Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 847: Former lifesaver

A blue-gray robe, with a golden ring hanging around his waist.

This look looks like the expert who helped the master Wu Tian get rid of Zheng Taiwen and others.

The more he thought about it, the more Wu Tian felt like it, but he didn't see the face, so he didn't dare to confirm it 100%.

It seemed that this time, this person was about to finish eating, and beckoned to the shop owner.

"Boss, check out!"

Hearing this voice, Wu Tian immediately slapped the table and stood up excitedly.

That's right, that person, even though he doesn't know how he looks, but Wu Tian remembers his voice, and he can't be wrong.

Seeing this man about to leave, Wu Tian hurriedly walked over and appeared in front of this Taoist man with excitement.

I saw that this person only looked like he was in his thirties, and the project was very ordinary, the kind that couldn't be found even after being thrown into the crowd.

His eyes are small, but they are shining brightly inside, and his eyesight is very powerful.

"Gongong!" Wu Tian yelled out excitedly, and almost worshipped.

The Taoist priest was taken aback by Wu Tian. He didn't know what was going on, and suddenly someone jumped out.

"That... what are you?"

"My benefactor, you are my benefactor. Back then, if it weren't for your help... I must be dead now..." What Wu Tian said was a nose and tears. , Many people around looked over here, wondering if something particularly exciting had happened.

"Huh?" The Taoist looked blank, as if he had completely forgotten what had happened, and did not remember that he had known Wu Tian.

"Men, I didn't say anything, you must let me thank you very much." As he said, Wu Tian took him forcibly and walked toward his car.

Long Yun followed closely behind the two people, keeping her eyes on the Taoist priest, and there was no idleness in her hands. She was searching for the identity information about this person on the tablet.

The Taoist priest was so soft and soaked by Wu Tian, ​​and finally got on the car, Wu Tian quickly asked Long Yun to change to a high-end place.

If you want to thank people, how can you go to this kind of street shop, or take this master to a good meal.

"Well, you are willing to entertain me, I am very happy, but we don’t seem to know each other... I like to drink, and sometimes I don’t know if I will do something after drinking. Sorry for your place, please also Haihan."

Although the Taoist priests have a dumb face, they can be said to be seamless.

"Dao Master, don't you really remember? We were on the side of the road into the city and we were fighting on the side of the road. If it weren't for you, we would have been beaten to death now! And, you And that hoop... is so powerful, it can fly in the air!"

Wu Tian almost couldn't control his emotions. He wanted to thank this person for one aspect, and he wanted to know the secret of this hoop, but also for another aspect.

From beginning to end, he didn't figure out how the iron ring flew.

It stands to reason that this is impossible. Is there any magic reason?

The Taoist commander was still a little unbelievable at first, but when he heard about the iron ring that Wu Tian was talking about, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

"Is there such a thing? It seems that I really drank too much that day. After I woke up, I didn't feel anything was wrong. Haha."

The Taoist called haha ​​and brought the matter over, and did not answer Wu Tian's matter about the metal ring.

Although he didn't say anything, but seeing Wu Tian's eyes rolled over here from time to time, he intentionally or unconsciously hid the circle behind him.

This kind of behavior is simply saying that I have a secret here. Come and see.

It's just that Wu Tian is not a fool, knowing that the other party doesn't seem to want to tell him that simple, so he stopped pressing hard.

"Master Dao, I don't know your law name yet..."

"My name is Chen Shiran, a Taoist priest of Ming and Qing dynasties."

Knowing the name, the car almost drove to the place.

Wu Tian brought him to the best hotel in city s, which is also a big hotel under the Wu Group.

This place has always been taken care of by Shen Xue, so it is a perfect place to entertain guests.

"Chen Daochang, you must show your face today! Take it as my gratitude. If you can't come, I will feel uncomfortable for the rest of my life!"

What Wu Tian said is very exaggerated, and it can be regarded as forcing Daochang Chen to show his face.

Seeing that Wu Tian said so, Chen Daochang was too embarrassed to refuse, so he had to agree.

"It must be expensive to eat in this place..."

Chen Daochang looked at the room Wu Tian had brought him to. It was full of magnificent magnificents, and even the dining table was decorated with jade and jade.

The utensils they use are all silver products.

"Haha, Dao Chang Chen, when you get to this place, you don't need to care about the money. I will treat you today!"

In his own industry, Wu Tian certainly doesn't care about money anymore, asking the waiter to serve himself food and wine.

When he heard the wine, Chen Daochang's eyes lit up, and he even licked his lips gently.

"Give me the best wine!" Wu Tian added a sentence when he was late, which was obviously meant for this Dao Chang Chen.

Before the dishes were served, the two began to chat without a word.

It can be regarded as let Wu Tian have an understanding of the life of Daochang Chen.

At the beginning, Wu Tian thought whether this Chen Shiran belonged to any school, but when he inquired, he was just a wild crane.

Even his own dharma name was just casually hung in a gym.

The only pursuit is to drink, travel, and become immortal by the way.

Not long after, the food was already here, Wu Tian and Chen Daochang started to drink happily.

Although Long Yun was not seated, she had been sitting in a small place near the door.

She was still searching for information about this person, but she never found it.

The wine is a long time, just when the bottle cap is opened, the whole house is full of aroma.

Chen Shiran was immediately aroused by his gluttons.

After drinking for almost an hour, both of them looked a little drunk.

While belching his wine, Wu Tian pointed at the metal ring on Daochang Chen's body.

"Dao Master, you must open my eyes today, this thing, what is going on, how can it be so powerful!"

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