Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 1110: Gangster boss

It's really embarrassing to use guns at them like this.

Wu Tian felt that it wasn't just that he didn't show his face, but that his reputation would be compromised if it was spread.

Soon, their heads heard the wind and crawled around. It is estimated that those little brothers just added fuel to him and talked about the current situation.

Liu Feng immediately realized that he might have caused a catastrophe. These little brothers felt that they were invincible in the world, but it did not mean that Liu Feng was a fool. He still knew that he was a few green onions.

When he came out, Liu Feng found that the person who came to look for him didn't seem to know him, nor was he some of the black bosses nearby.

He hid in the building and tried again and again, without knowing who Wu Tian was, and finally walked out bitterly.

"This brother, I heard that you are coming to see me, what the **** is it?"

Hearing the sound, Wu Tian looked towards the back of the crowd. Directly behind the gang of hooligans, stood a tall man.

He was not as big and rough as Wu Tian had imagined, but he was delicate. He doesn't fit in with these little rascals, it's just that between his eyebrows and eyes, there is not such a heroic spirit, which really breaks his physical personality.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that he is like a little thief, not a hero.

Just looking at his face, Wu Tian scored it a lot in his heart. To be honest, Wu Tian is now beginning to wonder if this person can help him.

Judging from the current situation, it should be impossible.

"Are you Liu Feng?"

"It's me... who are you?"

Liu Feng had already gone through these famous and promising people nearby in his mind. I have a gun, and I have a holiday with myself...

After thinking about it, Liu Feng didn't think of a name that could match Wu Tian.

"You don't need to worry about who I am. I came to you this time because I hope you can do something for me! Of course, this thing won't let you do it in vain."

With that, Wu Tian looked at the little brothers next to him, and felt that it was not a problem that hundreds of people next to him were listening when he was speaking alone.

"Is there a place to talk? Go in and talk."

When Liu Feng heard this, he nodded quickly, and then dismissed all his gangster brothers.

"Why are you guys going? It's okay here!"

The little brothers are still a little worried, after all, Wu Tian and the force in their hands have already seen them.

"Boss, do you want us to protect you?"

"Protect shit! Didn't you hear what I said!"

Liu Fang's attitude towards these little brothers was not so friendly anymore. He often yelled at him, but the effect was quite good. The little brothers all obeyed his request and returned to the original bungalow.

The yard quickly fell into calm again and it was almost the same as what they saw at first.

"You follow me..."

Liu Feng was very cute and politely said to Wu Tian, ​​and then he made a gesture of please, and led him to the two-story building inside.

No one said anything along the way. Wu Tian was looking at the Delong company while walking.

Long Yun collected intelligence as much as possible to avoid any adverse effects on them.

The security team does not matter. They have guys in their hands. Even if these people have other ideas, they will not have any effect in front of the weapons in their hands.

When he arrived at the office, Liu Feng was very busy serving tea and pouring water. After a long time of tossing, he sat down and was ready to listen to what Wu Tian had to say.

"The big brother, I don't know your name yet, but since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask." Liu Feng is not a fool, knowing that the other party must have a reason for not saying it. If you go rashly If you ask, you might offend the other party.

At that time, if Wu Tian sees him unpleasantly and gives him a gun... then he will suffer a lot from Liu Feng.

So thinking of this, Liu Feng had no other words, and he didn't dare to cross the thunder pond half a step.

His enlightenment is quite good, which makes Wu Tian feel quite satisfied.

"That's it. I heard that in this county, you are the most powerful person. You can do anything you want!"

"Where and where... These are just spread by the boys... Don't be angry."

Liu Feng quickly said politely, and at the same time he started cursing in his heart. I don't know which crappy thing it was, and went out to spread rumors to him.

Maybe Wu Tian felt that he was too arrogant because of this sentence, so maybe he came to ask for trouble...

Thinking of this, Liu Feng suddenly felt uncomfortable.

However, Wu Tian's mood was even worse than him... He had been tossing for a long time just to find someone who could help him. As a result, Liu Feng said that he could not do it. Then all Wu Tian's previous efforts were completely wasted.

"Don't lie to me, I know you must have some means, don't be too busy to refuse."

Wu Tian is not so foolish either. Wu Tian can see through it at a glance if he is polite.

"You say…"

Liu Feng nodded, closing his mouth is the best way for him to answer.

"That's it. I had an account before and transferred money in a bank in your county. I want to investigate this person and see if you can find it out for me."

While talking, Wu Tian sent up the screenshot of the surveillance video and pushed it to Liu Feng for a look.

Liu Feng didn't say anything. After taking a look at the photo, he didn't say yes or no.

"This is difficult to say that it is simple but not easy...but one thing is certain is that it can be done."

After all there was good news, Wu Tianxin let out a sigh of relief.

"I can check, but it's hard to say if I can find it."

As soon as Liu Feng spoke, he carefully looked at Wu Tian's eyes, for fear that he would suffer a devastating blow from the opponent if he said something wrong.

"It's like this... Although there are not many people in our county, there are people coming and going. I can't guarantee that he must still be in the county now. So I can only try to find it."

"Yes, you can tell me any news you find, it is urgent to me! But you can rest assured that money is not a problem."

While Wu Tian was talking, he nodded to Long Yun, who directly took a money box.

When you opened the contents, it turned out to be a stack of banknotes.

This number can be hundreds of thousands at least.

Liu Feng's whole person was going crazy, he didn't think that he could make so much money just by helping such a small or small favor. But without a word, he buckled the box and held it quietly on his chest.

"Don't worry! Leave this to me!"

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