A vapor of black smoke left the chest as I pulled it open. It hit me in the face, the stench of death and decay was enough to make my eyes water. What was in here a dead body?

But in the next second, the pleasant ding of a notification sounded in my ear.

[Five Million Gold has been transferred to you]


[Player has Leveled Up]


[Player has Leveled Up]


[Player has Leveled Up]


[Player has Leveled Up]


[The current Level of the Player is 15]

I'd gained another four levels just from opening the chest, that was a new feature. Smiling, I flick a finger and the screen opens, I quickly look for the number of skill points that I'd gotten.

I felt my mouth go dry when I saw the number.

[A total of 162 Skill Points]

How in the world had I gotten that many points?!

'Big Sis, you got a bunch of skill points from slaying the dragon, and then the level up gave you quite a few!' My cute little Witch of Blood voice sounds in my head.

"I'm glad to see that you're doing better Wit," I laughed a little as her little head appeared on the screen, she had a shy expression on her face as she smiled at me.

'I had a nice long rest, but you should take a look at the loot that you got, slaying the dragon would have given you some good items!' Her little voice jingles into my ears.

But she was right, I should check out the loot from the chest. Waving another hand I close the menu and turn my attention back to the chest. There were a number of glittering items resting at the bottom of the chest.

I felt a bit giddy, like a child getting to open a present. I dipped my hand into the chest and grabbed the first item that my hand touched. It was a helmet, that had a scale like design that's similar to a dragon scales.

It was a deep blood red, that had a bit of golden gliding to it. There was an imposing air to the helmet, a wedge appeared above it, [Imperial Bone Helmet].

[The helm is worn by only those that have conquered a noble dragon, this helm belonged to a notorious King. Who bathed not only his enemies but even his own people in blood, his reign was full of terror and dreed, it was something that has left a long and last scar.]

What an interesting description... did it have any functions or perhaps it was just for decoration?

[Wear the full set to have the might of a dragon, only a true King can dawn the armor!]

I raised an eyebrow at the description, did that mean that it was a male-only armor, or that I have to fill the prerequisite of being a King to wear this armor. That was a bit of a pain in the ass, I sigh and place down the helmet.

"This looks pretty good, I remember the King that use to own it. He was a bit of a daft fellow," Igna's voice sounded as he placed a bony claw onto the helmet.

"Well, let's hope that it will be of use, once I figure out if I can even use it," I say rolling my eyes as I reach into the chest again, this time I pull up a bow. It was delicately crafted, it looked like a work of art.

He just gave a snort as a reply.

It was made out of a bone, the string was a glittering spectrum of color. It gave off a cool sensation that pierced into the bones, I felt a chill climb up my spine. The feel of a bow felt comforting, I raise the bow and draw the string.

An arrow appeared as I pull the bowstring back completely, sucking in a deep breath, I look at the glittering glass like bone arrow that had appeared. It had an unusual shine to it, the arrow radiated an aura of death and chaos.

Releasing the breath of air I was holding, I let the string slide back into place. This was a good bow, [Skeletial Bow of the Dragon King].

[A bow crafted from the soul strings of past Dragon Kings, it holds the power of the previous Kings. With this bow you can shoot anything that you see, however, it can only show its full strength in the hands of a Master Archer.]

[If you kill a target with this you have the chance to create an undead minion, also slain victims souls will be refined into the bow! The more souls that are refined the stronger and more durable the bow becomes!]

"I like this weapon," I couldn't help but say as I stroke the delicate bow. It was beautiful and I felt a strong connection to it.

"Mistress! It looks beautiful it's a perfect match for you!" Royal's voice sounded as she came to rest on my back. She'd put on the suit, it was a little tight in her chest area but other than that she looked like a cool and responsible secretary.

Her royal purple hair framed her face nicely, I reached a hand around and patted her head. Her golden eyes turned up into crescent moons as she smiled.

"How are the clothes?" I ask her.

"Perfect!" Her raspy voice sounds with a slight hiss at the end. Still a snake.

Placing the bow to my side, I grab another article out of the chest, it was a body suit, or rather a body suit of armor. It was thin and light, however, it was also durable. It was almost exactly the same as the helmet that I had pulled out of the chest, except this had three colors to it instead of two. The main color of the armor was blood red, and there was still the golden gilding, however, there was also a singed look to it. As if someone had bathed it in a fire, it was burnt black in a few parts, it was called [Imperial Bone Armor].

I suppose this was the rest of the set, that I needed to use the armor.

I didn't bother to read the text with it, I just set it down beside Igna, who had made a home on the helmet.

"You've got some good luck, huh?" Igna asked and I looked at him. His bony face was facing me and those black sockets of his seemed to burn into my body.

"Somewhat," I shrugged and continued to pull other stuff out of the chest. Dipping my hand back into the chest, I began to pull out the other items that were in there. I'd gotten a total of seven more items from the chest, but only four out of the seven had caught my attention.

