Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 819: Routine and layout

But if they, experts of foreign nationality, have mastered the key technology, wouldn't it be that Wu Tian and the others have been severely pinched.

This is what Wu Zaibin is worried about.

In the field of aerospace, everything involved in it is very confidential. Contains a lot of technological level in it.

"It's not that I don't trust these experts, it's really that if they are asked to go back by Korea, won't we be in trouble?"

Wu Zaibin still has this kind of precautionary consciousness.

Of course Wu Tian knew what he was talking about, but things couldn't be handled so easily.

"We can't do much about this matter now. Let's let them bring some newcomers. Later, we will do research and development on that island. The main work will be done in our country."

What they discussed is very reasonable, the only bad thing is that it has nothing to do with them now, and it is still far away.

"By the way, how is the brainwave game project you were doing before?"

Wu Tian suddenly remembered this matter, and it took a lot of time to implement it.

"It is said that it is almost done, but some repair work is still being done."

Wu Zaibin didn't expect him to ask at this time, and thought that Wu Tian had already forgotten this thing.

"Now can we take out mass production for sales?"

Hearing Wu Tian's question, Wu Zaibin was a little confused.

"Well, our product is still under development... If we sell it now, it seems a little inappropriate..."

"What do you know, let's quickly get the packaging up and get a preemptive version first."

Wu Tian made a smirk. He has been thinking about this for a long time. The product launch actually has a routine, and there are many articles in it.

"Early version...If our products are not made well, won't they be scolded to death by then..."

There are many examples of this, especially Wu Zaibin himself is a fan of this type of product. Basically all the relevant game products on the market have been bought, and of course he knows some of their problems.

Wu Tian stretched out a finger and shook it gently.

"You don't know this, I ask you, how much do you want to sell the flowers of Double Star in China?"

"This is almost ten thousand, right."

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Zaibin said such a figure. He remembered that there was indeed nothing wrong with it. This brain wave game device was not cheap at all. Therefore, there is actually not a lot of promotion in China.

"Yes, how expensive it is, how could anyone buy it? If our early version can provide a similar experience, but only buy a fraction of their price, what do you think will happen?"

Hearing what Wu Tian said, Wu Zaibin quickly made up in his mind a scene of tens of thousands of people rushing to buy.

"Needless to say, it must be on sale!"

"Yes, but there is one more thing we have to be clear about. Everyone buys this thing and goes back for fun. If there is no game, it will definitely not work, so we must launch a large-scale online online game at the same time, in conjunction with the product. roll out."

The more Wu Tian said, the more he talked, and these thoughts of him suddenly made Wu Zaibin's initiation as if he had opened up the two lines of Ren Du, and he had many ideas in an instant.

"Then I will know, leave this to me!"

Wu Zaibin replied and left excitedly.

His sister walked in just as soon as it was finished here. When she came in, she was still wondering why they both looked so happy.

"How is your situation?"

"I have already posted the manuscript. There is no large-scale dissemination on the Internet. Many people are maintaining this Chang Zai Rong."

Wu Zaiyao is not satisfied with the result, but she has no good solutions.

Wu Tian sighed, it is reasonable for things to be like this.

In the past, the Wu Group Company was hacked so badly. It is actually very difficult to eliminate the impact in a short period of time. Not to mention that they are now distributing negative news that is often in Rong, but it makes many people feel that they are It is deliberately confusing.

"Continue to post, it's best to find some key and corroborating evidence." Wu Tian was also helpless. This is the case without a killer. He can only talk about things that cannot be proved.

But the offensive of this wave of public opinion is not at all ineffective. After reading these reports, many people do think that Chang Zai Rong is problematic.

Of course, he, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, is not a jar of clear water, how could it be so clean, so naturally there are things that can't meet people.

"I will try my best. This is not always a good choice for us, and public opinion will not always move in a good direction."

Wu Zaiyao is not particularly optimistic about this matter. She has been engaged in these things all year round, knowing that sometimes things like public opinion are not so simple to guide regulation.

"There will be a solution behind us." Wu Tian can't give Wu Zaiyao more now, only to make her more confident.

This side was still talking about things, Guan Ruonan suddenly rushed in very nervously, not knowing what happened, and she started to feel a little distracted.

"what happened?"

Wu Tian's heart was a little nervous at first, to be honest, every time he saw others like this, he was also a little nervous.

"Tang... Tang Yanrou is gone!"

"Did she go somewhere to play, or did she go out?"

Wu Tian thought it was something, but as soon as it sounded like this, he was immediately relieved.

But Guan Ruonan did not put away his panic.

"No, she would tell me no matter what she was going to do before, and she just disappeared this time."

Hearing Guan Ruonan's words, Wu Tian had to smile and stood up.

"In this way, let's go to her room and see if there are any clues left."

With that said, the two hurried over. Tang Yanrou's room was very clean and tidy, and it seemed that there was almost no debris.

Just on her desk, you can easily see a piece of paper.

Guan Ruonan quickly trot over and picked up the note.

"She... she went to the China General Chamber of Commerce?"

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