Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 808: Attack the secretary

Wu Tian really felt that he was going to die.

Why these things are more troublesome than one.

Finally thought that he had solved the matter of Tianying's teaching, but the result seemed to be a hornet's nest, and the boss was recruited.

Su Cancan's frosty expression was also a bit uncontrollable at this time, and he became a little nervous.

"Tell us carefully about what is so good about this leader."

Wu Yingqiu shook his head helplessly. This matter can't be solved by telling them.

"The leader is very strong, but I have never seen what he looks like. He has never appeared in front of us."

It's really not that Wu Yingqiu didn't want to say this, but that she really didn't know.

"There is one week left. In this way, we can go to the market to make some preparations. If it doesn't work, contact the police."

Wu Tian rubbed his temples, feeling very upset in his heart.

When Chang Zai Rong arrived at this time, he still left a back hand for himself.

Since this is the case, then simply don't give Chang Zairong any time or opportunity.

After leaving this place, Wu Tian hurriedly called out Tang Yan and Guan Ruonan.

The two of them have been here for a while, but Wu Tian has been very busy recently, and there is no time to estimate the two of them.

It was finally time for the two of them to play.

Looking at Wu Tian's appearance, the two girls clearly felt that he seemed to be under a lot of pressure.

"Mr. Wu, what's the matter with you?" Guan Ruonan frowned. She knew Wu Tian's personality. As long as it was not when it was very troublesome, she would never show her worries.

"There have been a lot of things recently, let's not talk about this, let me talk about something that is closely related to you, this period of time is annoying for me, don't worry, let you do something right away.

Wu Tian took out a file bag from his side, handed it to Guan Ruonan, opened it, and found Chang Zairong's personal information inside.

"This is Chang Zairong's information, and it is what we can find now. But it is still very incomplete, so I don't think it is of much value. Is there any way you can target this person."

Ever since Chang Zairong came out, Wu Tian has always felt that he was fighting against himself, and never stopped at all.

It seems that Wu Tian is already pierced in the flesh. If he is not removed, I am afraid there will be more trouble waiting for Wu Tian in the future.

"This person does not own any industry, but his reputation is particularly high and his contacts are extremely wide. This is why he can be the president of the China General Chamber of Commerce."

Guan Ruonan has always wanted to fight this person, so she understands the situation better, after all, she is also the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

"Then what are the weapons we can use? Since he is relying on this, can he only attack his prestige first?" Wu Tian thinks this kind of person is the most troublesome, he can just quit, but in fact those People will still listen to him, because he can control countless enterprises across the country. This energy is really great.

"Well, should we just use the beauty trick?" Tang Yanrou had been listening by the side just now. Suddenly she seemed to have some thoughts and said something like this.

Guan Ruonan laughed directly.

"Sister Tang is still naive. Such a person will never tell a woman important things." Such a method would definitely not be effective against him.

"No, no, you may not know that Chang Zai Rong's side has always been with a secretary. I saw them when they met my dad."

Tang Yanrou's words have obvious inclinations, and they obviously intend to start from this place.

"Secretary?" Wu Tian slapped his lips, which was a pretty good breakthrough.

"Well then, let's explore this person's fictitiousness. This secretary is definitely not that easy to deal with. It's better to be careful."

Wu Tian nodded slightly. It's useless to say this thing just by mouth.

After making up his mind, Wu Tian called Wei Jiaming on the spot and asked him to investigate who the so-called secretary was.

It is convenient to have such a professional person to do this kind of thing. Once things are explained, Wu Tian waited for only one day's event, and he got Wei Jiaming's reply.

After receiving the news, Wu Tian hurriedly took the two girls out of the door.

This time because it was an investigation, in order not to be recognized, Wu Tian deliberately went to Su Wenxin and asked for two more masks.

Wei Jiaming was already waiting for them in an unremarkable receiving shop outside.

Seeing Wu Tian coming, he quickly walked over, and several people sat by the window, pretending to be strangers.

"How's it going?"

Wei Jiaming took out an envelope from his body and poured out a dozen photos from it.

"I went to monitor them last night. The secretary you mentioned should be him. His name is Zhang Zerui. He is the old secretary who has been in Rong for many years."

Those photos are all photos of Zhang Zerui, and even those near his home.

"Is that him?" Wu Tian took the photo and looked at Tang Yanrou next to him. This was easily confirmed.

"Yes, it's him."

Since the goal has been determined, the only thing left is to figure out a way to get this guy done, and see if he can get a handle on Chang Zai Rong.

Since he is a personal secretary, he must know a lot of secrets.

"Let's investigate his house, maybe there will be some delivery, but if it doesn't work, we will use some means."

Time is running out, and Wu Tian can't afford to wait. The best thing is to be able to get this Chang Zai Rongji done before the Tianying Sect makes a big attack.

Without the gold master, Tianying Church's desire to attack should also be greatly reduced.

After all, if it is possible not to head-on, Wu Tian is still very happy to comment on this situation.

Under the leadership of Wei Jiaming, the four people quickly sneaked into the vicinity of Zhang Zerui's home. It is said that he is more than 40 years old, but he has always been single.

This is good, Wu Tian can save a lot of things, but such people are generally very hard, and without the shackles of their family members, they can give up their hearts.

When the time was right, Zhang Zerui was about to return. Wu Tian packed up his belongings and prepared to sneak into his house.

Guan Ruonan and Tang Yanrou wanted to go, but they were still left by Wu Tian to guard the car.

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