time to dawdle.

Grumbling to myself, I ducked and barely dodged another arrow as it whizzed past my head. It made a loud 'thunk' as it stuck out from one of the large pillars. I grounded my teeth together as I kept sprinting. Taking a deep breath, I started to cast a spell. A bright glow started to appear around my feet and body.

[Haste of a Ghost], a special buff that made one as light as a ghost. There was no point to fight something that I couldn't kill, I thought bitterly.

My speed dramatically increased. I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding. With the buff, I was able to pull away from them. I threw a glance over my shoulder and shot them the bird before I lost sight of them.

That was rather boring, I thought to myself as I sped along the corridor. I need to find the fucking exit already!

I wanted nothing more than to leave these detestable ruins at once. There was no point for me to be in here if it wasn't prudent to the Dryad's quest. I hated having to go out of my way to do something.

However, no matter how far I ran there were no signs of an exit anywhere, and if anything it seemed like I was making my way further into the ruins themselves. This is just great!

'Bav did you hear that? Let's all meet up at the Oasis,' my sister's voice rang in my head.

'Got it,' I responded shortly. A new chill ran down my spine and I looked around for the source of the ill feeling.

It was as if something was hunting me...

However, I couldn't see anything, there was no other visible presence than my own. But no matter what my eyes saw or even what I could perceive, it was like something was breathing down my back, it made my skin clammy.

Speeding along the hallways that stretched and turned, I kept my eyes peeled and began to remove my book from the confine of my waist. While my sister held the grimoire of the dead, I held the grimoire of the living, we're like yin and yang, black and white, night and day.

Perfect opposites, yet equal and the same in every way.

Flipping to a page, I began to recite the incantation.

"Oh Goddess of Life Zhiva, I ask thee, I beseech thee light the way of the living in this land of the dead," I say as a blinding light burns from my grimoire of the living, in an instant a burning white arrow coated in flames with two hands encompassing it appears above the book and spins for a bit as I continue my mad dash in the dimly lit hallway.

The arrow spun around three times before it tilted to the right, I let out a small sigh of relief as I follow the arrow's direction, moving left and right as it turns in the hands. With the light of the Goddess, I felt the evil presence that hangs behind me lessen.

I don't know what it was, but I knew that something was stalking me from the shadows. At least with the incantation from the Goddess of Life, it would drive off the presence a bit.

The knot in my stomach lessen and started to unwind, as I start to feel the overbearing force of darkness ebb and I head towards the surface, the arrow in the hands of the Goddess bears true and soon, I can hear the sound of air.

Well, looks like I'd get to leave this hell hole soon enough.

Before it was like I was encased in a soundless tomb, now the air quality had gotten better and became less stale. A large smile breaks out onto my face as I hurry towards the light.

The sick feeling in my stomach refused to subside, even as I neared the light. All of the sudden, the burning light of the arrow and the hands started to dim, I pushed forward. I could make it out of here before the light subsided!

But that wasn't the case, in that instant, the light started to fade and I felt the room begins to close in on my body. The arrow started to spin around uncontrollably until it actually snapped in half.

It fell down into the outstretched hands, but soon they start to slowly turn to an ashen grey as well. They were being corrupted, my life magic was slowly being eaten. Soon, the magic began to flicker in and out, it was similar to a flame that was being battered by the wind. Even, the light that I had been racing towards, was vanishing alongside the magic.

An eerie feeling crawled into the pit of my stomach, as that ominous presence began to surface behind me again. And this time it was stronger, I felt like someone was grinding a knife into my lower back, I felt a searing pain race up my spine.

At the sudden burst of pain, I felt my knees buckle slightly at the pain. Then, my foot caught the lip of a tile that was out of place and I was sent tumbling to the ground.

It hurts!

My body slammed into the ground and I kept sliding, until my body slammed into a wall, my back slamming into the hard stone. An aching pain coursed through my body, and I tried to heave air into my lungs. A soundless cough wracked my body, as I tried to breath.

Short gasps left my mouth, my nose hurt and my knees were bleeding along with the palms of my hands. Pressing a hand to the ground, I try to push myself up.

"Hehe," the sound of laughter echoed off the wall. I struggled to look around and see where the laughter was coming from. But it was so dark that it was like trying to peer into a pitch black hole.

Slowly, I felt my lungs draw in air. But even the air felt stifling like I was sucking in carbon dioxide, it felt like it was choking me.

Where was my grimoire?!

Looking around, I try to find where the book was... a little ways away from where I was, I caught sight of the bright white glow of my book.

I need to get it!

Gritting my teeth, I push myself forward, it was practically a crawl. My body felt like someone was weighing it down with bricks.

Every time I tried to move forward, it got heavier. The once small distance towards my book, now felt like it was a mile away.

~ ~ ~

At the moment a devilish presence was dancing over Bavamorda, a cruel and dastardly smile slipping over the enchanting features of the devil that was tormenting her.

It was having fun, there hadn't been a prey that reeked of life, like this girl, to come and dance in her tomb of death. Oh, how she longed for the sweet energy of life that rested in the body of the girl. She practically was salivating at the mere thought of sinking her teeth into the girl.

An even wider smile danced over her face, as her hand drifted down towards her stomach, a soft almost maternal look flashed on her face. Removing the cruel and harsh features of the devilish woman.

Ah, how she longed to give birth to her child. A child, that what she'd longed for, for so long. How she'd spent an endless, almost incalculable amount of time collecting the life energy, but none of that had worked. She'd been unable to give birth to her baby!

But this time, her eyes drifted away from her stomach and moved towards the woman that was still struggling to reach her book, a sinister aura arose from the devil of a woman.

However, not yet, she still had to wait and lure more and more into her den. For now, she'd just hold onto her for safekeeping. Her tongue darted out over her lips, ah, patience was such a hard thing to have, hehe!

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