Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1007: Disguise identity

In fact, Long Yun had investigated these things early in the morning, but she didn't think there was anything important about this thing.

"Master, is there anything special about this?"

Elder Chu looked at them and he didn't understand, so he laughed, and it turned out that young people are young people. Without these backgrounds, it is a little bit worse.

"You don't know about it. Look at the location of this company, which is closer to the edge of the rose garden. But don't underestimate it. Do you know what this place means? This rose garden is It has slowly developed from this small area. It has been about a hundred years."

Mr. Chu was talking endlessly, he was really happy to tell the two young people what he knew.

"You mean, the closer they are here, the deeper their qualifications?" Wu Tian's reaction was quick and he was encouraged by the admiring eyes of Mr. Chu.

"Yes, that's what it means. It seems that this company is really not simple. The land here is basically not going to be sold. So the owners of this company may have deep roots. Are you sure you want to investigate them?"

Mr. Chu's words at this time began to become heavier. He had been in the ups and downs of Ying Country Mall for so many years, and he had long been familiar with the environment of this place.

Knowing what exactly is under this eagle country's glamorous state, that's why he said such worried words.

"Of course I'm sure. When we came here for the old man, we were mentally prepared."

Wu Tian did not hesitate to answer, and he was very happy.

When Mr. Chu looked at Wu Tian saying this, he was also very excited. After so many years, he has rarely seen such an ambitious young man.

"Okay! Since you are so brave, my old man can't persuade me. If you need me, just say it!"

Mr. Chu patted his chest, which can be regarded as a great guarantee to Wu Tian.

"Thank you so much, but I still have a question. I don't know what to say, how can I approach this company?"

Wu Tian said with some embarrassment that if he had a way, he wouldn't use it to trouble Mr. Chu.

"Haha, it seems that it's time for the old man to go on horseback!" With that, Mr. Chu turned and walked to the front of the desk, took out the letter paper and wrote a letter, and handed it to Wu Tian's hand.

The inscription above is for another person Wu Tian doesn't know, and it seems to be a letter of introduction.

"In this way, you go to Xinjinshan first. I have an old friend who specializes in making the sound of the rose garden. You may find some chance when you go to him."

The vast network of Mr. Chu showed his advantage at this time.

If Wu Tian and the others didn't know anyone, their eyes would be blackened here, and I don't know when they will get to this point.

"Thank you so much!" Wu Tian and Long Yun were very happy, but fortunately they knew someone like Mr. Chu.

"Go, but you must be careful, Eagle Country is a very pure commercial country, and there are some things you can't think about with Huaxia's thinking."

Elder Chu also gave this sentence to Wu Tian when they were leaving.

After coming out of here, Wu Tian looked at the weather outside, so he took a few people to find a hotel nearby.

Originally, Long Yun wanted to book a big hotel for Wu Tian, ​​but Wu Tian rejected it. I chose a small hotel that looks very ordinary.

What kind of place does it taste like?

It's just that there seems to be a lot of people living in this small hotel, they get together in groups, not knowing what they are talking about.

When Wu Tian passed by, he looked at their expressions with solemn expressions, and looked more curiously.

It seemed that he was looking for someone to collect the debt, but Wu Tian did not hear too clearly who the debtor was.

He doesn't have so much energy to take care of those nosy matters. After all, this place is Mr. Chu's chassis, and he naturally has a way to deal with it.

After turning the sky, Wu Tian did not lose time, and the three flew directly to Xinjinshan City.

This city is also a giant city in Eagle Country.

They are very famous all over the world. Needless to say, there is a lot of traffic, one after another, one after another, row upon row.

Although S City seems to be very luxurious, it is really a bit worse than a place like Xinjinshan. After all, it is a century-old large city, and its strength in this aspect is still worth admiring.

Wu Tian and the others followed the address given by Mr. Chu and found the acquaintance who met them.

It turns out that this place is a cleaning company, no wonder Mr. Chu said that they would be in contact with the company in this place.

Looking at it this way, it is indeed like this, but the job is a bit low-end.

The boss of this cleaning company is an aunt. When she saw Wu Tian and the others, she was very vigilant and treated him as a bad person.

"That said, you are sent by Old Chu. Since this is the case, I will definitely help you, but don't be happy too early!"

This aunt is called her sister Xing, she is wide and fat, but her temper is not very good.

Although he has such a temper, he has been doing business in this place for more than ten years, and he is also loved by local companies.

"That's good, thank you so much!" Wu Tian quickly thanked, and then the three of them received a piece of work clothes.

"This is your clothes. From today, you will directly follow our cleaning team! If someone asks, you are my new hires! You can't speak eagle language! Don't talk to those white people! Hear no! !"

Sister Xing spoke conclusively and powerfully, and they couldn't help refuting anything.

"Don't worry, we will definitely not cause you trouble!" Wu Tian lost his smile and took out a bank card from his body calmly.

Sister Xing immediately narrowed her eyes as she watched Wu Tian's movements, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, what are you doing..."

"A small gift is no respect." Wu Tian understood what he meant when he said that. Since I am asking someone to do something, I still have to give some benefits.

Sure enough, the bank card has been given out, and sister Xing's expressions towards Wu Tian and the three of them are much better, and it is a far cry from just now.

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