Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 837: Police admission

Fortunately, because in Wu's Castle, a group of people soon gathered around.

Su Cancan took the people to the infirmary for diagnosis and treatment at lightning speed.

The remaining people began to find ways to put out the fire at the door.

Everyone's expressions were a little ugly at this time. Everyone knew that they would be in danger, but no one thought it would be this way.

Moreover, the other party actually wanted to assassinate Wu Tian at the cost of a life. This post-fruit is too serious.

"You don't have to worry about it here, do you know what you should do?"

Su Cancan looked at Long Yun and followed him in a panic, knowing that she was worried about Wu Tian, ​​but the most important thing at this time was not that she was worried here.

When Long Yun heard Su Cancan say this, she was stunned, and then nodded.

"I will investigate what happened to this person now."

If this person has nothing to do with Tianying Church, it is impossible.

Long Yun wouldn't believe this anyway, she hurriedly returned to the gate and had to conduct an investigation before the police arrived, otherwise they would not have the opportunity to check the clues at the scene.

Although most of the security team members are retired soldiers, this is the first time many people have seen this kind of thing. Seeing the meat on the floor caused by the explosion, many people vomited on the spot.

Looking at them like this, Long Yun was suddenly out of breath.

"You guys, you are not as good as me! What are these things? What disgusting!"

Hearing Long Yun's Centrino, many people lowered their heads, but the work in their hands became even harder.

After all, no one wants to be looked down upon by a woman.

The explosion caused great losses, not only Wu Tian was injured, but also several security guards who were on duty at the door, and two died in the explosion.

The remaining ones were also injured in varying degrees.

At this time, Long Yun arranged for someone to gather information from nearby surveillance cameras, and on the other hand, she began to look for things that might be left on the site.

On the other side, Wu Tian is receiving emergency treatment from Long Yun's father.

The sacred hand of medicine is indeed well-deserved. This long wound, after Long Jaian poured a kind of secret powder on Wu Tian, ​​quickly stopped the bleeding.

But this was not enough. Long Zaian disinfected with alcohol again, and then began to suture the wound.

The stitching speed was very fast, before and after it did not exceed ten minutes, Wu Tian's wound was processed.

Wu Tian's screams could be heard continuously in the entire infirmary.

"Come on, you killed the pig? As for, isn't it just stitching up a wound."

Su Cancan looked at Wu Tian disdainfully from the side. Although she was a knife mouth, she was relieved in her heart. Fortunately, the injury was just a trauma, which looked scary and not very serious.

"Grandma's, or you... try... Brother, you guys give me an anesthetic somehow..."

Wu Tian was struggling to speak, and he dared not let go of the roots of his teeth.

"Okay, the wound has been treated. I put the latest wound band-aid on you, with pain-relieving ingredients on it, so you won’t be so painful later. As long as it is not a special distance activity, you may not feel it. I am already injured."

Long Zai'an patted his hand, and seemed quite satisfied with his achievement.

"Thank you Uncle...Oh, don't you say it, it really doesn't hurt anymore..."

Wu Tian suddenly became happy, his heart is too big...

"Okay, I guess it's just an appetizer, I have to say, your judgment is really right."

Su Cancan also had to admire Wu Tian's ideas at this time. If he hadn't decided to let himself come to this place, if the explosion happened in the Wu Group Building, no one would dare to predict what would happen.

"Grandma's, these guys are here, they used this method..." Wu Tian was also very depressed in his heart. He was not afraid of anything else, but this opponent didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

Shouldn’t the Tianying Church send out a head-to-head single-handed battle? Why did it set up a bomb...

The more he thought about it, the more Wu Tian felt depressed in his heart.

Soon, the police came, and there was no way for the police station to accept such a big incident.

The nature of this case is very bad. If it is more serious, it can be judged to be a terrorist attack.

Sun Hongsheng was bored and looked at the mess in front of him with a serious face.

This was the first time he saw a suicide bombing attack. This scene was really tragic.

Blood was everywhere, and some tissues of the attacker were still hanging in many places... Many policemen couldn't help but vomit when they saw this scene.

"Hurry up and investigate! Pull up the cordon!" Sun Hongsheng greeted loudly, and walked inside.

Long Yun stood at the door and waited for them for a while.

"It's you again... it's your bad luck, or something, I feel as if someone is targeting you. Did you offend someone?"

Last time, there was a fire in Wu's Castle. This news can be said to have shocked City S. Many people thought it would definitely burn many people to death.

It turned out that they were really all alone, but the chairman of the Wu Group seemed to be seriously injured.

As far as this result is concerned, Sun Hongsheng really took a sigh of relief. To know that there were serious casualties, their police station was also responsible.

"Speaking of so much, you might as well take care of yourself!" Long Yun gave Sun Hongsheng a cold look, and then handed over a document.

"This is a video of the murderer, what happened just now, and his information. Take a look."

Sun Hongsheng took it and looked at it in surprise. It was the first time that he saw someone so cooperating with their police work.

When they didn't ask for anything, the woman had prepared everything the police needed, and she was still very organized.

"Thank you..." Sun Hongsheng felt a little embarrassed at this time. He really shouldn't have said that just now.

"By the way, can you contact your superiors? We really don't want to be attacked like this all the time, and see if we can provide protection for our company.

Relying on her own defensive ability is still limited after all, so Long Yun turned her attention to these policemen.

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