Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1089: Secretary who came to visit

Wu Tian doesn't have to take the trouble to other companies, but Yingdi Entertainment has to be different.

You must know that this company didn't hold back any good ideas at the beginning. Now that his bubble has been burst, there must be countless people in the film and television industry who don't know what to do at this moment.

And if Hualong Entertainment stands up, it is tantamount to raising a big flag, and there will be no rivals in the entire Huaxia Film and Television circle.

This is equivalent to a god-given opportunity for Wu Tian, ​​so Wu Tian will naturally not miss it.

To be honest, such a large-scale investment is not particularly large in the film and television industry.

Sometimes a project may consume more than two billion of funds.

But now Wu Tian also launched the new star project, which is also a considerable expense. Nowadays, most of the profits of the entire Wu Group company are invested in Hualong Entertainment.

This is equivalent to a bottomless pit, just seeing money go in, and rarely see money out.

"Mr. Wu, should we also prepare more of our company's operating funds..."

Used to worry that such investment will cause problems in other companies and departments.

Wu Tian thinks what he said makes sense, but this is not the most worrying thing now.

"No, we have invested so much money in Hualong Entertainment. He can only succeed but not fail. If this time Hualong Entertainment is also implicated... then we are at a big loss."

Wu Tian knew that he had fallen into a trap. The more he wanted to keep his capital from losing, he had to keep investing in it.

And this is equivalent to an infinite loop, and constant investment will cause this trap to become bigger and bigger, and the bubble will be more and more easily punctured.

If Wu Tian’s Hualong Entertainment does not have the current resources, it may not be long before it will be completely finished.

Regarding Wu Tian's statement, everyone also admits that this is really helpless, but Hualong Entertainment can't just give up.

"Well, then, just do what Mr. Wu said. We won't necessarily fail, maybe Hualong Entertainment's results will get better and better."

Yu Naixin decided to think about a good place as much as possible, even if it is unsuccessful, he must do it well.

Only with this kind of awareness can we seriously and truly solve this problem.

The meeting here was almost over, and suddenly someone came in from outside, saying they wanted to see him.

Long Yun hurried to ask who it was, but the people outside told him that he was like a government person. As for his identity, the other party refused to say.

This news was reported to Wu Tian.

"Mr. Wu, would you like to see this person?"

To be honest, Wu Tian couldn't figure out who this would be. Suddenly coming to see himself at this moment always felt a little weird.

But if you don't see it, you don't know how sacred the other party is, and the curiosity in your heart can't be satisfied.

"Let him come in. Anyway, we are on Huadao. I guess that even if the other party is a grandson, he won't be able to pick out our Wuzhishan."

Wu Tian is quite relieved about this. Now after a series of incidents, Huadao's security level has increased several times.

Let alone these mobs these days, even a mosquito would never want to pass through their security check.

After the news went on, the mysterious person soon appeared at the door of Wu Tian's office.

Wu Tian looked at him for a moment, a little surprised.

Because of this person, he has met once, although he doesn't know his name, but he really knows who this person is.

Because he is the secretary of Director Wang of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, when Wu Tian planned to go to the meeting, he sent a letter and it was this secretary who received the letter.

But at that time, Wu Tian did not tell his true identity.

But now that he appears, is it possible that the representative Director Wang realized his mistake and wanted Wu Tian to help him solve it?

Wu Tian felt that there must be some truth to this conjecture, maybe the other party really thought so.

It's just that Wu Tian can't protect himself at this moment, and can't care about others.

"Come on, please sit down." Wu Tian waved to the secretary and pulled him to sit on the sofa.

Long Yun quickly brought them a cup of tea, and then stood her head down to listen to them.

The secretary was not nervous at all, nor was he too envious of Wu Tian's luxury here. His eyes basically stayed on Wu Tian's body, neither looking around nor showing much emotional change.

This is a man who is by no means simple. Maybe he has any background. If he doesn't, it will be even more admirable.

Judging from these points alone, this secretary is many times higher than his director.

"If I remember correctly, I remember you should be Director Wang's secretary."

The secretary smiled and nodded: "I never thought that the person who sent the letter back then turned out to be the legendary Chairman Wu Tianwu."

Wu Tian smiled, rubbed his hands and picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"Come and taste this. This is the tea picked from the mountain this morning. It was transported by air. It is not available outside."

Wu Tian doesn't know much about these things, but he can still taste them.

The secretary took a sip, frowned slightly, and then smiled at the corner of his mouth and gently put down the teacup.

Watching his emotional changes, Wu Tian suddenly knew it.

"Chairman Wu, I didn't expect you to use this method to test me."

The secretary leaned on the sofa with his hands in his arms, and the whole person began to relax, but Wu Tian's temptation to him made him feel less nervous.

"Haha, you really didn't make me misunderstood. It is true that this tea is really bluffing you. It was not picked this morning at all, but was bought from the market at a very low price."

Wu Tian gave a smirk. Sometimes the bosses of other companies came to visit him, and he would use this method. If the other party couldn't taste it, Wu Tian would be happy to watch their funny.

If it tastes it, Wu Tian will immediately serve good tea, and take this incident as a joke. Nowadays, there are not many people who can taste problems with this tea.

But it's not that their tongues are bad, and it's not that their knowledge of tea is relatively poor, but that they are fooled by Wu Tian's name.

They couldn't believe that Wu Tian would lie to them about such small things, so naturally there were very few people who could see through this. But this secretary became one of them, which surprised Wu Tian.

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