Which, was a sword that looked like it had been through many battles, the hilt of the sword was slightly worn, and the blade looked a little chipped, but it radiated strong energy, it name was [Sword of the Wander].

[A sword wielded by a lone swordsman, that wandered the great desert in search of a Dragon. This Dragon was the one that had robbed everything from him, his kith and kin. His true love, yet, he'd left him alive. This was a challenge, the Dragon had said that if the lone swordsman could defeat him he'd resurrect his dead loved ones.

Thus began the odyssey of the swordsman, alas he'd slain many a foe, yet, when it came time to defeat the Dragon he'd put everything he had forth, but the might of a Dragon was not something easily overcome. He fell. All that remained of him was this sword.]

[Wage everything on this sword, if you slay the enemy then you'll obtain the ability to perform a miraculous miracle. If not then part of your soul shall be consumed by the sword, special status in effect when you wield this sword 'Inheritor of the Wander's Will']

What did it mean by the 'Inheritor of the Wander's Will? That sounded like a troublesome things, plus this sword itself seemed like a double edge sword, it could cut someone but also cut it's user as well.

It might be best to not use this...

Twisting the sword in my hand, I decided that it was for the best that I don't use this. I didn't understand what it meant by my soul, but I'm sure that it couldn't be anything good.

I collected into my ring, and pick up a sparkling black orb that had the imprint of a dragon on it, it was about the size of my palm and fashioned into a perfect sphere. A swirling red imprint of a Dragon appeared every now and then on it, a [Dragon Orb].

[An orb long thought to be non-existent till a hero pried on from the chest cavity of a Dragon, he'd defeated in lone combat. With his prize and glory, he wished to ask for the hand of the Princess, of the kingdom he bore fealty to.

Yet, when he went to deliver the orb, he was struck down by the nobles, they wished to have the orb. The Princess that he sought to marry was nothing more than a thieving whore, in his dying breath, he asked the Dragon to kill his murders.]

[This item is generally used in wand making or other magical items, it's best to put it into something to wield the great power that resides from the leftover spirit of the Dragon. Fashion into a magic item to use.]

Another item was a red glass heart, it had a slight pulse to it. Every so often it would beat like it was actually alive, it was a [Beast Core].

[The heart of the Dragon, this is what allows the Dragon to wield a terrible might. This is where all the magical energy, that the Dragon has built up over their lifetime is stored.]

"My heart!" Igna's voice was shrill as he jumped towards my hands. His bony little wings carry him forward, he slammed into my chest. It felt like a small weight had slammed into my chest, I coughed as his weight settles into my body.

"Give that to me!" He snarled, as he tried to climb my arms and grab the glass heart that was in my hands. Royal's arms circled around me and grabbed the little rascal that had flown into my chest.

Royal had her hand locked tightly around Igna, his little bony hands tried to claw my both of us. His claws dug into her own clawed hand. Purple blood ozzed out of the gashes on her hands, he was a small thing but those claws of his were no joke.

The cuts on my hand's had started to scab, but the flesh was still a bit tender. I looked at the Dragon that was firmly clamped between Royal's clawed hands, and I glared at him.

"Why should I give you anything? Your always trying to take something from me, you're a bit of an eyesore aren't you?" I speak softly as I look at his squirming body.

"You dirty wi-"

"Unsummon Igna," I say and in a puff of gold and grey Igna's gone.

[Host is reaching a minimal amount of Mana]

Did it really take that much to unsummon Igna?

It looks like I'd have to take a look at my basic stats and allot some of those points that I had saved up. But my attention was drawn back to Royal's arms when her blood dripped down onto my face.

Her arm was torn to shreds, it looked nasty.

"I'm sorry," I tell her as I hold her arms in my hand. The scaled deep black of her flesh now had inky purple blood running out of her arms.

"It's fine, I'm glad that he didn't tear you up anymore," she hissed as she smiled at me. I felt my heart squeeze, what had I done to get such a sweetie?! She dips her head forward and presses a warm kiss to my cheek.

"E-excuse me!" Lulu's voice sounded in a nervous stutter.

We both turned out heads to look at her.

Her face was a bright red, like the first time she'd seen Royal in her snake form. Her eyes were looking down at her hands, that she was twisting around. Her tail was flicking back and forth wildly, as she glanced at Royal's face.

I could tell that she was still interested in Royal. Her whole body language said that she wanted to touch her.

"If you want I can take care of those wounds for you," she barely whispered out. Her mane of inky black hair fell around her face.

Royal's eyes narrowed a little bit, but she looked at me and I gave her a small nod. Standing she moves towards Lulu, her eyes are even more slitted as she looks down at the little fox.

"Lead the way," she hisses as she holds her arms out and moves to the front of the door.

She skitters up and moves to the door, her ears flat and she tail shaking. All of the sudden she turns her head back towards me, "I p-promise that I'll have her back before you know it," she manages to get out before Royal pushes a hand to her back and they exit the small tent.

I left out a breath as I watch the door close.

"Mistress..." Envy's voice sounded and I felt my stomach drop. This one was still here.

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