Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 804: Stabilize the military

The hand often used by Rong Rong really made Wu Tian feel a bit hateful, but he had no choice but to watch the situation worsen bit by bit.

"Let's see if there is any way to alleviate this matter, it will be too bad for us to go on like this."

Wu Tian frowned, finally feeling good, and suddenly he became unhappy.

"I can only do my best for this. I know people from the propaganda department of some websites, who can help us control the situation a little bit." Although Wu Zaiyao said so, her expression also showed that she was not so about this matter. Rest assured.

"You can do your best for this. Don't worry about it. If you do it, it might be counterproductive." Wu Tian exhorted a few words and told Wu Zaiyao to leave first. He wanted to be quiet and see if there is any What a good way.

It's just that Wu Zaiyao just left here, and the secretary at the front desk on the other side kept calling here, saying that several university presidents wanted to meet Wu Tian.

What I was worried about really came. These universities especially value public opinion, so when something happened here, Wu Tian responded very quickly.

"Let them in." This kind of thing cannot be avoided, and I must face it.

Wu Tian took a sip of wine to hide his sadness.

Several headmasters walked over like bitter melons.

Wu Tian greeted him with a smile on his face. These are the universities that had actively signed contracts with him before, and they are also the partners that Wu Tian cares about very much.

"Several people, what's the matter, so worried, or have a glass of wine, this is the precious red wine of Chaerguo, and it is easy to get it."

The principals looked unhappy. They saw that Wu Tian was still so indifferent at this time. Could it be that they don't know what happened to them now?

"Mr. Wu, there is already a storm of public opinion on the Internet."

"You have to think of a way quickly, or if this continues, won't our cooperation be over..."

Looking at the appearance of several principals, Wu Tian laughed instead.

"Are you so worried about the rumors on the Internet? You are engaged in education and scientific research. You must know that the spread of rumors can be much faster than the truth. Therefore, you have not looked at what the truth is about. Just come over and ask me a question?"

The principals who Wu Tian said were speechless.

What he said was so right, the principals immediately realized that they were indeed doing something wrong in this matter.

"This is the clarification we just released. You see, the amount of reading is only so small, what does it mean, isn't it that people don't care about the truth of the matter at all? They don't care, don't you principals do not care?"

"Um... Mr. Wu, we didn't mean that, we just wanted to ask what happened... After all, we are a university. If the direction of public opinion is wrong, we will be the most impacted."

A principal said helplessly. The reason they were anxious was not because they were afraid of being splashed with dirty water, but because they were afraid that the research institute project was cancelled.

Then the hope they finally saw will be dashed.

Wu Tian shook his red wine glass and took a sip.

"Don’t worry, Huadao’s real estate project has nothing to do with my Wu Group. It’s Nanhe Group’s business. You can check it. I can also provide you with the photos of the contract, so what else can you do? Don't worry?"

For this purpose, it is already very impressive.

You know, who will show it to others casually.

"If you say that, I'm relieved. If you haven't said it, we are willing to endorse this matter to Wu Group."

The principals completely dispelled their doubts and left with joy.

Wu Tian frowned slightly. I'm afraid there will be no way to eliminate the impact of this matter for a while.

The only chance is to do something that will excite people across the country.

And it has to be difficult enough, large enough...

Thinking about it, there is only one that no one else has done.

Wu Tian quickly dialed Wu Zaibin's phone.

Soon, some fat guys raised during this period of time hurried over.

"Mr. Wu, you are looking for me."

Wu Jaebin has always been in charge of the affairs of Goryeo. Since he is currently negotiating with Goryeo, other things have been kept on hold. He is very leisurely.

"How is the purchase of the island?"

Wu Tian is already a little too impatient to wait. If a rocket can be launched as soon as possible, as long as it can be successful, it will definitely be able to reverse the current public opinion situation.

"Now that the negotiation has reached 75%, it should be resolved within two weeks."

Forget it, Wu Zaibin, this progress is already very fast. If it weren't for the Goryeo government's great need for funds, this matter would definitely have been delayed longer.

"It's too late, we must speed up." Wu Tian frowned and took a sip of wine.

"I'll go and find a way for you. You must buy it this week, and then you will be ready for construction now."

Wu Zaibin didn't expect Wu Tian to be so anxious, so he nodded and agreed.

I originally thought that I could continue to relax for a while, but it seemed that this idea was also impossible.

"To take that Hong Sang-tae, I request that a rocket must be launched within a month."

Wu Tian now intends to bet all his treasures on this matter.

Things here finally stopped for a while, Wu Tian sighed and went downstairs, wanting to find something to eat in the cafeteria.

This is not time for dinner, but the kitchen still prepares a piece of noodles for Wu Tian, ​​and it is too late to do anything else.

Wu Tian just sat down and was about to move his chopsticks, a figure approached and sat in front of him.

The screaming food is more fragrant than Wu Tian's food.

Looking up, this person is not someone else but the bamboo pole.

"Why did you eat?" Wu Tian didn't feel anything bad at all. It would be nice to have someone with him.

"Yes, just finished moving." The bamboo poles are very good, and he knows that without Wu Tian, ​​he wouldn't have everything he has now.

The bamboo poles ate quickly. He already put down his chopsticks and watched Wu Tian eat with piercing energy.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Wu Tian felt this line of sight, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

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