Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 812: The truth about the protest

There are really a lot of people here, and there are thousands of people just holding things up and shouting.

To deal with such people, we cannot use strong methods, but we cannot surrender, because once they surrender and satisfy their wishes, they will immediately face the possibility of making progress.

"You find me a set of ordinary people's clothes." Wu Tian told Long Yun, he wanted to get in and see what these people are like.

In order not to attract attention, Long Yun even parked the car far away.

Both Wu Tian and Long Yun put on inconspicuous clothes, and Liu Yueyao was sent to talk to these people.

The infiltration of the two of them can be said to be no problem at all. These protesters are from everyone, and there are even some children who say nothing is wrong.

Because they occupied the road, the police have been persuading these people, but the results are not very good.

"Oh, are we here late?" Wu Tian walked into the crowd with an anxious expression, and started talking to the people next to him very familiar.

A young boy next to Wu Tian looked at Wu Tian without any doubt.

"No no, are you a replacement? Come here so early?"

Wu Tian heard that there was something in his words, and immediately knew that this matter might not be that simple, so he nodded quickly.

"Yeah, didn't I misread the time? I thought it was late, but it seemed that it was early. By the way, this time?"

The young man smiled and stretched out five fingers underneath, looking at Wu Tian triumphantly.

"It's enough to demonstrate and protest here today. By the way, how much money is there for you."

Suddenly asking about this, Wu Tian's sensitive sense of smell immediately noticed that there was probably an improper transaction in it. No wonder why these people were so hard, it seems that someone should have invited them over on purpose.

"I don't know this yet, I'm here on the first day..." Wu Tian had no choice but to slap haha, because he didn't know anything.

"They are too picky. We stand here for a day and only give two hundred yuan. If the price is not raised, I will say nothing tomorrow." The young man also felt that the money was too much. not enough.

In fact, you can easily earn hundreds of dollars by doing anything in city s. This little money is indeed not attractive to people. This is why the people here are all the elderly and those who have no jobs. The reason for the person.

"Hey, isn't it just to make money? This is not shameful." Wu Tian said with a smile, and he met Long Yun's eyes.

On Long Yun's side, a voice recorder was exposed inside her cuff. Of course, they weren't all prepared to enter this protesting team.

"Hey, you said we did this, the police would arrest us..." Wu Tian pretended to be a little nervous and scared, and dragged the young man to continue chattering.

It seems that this is not the first time Xiao Young has come, so he is relatively clear about this.

"You are so worried about this. Let me tell you, have you seen so many people here? As the saying goes, you don’t blame the public, and ah, so many old men and old ladies, they don’t even understand what they are protesting, and the police will arrest them They? If you want to catch it, you must first catch us this living person."

Hearing what this young man said, Wu Tian felt it made sense, and nodded. As he was speaking, there was a commotion in front of him.

"Everyone squeezed forward and looked a little excited."

A modest voice came from the crowd, and soon the crowd began to move according to his command.

"This is?" Wu Tian didn't know what was going on, so he quickly asked the ‘senior’ next to him.

While following the crowd, Xiao Young explained to Wu Tian: "This is the commander on the spot, and the person who pays us. It is said that if we perform well, we will get a bonus."

When it comes to this, Wu Tian has the energy instead.

"How can this be considered a good performance?"

"Of course it's more radical behavior. It's best to have an argument or conflict with the engineering staff, and then you have to pretend to be a victim. Oh, but I don't think anyone will do this. Why bother, money Not a lot."

Wu Tian listened, nodded thoughtfully, and began to squeeze toward the front of the crowd.

The scale of these thousands of people is really not small. If it is really counted as two hundred per person, the cost of this day will have to be hundreds of thousands to millions.

It seems that these people are really willing to pay for the capital.

When he got to the front, Wu Tian could already see Liu Yueyao talking with these protesters.

With a speaker in her hand, she was talking about the benefits of this project to the grandparents below, but no one wanted to listen to it.

Wu Tian got to the front, and was also among the aunt and grandpa. When he first saw him, Liu Yueyao was stunned.

What the **** is this guy doing.

Wu Tian held a sign in his hand, which was picked up from the ground on the way here.

It says clearly, "I oppose Huadao and protest against Wu's family."

"Against the Huadao Project! You are destroying our environment!"

Wu Tian shouted loudly, and immediately the business of the audience began to become quiet, and everyone looked at him.

Liu Yueyao only felt that she was a little bit confused. What the **** was this? How could Wu Tian... mess with herself? He was originally asked to come over and help him solve the problem, but this guy went to the end to engage with these people. Demonstration?

Although he had already begun to turn the rivers and seas in his heart, Liu Yueyao still pretended not to know Wu Tian on the surface.

"Sir, why do you oppose this project? Our project is obviously beneficial to the local area, and it also increases a lot of employment opportunities..."

Liu Yueyao simply pointed to Wu Tian and looked at it as a question, and behind her smile was a suspicious face.

"You even asked us why we oppose it? Have you ever considered how we feel when you build such a large island? I have been swimming in this place since I was a child. If you are reclaiming the sea, won't I have no place to go in the future? My childhood memories are gone!"

Wu Tianxin casually made up a reason, referring to Liu Yueyao's face with black lines.

This ghost place doesn't even have a village, how could anyone swim in this place.

"Mr., where do you live? As far as we know, there are no people living in the surrounding area for several kilometers. When you were a child, you probably didn't run ten kilometers to swim in this place, right? The beach doesn’t seem to be very good...there are rocks everywhere..."

Liu Yueyao began to refute Wu Tian very gracefully. Although she smiled gracefully on her face, she had already complained about Wu Tian in her heart.

"This..." Wu Tian was asked a very sharp question, and he was stunned. He hesitated to look at the crowd below, and saw that all the aunts and grandpas were staring excitedly. When he looked at him, he felt even more energetic.

"Why, when I was a kid, I liked sports, can't it?" Although the reason was far-fetched, Wu Tian still bit his neck to say it.

Liu Yueyao looked helpless, and it was difficult for him to expose Wu Tian's lying.

"In that case, please show your identity document. If it is really a person near here, then we will compensate you."

Of course, this little excuse couldn't stop Wu Tian, ​​and he immediately began to play tricks again.

"That won't work, you can't stop me from demanding the rights I deserve in this way."

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