Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1067: Remodeling top

Although this was expected, Zhang Zerui felt a little uncomfortable when he heard these words from the other party's ears.

Sure enough, he can do whatever he is afraid of, and the other party is also unprofitable. Although this is the nature of a businessman, no one wants to hear the word betrayal happen to him.

Especially Zhang Zerui, he has always been the only one who betrayed others, and no one has betrayed him.

"Can I make this sentence your answer?"

Zhang Zerui simply repeated what Li Zhan said just now. The two people looked at each other and stared, as if they were going to fight a battle.

"I won't change my name, Li Zhanxing, I won't change my surname!" Li Zhan was also unwilling to show weakness.

As soon as his voice fell, Zhang Zerui suddenly made a move and punched him on the head.

Li Zhan never thought that he thought it was just a quarrel, but suddenly he became a martial artist.

Where is Zhang Zerui an ordinary person? Under his emotions, this punch can almost penetrate the iron plate.

And Li Zhan caught the punch with his head, and the price he paid was his scattered blood and off-white brain flowers.

Li Zhan's skull was broken into several pieces, like a crushed glass bowl.

Zhang Zerui was stunned for a moment. He looked at the blood on his fist in a daze, and Li Zhan who was already lying on the ground.

Almost instantly, Li Zhan had no movement, such a vivid life disappeared in front of him, and Zhang Zerui had the impulse to calm down slowly.

It was not the first time that he had murdered, and this did not make Zhang Zerui feel any emotions like guilt.

It's just that he was surprised that he actually made a shot without going through his brain. Since adulthood, Zhang Zerui has never done anything like this again.

But killing someone is killing someone after all. This kind of thing is not easy to handle.

Looking at the skill on the ground, Zhang Zerui walked to the sink with no expression on his face, washed the blood from his hands, and tidyed up his clothes.

Killing Li Zhan is also a good thing, at least this time there is no need to worry that Li Zhan will betray him.

It is the easiest thing for a dead person to say nothing and do nothing.

After cleaning up the dirt on his body, Zhang Zerui walked to the door, opened the door and called Li Zhan's deputy He Wenjia over.

"President Zhang? What's wrong?"

He Wenjia didn't know the reason, and suddenly Zhang Zerui called herself over.

"I have something to tell you when you come in."

Zhang Zerui didn't change his face and his heart was not beating, making it impossible to see that he had killed someone just now.

He Wenjia naturally didn't know it, and followed him into the room. He Wenjia, who looked puzzled, didn't know what medicine Zhang Zerui sold in the gourd.

But he looked at this room and found that there was no figure of Li Zhan inside, which made He Wenjia feel very strange.

"President Zhang, where is Mr. Li?"

He Wenjia asked, he stopped his footsteps because he felt that there seemed to be some viscous liquid on the carpet...

Zhang Zerui turned around, turned his head and stared at He Wenjia with an extremely cold expression.

"Li Zhan is here."

As he said that, he moved his body away and showed Li Zhan completely in front of He Wenjia.

He Wenjia immediately covered her mouth in surprise, for fear of screaming because of too much horror.

For this, Zhang Zerui is very satisfied, this guy has reduced himself a lot of trouble.

"It's very simple, I killed it."

Zhang Zerui took the initiative to admit it without asking the other person. In fact, there is no big relationship between whether he admits or not. There are only two of them in the room.

One of them is dead so the other is naturally the murderer.

"But you..."

He Wenjia's stammering words couldn't be explained clearly, and he couldn't tell what kind of feeling he was in. He couldn't talk about sadness.

Li Zhanping didn't have much close relationship with these executives at the time, and mainly used money to maintain the relationship between them.

Taking money to do things, doing things spend money, this is the only difference between them.

And now it's just that He Wenjia's employer has died. The big deal is that he can find another one.

"He betrayed me, and I dislike each other the most."

Zhang Zerui said nonchalantly, and kicked Li Zhan's body with his feet, showing very disdain.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

At this moment, He Wenjia took a deep breath to calm the ups and downs in her chest and began to face reality.

"It's very simple, Yingdi Entertainment must have someone, and I don't understand this, so I must find someone who knows how to do it. I am afraid that only you know the best here."

While talking, Zhang Zerui stretched his arms, showing a very broad look.

He Wenjia said this immediately and heard that she fell inside. This is a good opportunity.

You know, according to his previous career plan, at this point, becoming a vice president is the end of his life.

Because if Li Zhan were not dead, he would never think about what other ideas and plans he could have.

But now that the opportunity has come, and Li Zhan is dead, then the chair of the chairman of British Emperor Entertainment is free, and someone needs to support the beam here.

As the vice president, he was like a prince, and it was perfect for him to take over.

"You mean to let me become the chairman of Yingdi Entertainment?" He Wenjia looked different. Although this is his dream, the difficulty of achieving it is indeed a bit low.

"That's right, I think you are a man of creation. The most important thing is that you are well-known and ambitious."

Zhang Zerui only glanced at it a few times, but he had already understood this and the player's psychological situation thoroughly.

Facing the other party's blatant request, He Wenjia also hesitated at all, and directly nodded in agreement, in front of the former chairman Li Zhan.

The two shook hands beside his body, which really confirmed the embarrassment.

When it was dawn, suddenly a notice was issued, saying that President Li had suddenly taken a plane to Eagle Country in the middle of the night, and would not return in a short time.

Although the people at Yingdi Entertainment had some doubts about this news, when they saw that the person who signed it was He Wenjia, they had to believe it even if it didn't work.

After all, at this moment, the biggest official besides Li Zhan is He Wenjia.

After solving this problem, the only obstacle left is how He Wenjia became the chairman, and this matter needs the approval of the shareholders meeting to be realized.

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