Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1038: Skilled


When he heard these three words, Wu Tian quickly searched for memories of these three words in his mind.

Soon, he remembered that when Wu Group Corporation received the report, the government's inspection department sent a prosecutor to investigate.

The name of the female prosecutor Long Yun said was Li Muxian.

He looks pretty good, kind and has a good attitude. If you ask her for this, it might actually be possible.

"You are such a genius! I really don't have to worry about anything with you!" Wu Tian immediately felt that there was hope for success in this matter, so Long Yun was happy to take him to find it immediately.

"Just don't know if we have any suitable reasons..."

Long Yun wasn't excited because of this incident. She just suggested, but no one can say whether the other party is really willing to take the case.

"Is there any reason for this? Anti-monopoly! Their prosecutors should take the initiative to investigate these anti-monopoly cases! If it doesn't work, our company will give him an investigation application!"

Wu Tian said indifferently that he has long been familiar with the way of dealing with government departments for so long.

The other party must have an obligation in this regard, but having this obligation does not necessarily mean that the other party knows or is willing to take the initiative to investigate this matter.

However, if someone reports a case, according to the regulations, the procuratorial department must verify the content of the report. If it is true, then it will naturally be necessary to initiate an antitrust investigation.

And this time, the reason why Yingdi Entertainment can make such a large-scale acquisition is obviously the most important feature is that no one dares to report Li Zhan.

What's more, Li Zhan still has a grand reason now, which is to integrate the influence of the entertainment circle and fight against the foreign capital group headed by Wu Tian.

This is probably also an important reason why he was able to acquire a large number of small businesses. Under such a banner, whoever dares to say nothing about companies that are connected with the entertainment industry.

At this moment, Wu Tian is the enemy of the entire entertainment industry. Everyone has the same enemy and has always targeted Wu Tian as their goal.

The two people didn't say a lot on the road, and soon they drove to the office building of the prosecutors office.

At this time and here, the procuratorial department is still as busy as ever.

Many people coming and going came out, Wu Tian and the others didn't know, so they asked where Li Muxian was.

Finally, I found a small office in the depths of this kind of office building.

"The Enterprise Investigation Division of CUHK... It seems that she is specifically targeting people like us."

Wu Tian looked at the number plate outside the office, smiled, and knocked on the door.


There was a crisp sound from inside, and Li Muxian opened the door soon.

She looked at the two people in front of her with surprise, the faces of these two people were so familiar to her.

"Wu Tian? Why are you here."

Li Muxian opened her mouth wide, and since the original mission was over, the two of them had never seen each other again.

To be honest, Li Muxian did not talk to Wu Tian several times when he was in the Wu Group.

"Chief Li, don't come here unharmed, I really have something to say when I came to see you today."

Wu Tian is also straightforward. He knows Li Muxian's character, so she likes to speak straight.

"Then you come first." Li Muxian didn't have any tea here. Of course, he poured a glass of mineral water for the two of them, and sat there with a small notebook, seemingly ready to record at any time.

"That's it... Our company wants to file an antitrust investigation!"

Li Muxian was not surprised by Wu Tian's words. While she scribbled in the notebook, she lowered her head and asked: "Then you, who do you want to report about the monopoly?"

"British Emperor Entertainment."

These four words slowly spit out from Wu Tian's mouth.

Li Muxian suddenly raised her head and looked at Wu Tian in disbelief.

"Emperor Entertainment? Do you want to apply to investigate their antitrust?"


There was something wrong with Li Muxian's expression, she closed her notebook with a snap.

"That's it, you probably don't know. The British Emperor Entertainment is currently cooperating with our government and is engaged in the integration of the entertainment industry..."

Wu Tian was stunned when he heard it. He didn't know this. He immediately looked at Long Yun next to him, and found that Long Yun was also surprised.

It seems that the other party should hide this matter deeply, deliberately not letting them know.

"Wait! What is going on here? Why haven't I heard anything about it?"

Li Muxian sighed, and then said: "You don't know it should be. I only got the news from some very special channels. In S City, there should be few people who know it."

"I advise you to forget it. This application will definitely fail."

Li Muxian also has something to say. Judging from what she currently knows, the cultural department will certainly not let go of such a cooperation opportunity as Yingdi Entertainment.

"Damn, this Li Zhan..."

Wu Tian suddenly started to feel a little upset, why didn't he think that this Li station actually thought about all aspects of preparation.

Tie yourself to the government, so even if you want to investigate his antitrust, it will be of no use.

"I am afraid that S City is going to develop an entertainment project, and the person leading the investment is British Emperor Entertainment. Oh, there is another company. Let me see what its name is."

After all, it turns out that this matter has something to do with real estate, but if it has anything to do with real estate, the amount of funds in it is definitely not a minority.

Suddenly, Wu Tian seemed to understand something. The other party took the initiative to find himself to touch the porcelain, probably not without any purpose.

With such an association, is it possible that oneself has long been a target of the other party?

"The other company is called the Pulitzer seems to be a foreign capital."

Li Muxian didn't know the grievances between these two companies and Wu Tian, ​​so she found it strange to see Wu Tian's expression changed dramatically.

"It turned out to be like this!" Wu Tian's expression began to become gloomy. He said that during this period of time, he seemed to be slower than others.

It turned out that Zhang Zerui of the Pritt consortium was involved in this. Zhang Zerui has fought with him so many times, and he must have clearly understood his methods.

Now that Li Zhan has not revealed any flaws, I am afraid that Zhang Zerui's reminder.

After receiving this news, Wu Tian felt that there was nothing to say.

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