Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1050: Not optimistic

This time, Cui Yongji also saw that Wu Tian must have asked him, so he said this.

"Since this is the case, then this problem is a bit difficult to handle."

Wu Tian frowned, and now suddenly mentioned this to him. If it were before, Wu Tian would definitely refuse it directly.

But now he can't express opinions casually.

"Well, why don't you think about it?" Cui Yongji was not in a hurry, anyway, he was not in a hurry.

After thinking about it, Wu Tian finally decided to bow his head to reality first.

In the end, he nodded and agreed, and decided to sell them two sets.

In fact, these two sets don't have much money, but the quantity requested by the other party is too small, and it is not enough to equip troops.

So Wu Tian also understood that this was not what Cui Yongji needed, but he would ask for this thing for the Eagle nation.

"Mr Cui, I can promise you two sets of this at most, and the technology is more than a generation behind. If you can't accept it, then we don't need to talk about it."

Although Wu Tian was relieved, there were many restrictions.

"This is okay, that's it!" Cui Yongji agreed without saying a word. It wasn't what he wanted anyway. As for whether this thing is advanced, it is not so important to Cui Yongji.

"However, I also have one condition for my movies and TV series. You have to agree to me."

Cui Yongji's hand was already pressed on the authorization letters, his eyes rolled, and he didn't know what hole he was digging for Wu Tian.

"You said." Wu Tian swallowed. He knew that Cui Yongji was not a fuel-efficient lamp, but he didn't expect him to have a lot of things.

"Our company's film and television series, you can only broadcast on your website, and you must pay to watch it."

Cui Yongji deliberately slowed down his tone of voice to prevent Wu Tian from not listening clearly.

"What?" Wu Tian was stunned, he really didn't think of this.

"It must be played for a fee! If I find that you show it to people for free, I will immediately withdraw the copyright."

Cui Yongji didn't back down either, and he had to hold onto this request if he said anything.

What a joke, this simply caught Wu Tian's fate.

A big advantage of his seafood TV is that there is almost no charge, and many people who come to watch it here are also aimed at this point.

If it is charged, the number of viewers will definitely drop a lot. By that time, it will be difficult for Wu Tian to increase the number of visits to his website.

Usually people can find other pirated copies on the Internet, so why bother to look at Wu Tian's genuine copy?

"No, I have already got the copyright, can't it be said that I still can't control it according to my ideas?"

Cui Yongji shook his head in response to Wu Tian's question.

"This company image related to the company of our time, if it is free, people will think that our film and television dramas are very cheap, so this is unshakable."

Seeing that there was really no way to talk about this issue, Wu Tian was very entangled, but in the end he had to agree to Cui Yongji's request.

In any case, let’s get back the copyrights first. Fortunately, this time I don’t need Wu Tian’s cash, which can be regarded as saving a lot of money. Otherwise, if only these copyrights are mentioned, Wu Tian will have to say one or two Billion.

After all, opportunities and compromises always accompany each other.

After returning home with these copyrights, Wu Tian immediately began to summon the person in charge of his seafood TV and handed over the copyrights to him.

And it requires a vigorous promotion, and the resources that are finally available must be used well.

It's just that this time the public opinion on the Internet is somewhat inappropriate.

The last time Blanche and their films came over, Wu Tian made them available for free viewing on the Internet, so many people praised Wu Tian.

This time, due to Cui Yongji's request, a fee must be charged, which has become very troublesome.

When people are already familiar with one mode, suddenly letting them adapt to another mode will cause a lot of resentment and resistance.

This is inevitable, and it is also a test Wu Tian must face.

Only a few days after the project went live, the seafood tv data began to plummet.

Wu Tian was worried about this. Huang Lan, who happened to stop by, rushed over to see Wu Tian in such anxiousness, so he hurried over to ask what happened.

Hearing Wu Tian telling the story of the incident, Huang Lan also sat beside him and began to fall into contemplation.

"For now, charging is actually the general trend... After all, you also have to charge for going to the cinema."

As a star, Huang Lan certainly supports charging for copyrights. In other words, piracy is the biggest poison for them.

Only by letting the audience get used to the original can those who depend on the entertainment industry in the film and television industry to live on.

"That's right..."

Wu Tianchou is worried about this issue. Now he can't take care of the latter things. Now there are very few internal funds that can flow in the Wu Group.

"Now the company is very short of money... It's all trapped by the stock market. Of course it's my fault."

Wu Tian really regrets it now. If he wasn't so anxious at the beginning, if he could better observe Li Zhan and the others, maybe they wouldn't be entangled by them.

"It doesn't make any sense to say that...Let's think about what to do next."

Huang Lan gently patted Wu Tian on the back. This man was very decisive in the past, and he rarely had such tangled emotions.

"I'm afraid that the company will have to lay off employees because of my wrong decision... and even close some branches."

Wu Tian frowned. This is what he least likes to see. Which department was not built by his painstaking efforts, and even many other departments are running very healthy.

It's just that this time because of Hualong Film and Television, he was sucked too much, and it was a little too slow.

"If it doesn't work, let's borrow money... find a bank loan or something..."

Huang Lan feels that Wu Tian has always been worried about this matter, always feeling a little weird.

"Many large companies are loans, and few rely solely on their own funds."

Wu Tian shook his head like a rattle.

"No! Absolutely not!"

Wu Tian couldn't tell why he couldn't, but he just didn't like loans.

If possible, he would rather narrow his business scope than let himself owe others money.

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