Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 822: Company system

Wu Tian smiled helplessly. If he could, he hoped that the security team would never be dispatched.

When they are needed, it is tantamount to a very critical time.

"Okay, let's go quickly, I threw a smoke bomb on the second floor, which deceived them."

Wu Tian let out a sigh of relief. The operation just now was really critical, and it was fortunate that he had something like this on his body. Otherwise, no one would say anything about what would happen later.

On Chang Zairong's side, after almost all of them had withdrawn, watching the smoke on the second floor slowly began to diminish, and there was no flame.

"Is this really on fire?"

Many passersby were watching the excitement next to them, and they began to mutter in their hearts.

Chang Zai Rong called his security captain and asked him to take people in.

But then the security returned the news, saying that there was no fire anywhere, and there were no signs or traces of fire inside...

As a result, he didn't understand why the alarm went off and why there was smoke.

Chang Zai Rong was also very curious at this time, but immediately realized something was wrong.

He immediately rushed into the building like a gust of wind and ran to his room to check.

Sure enough, there was no trace of the woman just now, but fortunately, there was nothing very messy in the room.

Explain that at least no one wants to take this opportunity to spy on their own intelligence.

As for that woman, Chang Zai Rong didn't care much anymore, she probably ran with the crowd.

After returning to the company, Tang Yanrou felt embarrassed and apologized under everyone's eyes.

"I'm really sorry everyone, and made you worry about me." Tang Yanrou didn't expect Wu Tian and the others to react so much.

Originally, her intention was to get close to him to spy on some information.

"Next time no one is allowed to do things like this again. No matter what you think, you should tell me everything. I don't allow anyone to make sacrifices in any form."

Wu Tian said with a serious face, this is not a joke, this is his sincere intention.

"Okay, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first." Su Cancan actually said this and didn't mean to ask for anything, so he shook his head and left.

Wu Tian looked at her back without speaking.

"The situation outside is not so optimistic now, I understand what you are thinking, but such things will definitely not be done in the future."

Tang Yanrou lowered her head, and she could see that she was also criticizing Wu Tian, ​​and she accepted it very humbly.

"By the way, how did you get to his side, is Chang Zai Rong so easy to approach?"

Wu Tian was actually very curious about this. You have to know that Zhang Zerui said before that this guy is very careful and doesn't trust outsiders easily.

"This... back then, my father didn't often talk to Chang Zai Rong. I once saw the woman Chang Zai Rong took with him. I just dressed in that woman's style..."

Tang Yanrou's strategy can be said to be very simple, but it is also very effective. It makes people feel a little ridiculous. If it is replaced by others, it is really impossible to do such a thing.

Can't think of such a way.

"Well, don't do anything like that in the future. We should have gained a lot today."

Wu Tian smiled. At this time, Wu Zaiyao had already walked in.

She was holding a pile of photos in her hand, which turned out to be hundreds of photos on the table.

"Fortunately, I have always sent people to stare at the door of the China General Chamber of Commerce. You see these people are some of the famous big bosses of China."

This is big news. Although there is nothing particularly big here, what these people fear most is the scandal.

Especially the various messy things in these people are piles and piles, and there are even people and other people who are enemies to each other... But they appeared in the China General Chamber of Commerce at the same time...

Not to mention the disheveled and sparsely clothed women around them...

At this time, everyone took a deep breath. Originally, it was only to find Tang Yanrou, but in the end, they didn't expect that Wu Tian would have fished out so many big fish in this China General Chamber of Commerce.

"Now we don't have to worry about it. You can do this quickly. We are waiting for your good news."

Wu Tian finally felt a little relieved, and returned to his room to take a rest.

Long Yun was standing at the door of his room at this time, seeming to have something to do with Wu Tian.

Just watching Wu Tianzhen come over, Long Yun immediately raised her head with a serious face.

"What's the matter?" Wu Tian looked at Long Yun, and he couldn't tell what he was in. In short, it was very complicated.

To be honest, he didn't want to understand what happened to Long Yun.

Suddenly, it turned out to be for Chen Cheng, which turned out to be such an attitude towards himself.

"I heard that your action was very successful. But I still want to say that it is very useful for us to leave Chen Cheng." There seems to be no emotion in Long Yun's voice.

"Now I am not in the mood to tell you these things."

Wu Tian's face suddenly began to become a little unpleasant, he was originally angry because of this.

"I got a list from Chen Cheng. It is information about big business owners who are concerned about Chang Zairong, and some information about private transactions..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Tian stretched out his hand and interrupted Long Yun.

"Okay, I'll talk about this later, do whatever you want. Don't tell me, I'm very tired now and need a rest."

With that said, Wu Tian walked into the room and then closed the door with a plop.

Long Yun was eaten a closed door, and this scene happened to be seen by Wu Zaibin who was passing by.

He was holding some food in his hand and was eating while smiling.

"Oh, Secretary Long seems to have fallen out of favor..."

Such a weird speech quickly got the direct stare from Long Yun.

"There are regulations in the company that it is not allowed to eat in such places!"

Wu Zaibin is not scared, there are still regulations to restrict such things?

"Don't talk, it's impossible..."

Long Yun walked over like Lei Li, and she reached out and snatched the snacks from Wu Zaibin's hand.

He threw it into the trash can next to it.

Long Yun stared at Wu Zaibin's eyes and said word by word: "I suggest you take a good look at our company's newly revised employee code, Chapter 3, Article 21, which contains clear regulations."

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